Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 11, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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July II. 2007
Accountant position available at Meyer Memorial Trust. View
position profile and application process at www.mmt.org
.Applications due by July 23, 2007.
C lassifieds / B ids
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
tor valuable information on how to A t business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
Advertise with diversity in
<ri" )Jortkniì» (O b serv er
www .portlandonline.eom/omf'purchasing
City Of Portland
M t. Tabor/W ashington Park Interim Security and Deferred
Service, Passion,
M aintenance Project
C o m m itm en t, Excellence
Group # 3 Bids Due: July 2 4 .2 0 0 7 , by 1 0 :0 0 AM
These words describe Albina Head
Start Inc. If these w ords describe
y o u , jo in o u r te a m o f c a rin g
p ro fe s s io n a ls . A lb in a
p o s itio n s a v a ila b le in th e
follow ing areas:
Non- M an d ato ry Pre-Bid M e e ting: July 1 2 .2 0 0 7 . a t 1 0 :3 0 AM
At 0AME - 4134 N. Vancouver, Portland. OR, 97217
Plans available M ay 21. 2007, at the OAME Plan Center, Daily
Journal of Commerce, Ford Graphics, and McGraw-Hill Plan Center
Scope includes: AC Paving, Landscaping, Cast in Place
Concrete, Rebar (M aterial & Labor), Metal Fabrication, Metal
Installation, Corrosion Protection, I & C Security System,
Plumbing, Electrical
Contact: Scott Austin at (503) 769-1969orscotta@ slayden.com
P.O. B o x 2 4 7 , S ta y to n , O R 9 7 3 8 3
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 7 6 9 1 9 6 9
Fax: ( 5 0 3 ) 7 6 9 - 4 5 2 5
W e a r e a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n it y e m p lo y e r a n d r e q u e s t s u b - b id s f r o m
a ll
in t e r e s t e d f ir m s , in c lu d in g , m in o r it y , w o m e n , e m e r g in g s m a ll b u s in e s s
e n t e r p r is e s a n d d is a b le d v e t e r a n s .
OR CCB # 157045
City Of Portland
Mt. Tabor/Washington Park Interim Security and Deferred
Maintenance Project
Group # 2 Bids Due: July 1 7 ,2 0 0 7 , by 1 0 :0 0 AM
Non-M andatory Pre-Bid M eeting: June 2 6 ,2 0 0 7 , a t 9 :0 0 AM
Location: PCC Cascade 705 N Killingsworth
Parking passes will be available at the door
Plans available May 21, 2007, at the OAME Plan Center, Daily
Journal of Commerce, Ford Graphics, and McGraw-Hill Plan Center
Scope includes: Ornam ental Security Fencing & Gates, Site
Furnishings (Material), Rough Carpentry/Gypsum , Architectural
Mill W ork, Joint Sealants, Doors, Frames & Hardware (M aterial
& Labor), Glass & Glazing, Acoustical Suspension System,
Painting, and Interior Accessories
Family Services
Health Services
Mid M anagem ent
Adm inistrative Support
Job Announcem ent, Application
P a c k e t, & Jo b D e s c rip tio n s ,
available at www.alblnaiobs.org or
3417 NE 7th Ave. Portland, OR
97212 Closing date: July 13, 2 0 0 7
Femhill Estates, LLC is a deficiency
free skilled nursing facility in a
q u a in t n e ig h b o rh o o d in NE
P o rtla n d . W e a re p re s e n tly
searching for a LPN for our Night
shift. If you a re in te re s te d in
learning more about us and our
wonderful staff, please call Shelly
Caliman-Rogers, DNS, RN or Mary
Beth at (503) 288-5967.
Femhill Estates, LLC is hiring for a
part time Dietary Aide/Cook fo r
evening hours. W e are a nursing
fa c ility loca ted in a ch a rm in g
neighborhood in NE Portland. This
p o s itio n w o u ld be a g re a t
o p p o rtu n ity fo r a s tu d e n t or
som eone looking for part tim e
e v e n in g h o u rs . If yo u a re
interested in this position, please
call Mary Beth at 503-288-5967
or stop by for an appointm ent at
5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland,
OR 97211
Fem hill Estates, LLC
is hiring for a
Interview ing im m ediately for full­
time reporter. M inim um 3 years
experience required. Send tapes
and resum e; Attention: Program
Director - 0234 SW Bancroft St.,
P o rtla n d , O re g o n 9 7 2 3 9 . No
phone calls. Equal O pportunity
Star Park is lookingfor individuals
with excellent custom er service
skills and a positive attitude to join
o u r te a m o f p a rk in g fa c ility
o p e ra to rs . P o s itio n s in clu d e :
Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier,
and Valet, with O pportunity for
a d v a n c e m e n t. No e x p e rie n c e
necessary, m ust be dependable.
C 8ty o f P o r t i a n d
B ureau o f P u rc h ase s
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renew al Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is in te rn a tio n a lly recognized fo r its q u a lity o f life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system . Playing a
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica’s most livable
cities is the Portland Developm ent Com m ission’s mission. PDC is
the City’s urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together
resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e’re currently lookingfor
qualified individuals to com plem ent our workforce for the following
Administrative Support to Director
Principal technical Accountant
8.50+/hr, m edical, dental, 401k
w/m atch, sick & vacation pay.
