luiy 4.2007__________________________________________ JJortlanò ©bseruer Pa¿ y lrîS k ENTEOTAINMENÏ Caught in the Middle ofIntergalactic War Autobots and Decepticons Battle in ‘Transformers’ In “T ran sfo rm ers” T yrese G ibson stars as Sergeant Epps, who discovers that he is one of the first present-day humans to come up against robotic pow er­ ful aliens, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. The earth is caught in the middle o f an intergalactic war between the two races of alien robots. Anthony Anderson por­ tra y s G le n , a h a c k e r w ho stra te g iz e s w ith the m ilitary group to come up with a plan of attack to save the world from the battling Transformers. Also starring as part o f the battling military team are Josh D u h a m e l, R a c h a e l T a y lo r, Spice Girls Reunite for Tour "Girl Power" is back with the announcement that the Spice Girls, who topped charts in the late 1990s, are reuniting for a tour and greatest hits album. Ginger, Sporty. Posh, Scary and a heavily pregnant Baby Spice told a press conference in London last week that the tour would take place in December and January and would be accompanied by a television documentary about the band. "Girl power is back, we’re going on the road, we’re touring the world," Emma "Baby Spice" Bunton said in a promotional video shown to the press before the five girls appeared on stage at London's 0 2 arena. The five-m em ber band is the latest in a long line o f pop acts to bury past differences and reform, and they will be hoping for suc- broke into song, "T ransform ers, more than meets the eye. T rans­ form ers, robots in disguise!" A nderson says proudly, "I can sing more o f the song. I actually o w n e d O p tim u s P rim e and M egatron when 1 was grow ing up. 1 liked O ptim us Prime the best. I played with that guy until he fell apart. But most im portant, he and his fellow soldiers are the first line o f defense when it com es to defending his country, her people and her allies. Anderson has appeared in over 20 films and has earned three N AACP Image Award nom ina­ tions. Oregon Tie to Woods’ Baby Picture British girl band The Spice Girls (from left) Victoria B eckham , M elanie Chisholm , Gerri Halliwell, Em m a Bunton a n d M elanie Brown p o s e for the m ed ia a s th ey arrive a t the Greenwich Royal Observatory in London cess w here many others have failed. The Spice Girls boasted album sales of 55 million during their me- Michael O 'N eill, John Turturro and Jon Voight. Paramount Pic­ tures opened Transform ers na­ tionw ide on Tuesday. Like every other boy his age, G ibson was a fan of Transformers action figures and a huge devo­ tee o f the television series. “ 1 used to watch the cartoon every day when I got home from school,” he says. ‘‘W ho would have thought a cartoon you loved as a kid would end up being such a milestone in your life as a grown man? It’s crazy how things hap­ pen.” When Anderson was asked if he was fam iliar with T ransform ­ ers action figures, he immediately teoric career, and hits including "Wannabe" and "Say You'll Be There" topped charts across the globe. (AP) - Tiger Woods and his wife, Elin, didn't want some high- profile celebrity photographer to take the first professional pic­ tures of their new baby. They picked Gretchen Dow Mashkuri, who lives on a farm east of Salem and doesn't have a Web site or even a business card. The birth of Sam Alexis Woods was announced June 18 on the golfer's Web site. Mashkuri told the Statesman Journal newspaper in Salem that her brother's sister-in-law is the Woods' interior decorator. She was recommended be­ cause the new parents wanted someone who is unknown — and she is a mother of four and lives on a farm. A contract she signed pro­ hibits her from discussing many details of the job. But she did say she can tell how proud they are to be parents. Tiger W oods, left, holds his newborn daughter S a m Alexis W oods a s wife Elin k is s e s the baby on the head. S a m Alexis, the first child for W oods and his wife, w as born June 1 8 in Orlando, Fla. July 18, 2007 Unflinching Life o f a Super Freak Rick James’ raw, tell-all confessional The Confessions of RICK JAMES “ MEMOIRS Of a SUPER FREAK’ by Rick James The life of super freaky "King of Punk Funk," Rick James, who miraculously survived numerous trips to hell and back, is told in a new scintillating autobiography. James penned the revealing, raw, salacious and brutally candid story w hile incarcerated in California’s Folsom State Prison from 1993-1995, and finished shortly before his death. The result is The Confessions of Rick James - "Memoirs of a Super Freak" by Rick James which promises to be one of the most honest and un­ flinching looks at life in the fast lane ever written. James has written the ultimate tell-all confes­ sional with the emphasis on the all.' He goes behind the tinsel curtain of fame into the private lives and closely guarded secrets of who did what to whom in bed, on stage and between the legal lines. In short, the book makes for some very juicy reading by a man who once called himself "the black Marquis de Sade." Despite Jam es' remarkable musical talents and pioneering accom plishm ents, he was often better known for his extravagant lifestyle, ex­ cessive drug use, kinky sex-capades, and the brutal violence that eventually landed him be­ hind bars. But in his final years, James cleaned up his life and was intent on refocusing his legacy on his music. Interest remains strong in the larger than life persona w ho behind it all was merely searching for love. James died of a heart-attack in August 2004. THE ALAN BROADBENT L.A. TRIO @THE OLD ALAN BROADBENT 1 V W F * catering by A Simple Elegance KMHD 89.1 FM presents in association w/Fendel-Allen Productions The Alan Broadbent L.A. Trio Tickets available during the KMHD Spring pledge drive June 14—June 17, 2007 or by calling 503.491.7271 or at JULY 23rd at 7 p.m. cA-Tb. hMfiami Leon’s Barber Shop Shop 503 282-2920 Cell 503-309 4488 Lee Williams The Spiritual OC’s 1319 NE Freemont St Portland. OR 97212 8 am - 8 pm Tues.-Sat — (T A T I TASM State Farin’ Providing Insurance and financial Services J Homn Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 Performing live at the Convention Center Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97?17 503 786 1103 Fax 503 286 1146 erme bill h5tnb@statefarni com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® For more information call Wally Testa Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon Washington 503 2 6 7 75 8 6 cell 503 249 1903 office 503 249 6527 fax w te sfa W co m ca st net PROPERTIES. UPROOTED ENTERTAINMENT 5 0 3 -8 7 5 -1 4 2 5 Or visit: Tickets available at the following outlets (To c h a rg e by p h o n e c a ll) : T ickets W est 1-800-992-8499 • O ne S top R ecords 503-284-2435 Multi Million $ Service I ® t 1