Programmer Analyst II
Chief Financial Officer
Senior Project Coordinator-Housing
61C SW Alder Street Suite 1221
Portland, OR 97205
Senior Project Coordinator-Economic Development
Senior Project Coordinator-Business Finance Officer
PO S ITIO N : Senior Administrative
Specialist Apprx. M onthly Salary
$3,240 - $4,987
Deadline: 4:3 0 pm 7/18/2007
Position: The Sr. Adm inistrative
S p e c ia lis t fo r th e B u re a u o f
H o u s in g
C o m m u n ity
Developm ent (BHCD) independ­
e n tly p e rfo rm s a d m in is tra tiv e
s u p p o rt f u n c tio n s fo r B H C D
p ro g ra m s . P le a s e v is it o u r
website at:
h ttp :/ / w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s /
job s/ or contact Jarvez Hall, Sr.
Human Resources Analyst, (503)
823-5738. The City of Portland
is An Equal Opportunity Employer
W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep
PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values
diversity in its work force and is com m itted to
Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action.
Apply online at w w w .pdc.us/jobs
Portland Developm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Retirement Living
Westmoreland’s Union Manor
6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202
5 0 3 *2 3 3 *5 6 7 1
Marshall Union Manor
2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209
E xecutive
5 0 3 *2 2 5 *0 6 7 7
C.N.A. for evening shift and night shift.
Contact: S co ttA u stin a t(5 0 3 ) 769-1969orscotta@ slayden.com
P.O. B o x 2 4 7 , S ta y to n , OR 9 7 3 8 3
P h one: (5 0 3 ) 7 6 9 -1 9 6 9
Fax: ( 5 0 3 ) 7 6 9 - 4 5 2 5
W e a r e a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n it y e m p lo y e r a n d r e q u e s t s u b - b id s f r o m
Femhill is a deficiency free facility
a n d w e a re p ro u d o f o u r
wonderful staff. If you would like
to work for a quality organization,
please call Shelly-Caliman Rogers,
RN, DNS at 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 9 6 7 or
com e by for a tour and application
a t 573 7 NE 3 7 th A v e n u e ,
Portland, OR 97211
a ll
in t e r e s t e d f ir m s , in c lu d in g , m in o r it y , w o m e n , e m e r g in g s m a ll b u s in e s s
e n t e r p r is e s a n d d is a b le d v e t e r a n s .
E le c tr ic a l In s tru c to r
($ 32,635 - $ 43,000 per year)
OR CCB # 157045
The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) invites proposals for the
provision of the follow ing services on an as-needed basis:
• Painting
• Building m aintenance
• Floor covering
• Asbestos/lead/m old abatem ent
• Landscaping.
It is the intent of the Housing Authority to award multiple contracts
for the provision of these services, thus creating a pool of qualified
providers for “on-call" assignm ents.
Proposals m ust be received no later than J u ly 2 0 ,2 0 0 7 a t th e
lo c a tio n s h o w n b e lo w . Proposals received after this date and
tim e sh a ll be co n sid e red late and will be returned to the
proposer(s) unopened. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be
To ensure proper identification and handling, proposal envelopes
shall be identified with the Proposal title, RFQ number, and the
nam e and address of the Proposer.
C o p ie s o f th e s o licita tio n p ackage can be d ow n loa d ed by
a ccessin g the follow ing web site:
http://www.hapdx.org/Business/solicitations.htm l
or can be obtained at the Housing Authority of Portland main
office, Purchasing, Fifth Floor, at the address below, M onday
through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Proposers who download a copy of the RFP should fax in the
registration form provided within 24 hours in order to be added
to th e plan holders' list and thereby be assured of receiving any
The follow ing address serves as the solicitation pick-up location,
th e su b m itta l location, and th e d estina tion address fo r all
associated com m unications:
Housing Authority of Portland
Attn: Je rry Walker, Purchasing M anager
135 SW Ash St., Fifth Floor
Portland, OR 97204
5 03 -80 2 -8 5 09
HAP encourages participation of disadvantaged, minority-owned,
w om en-ow ned and em erging sm all businesses in this and all
HAP projects.
S killed Electrical Tradesperson
needed to provide instruction to
students ages 16-24 in a career
technical training program. Must
h a v e v a rie d a n d in -d e p th
experience and knowledge of the
e le c tric a l tra d e s or a ca d e m ic
certification equal to teach such
a trade.
Please send letter of interest and
resum e to:
Springdale Job Corps Center
Attn: Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Colum bia
River Highway
Troutdale, OR 97060
All responses must be received no
later than July 20, 2007
Equal Opportunity Employer
M etro
Set-up Custodian. $ 1 2 .9 9 -
$14.63/hr, FT. Deadline: 7/18/
07. Perform s clean up and set-up
tasks at the Oregon Convention
Center. This opportunity is open
to First O pportunity Target Area
resid en ts (Colum bia Boulevard
on the north; 42nd Avenue on the
east; the Banfield Freeway on the
so u th , and N orth C h a u tau q u a
Boulevard on the w est), whose
to ta l a n n u a l in co m e d oes not
exceed $25,000 as an individual,
o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire
h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d re q u ire d
a p p lica tion m aterials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a com plete packet
at M etro Hum an Resources, 600
NE G rand Avenue. Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
Kirkland Union Manors
3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266
5 0 3 *7 7 7 *8 1 0 1
Kirkland Union Plaza
1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660
3 6 0 *6 9 4 *4 3 1 4
This is a strategic position within
ODOT, w orkin g directly with the
Agency D irector as a m em ber of
the Executive Team. Driven by
ODOT's organizational values, the
D e p u ty D ire c to r e x e rc is e s
leadership and vision in managing,
le a d in g
c o o rd in a tin g
s ta te w id e
p ro g ra m s
a nd
le g is la tiv e e ffo rts to a c h ie v e
fiscally sound, efficient programs
to support the operating activities
and objectives of the agency.
O D O T is s e e k in g a d y n a m ic
professional with a proven track
record o f strategic policym aking
and the a b ility to d evelop and
support a creative and innovative
environm ent. Candidates with a
minimum of 8 years’ progressively
re s p o n s ib le
m anagem ent
experience and/or experience in
the public sector are encouraged
to apply.
The annualized equivalent of the
m o n th ly s a la ry range e xte n d s
from $71,952 to a ne gotia b le
current m axim um of $111,312
based upon qualifications, skills
and experience.
Please visit the ODOT w ebsite for
additional inform ation about this
e xc itin g o p p o rtu n ity, in clu d in g
a p p lic a tio n
in s tru c tio n s ,
m inim um q u a lific a tio n s and a
detailed position description.
Log on to www.odotjobs.com - Search
for Announcement #OCDT73 11
This position is considered Open
U n til F ille d ; h o w e ve r, th e
application screening process is
expected to begin on or about
A u g u s t 6 , 2007.
M a te ria ls
received after 5:00 pm (Pacific
Tim e) on August 6 ,2 0 07 may not
re c e iv e c o n s id e ra tio n at th e
agency's discretion.
O re g o n 's
T ra n s p o rta tio n
D e p a rtm e n t is a n
E m p lo y m e n t
O p p o rtu n ity /
Affirm ative Action employer. We
v a lu e a w e ll-tra in e d , d iv e rs e
w o rk fo rc e a s a s tra te g ic
a d v a n ta g e in s e r v in g o u r
custom ers and stakeholders.
• Studio & O ne-B edroom A partm ents with K itchens
• A ffordable Rents with No Buy-In or A pplication Fees
• G arden Areas & Planned A ctivities
• Easy A ccess to Bus Lines & Shopping
• Federal Rent Subsidies A vailable for those that qualify
T D D 5 03 *7 7 1 *0 9 1 2
.y/c b'iv.li
W 7 / Z / W Z /
These are just a lew of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information
are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs
page at: www.oregonjobs org. The State ot Oregon otters employees competitive
salaries and comprehensive benefits that Includes employer paid health
Insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership
v “t »,
In the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP): and opportunities
to participate In the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State ot Oregon
J* ’
and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
(PERS) - Tigard
To review th e jo b description, m inim um
qualifications, test questions, and instructions
www.oregon.gov/pers. EOE/AA.
• Retirement Counselor 1
Customer Service Division
Announcement #LE070375
ODOT People drive Oregon s Departm ent of
Transportation. If great benefits, a professional
work environment, job Innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive you. then come to ODOT.
• Administrative Assistant
Salary: $ 2,306 $ 3,337/m onth
Announcement »0CDT7400 Salem
■ Construction Program
Salary: $ 2,702 - $4.O 58/m onth
Announcement »0CDT74O4 Salem
• Transportation Services
Representative 1
Salary: $2,119 $3.O 44/m onth
Announcement #OCDT7098 Klamath Falls
• Traffic Data Analyst
Salary: $2,457 - $3,679/m onth
Announcement #0C DT7096 Salem
• Structural Designer
Salary: $3,287 $4.9 3 2 /m o n th
Announcement #0CDT7405 Salem
• Air Quality Specialist
Salary: $3,287 - $4,932/m onth
Announcement #0C DT7398 Salem
• DMV Customer Service
Group Manager
Salary: $ 4 ,7 0 5 - $7.279/m onth
Announcement »OCDT7372 Salem
• Senior Right of Way Agent/
Project Manager
Salary: $ 3 ,8 0 9 $5,713/m onth
Announcement «0CDT7094 Bend
Building Careen. Bridging the Future.
jo b
ann ouncem ents
qualifications, requirements, and instructions on
how to apply for these jobs. Go to
www.odotjobs.com for a complete copy or call
5 0 3 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 503 986-38541 to request
by mail. ODOT is proud to operate as an equal
affirm ative
Announcements w ill be m ade available in
alternate form at upon request: (503) 378-6202,
TTY 1 8 0 0 9 9 3 8 8 9 8