Page A3 July 4. 2 00 7 Gordly to Retire in ‘09 launched her po­ litical ca reer in 19 9 1 w hen she se rv e d th re e term s in the O r­ eg o n H o u se o f R epresentatives. Sen. Avel G ordly, an In 1996 she made independent represent­ ing northeast and south­ state history by becoming the first east Portland, has an­ nounced she w on’t seek w oman elected to reelection next year and the Senate, and in w ill fin is h h e r te rm Sen. Avel Gordly 2006 renounced through January o f 2009. partisan politics in As the 2007 L egislative Session the Legislature by switching her wrapped up last w eek, Gordly said party affiliation from D em ocrat to she plans to transition her work in the lone Independent. G ordly will return to Salem in public policy to her alm a mater Port­ land State U niversity, where she’ll February o f 2008 when legislators serve as an adjunct associate pro­ are planning to return for a month fessor in the D epartm ent o f Black long session, marking the first time Studies. the state legislature will meet on an G o rd ly , a P o rtla n d n a tiv e , annual basis. Senator w ill teach at PSU Summer Scholars com prom ise the bill's supporters agreed to rem ove a portion that would open up limited public access to grand jury transcripts in deadly use o f force cases. SB 111 -C is considered a victory for Rep. Chip Shields, a Democrat representing north and northeast Portland, and Senators Avel Gordly (¡-Portland) and M argaret C arter (D- Portland). Dear Deanna! I feel th ere'sadifferencebetw een honesty and not telling the whole truth in a relationship. My hus­ band has the tendency to leave out im portant facts. I’ve learned that he’ll tell me what he wants me to know and when I find out other things, he claim s he forgot. How do you forget that you have a child, how do you forget that you got fired and how do you forget you have a wife. In other words, h e’s living a double life and I d o n ’t know what to do? —Carol; Shooting Suspect W anted tives believe he is in the An arrest w arrant Portland area, but he is was issued T uesday for 25 -year-old Chri s- also known to frequent Sandy. topher Blaine Gaston in connection w ith P olice say G aston may be using a m otor­ the June 15 shooting cycle for transportation o f five individuals in the 9600 block o f and should be consid­ N o rth C la re n d o n ered arm ed and danger­ A venue. ous. A nyone w ith infor­ G aston is charged with attem pted m ur­ mation in the investiga­ Christopher Gaston der and assault with tion is asked to call D e­ a firearm. He is described as a 5- tective Mark Slater at 503-823-9319 foot-9,160-pound w hite male with or D etective Jon Rhodes at 503- brown hair and hazel eyes. Detec- 823-0559. diversity Charleston, S.C. Dear Carol: Y our marriage is m issing trust and com m unication which are the strongest staples for a solid rela­ tionship. There are also some is­ sues with you that may cause your husband to be intim idated so h e’s forced to lie about every­ thing. However, there are no e x ­ cuses for his double life in which he has com m itted adultery. The both o f you need to invest in a therapist to sort out your issues, organize your m ess and clear the ‘"Print Participate in Democracy Vote ~ I Return your ballot by mail or drop ifo ff at any designated voter dmpsite. Call 1-866-673-8683 to find a location near you. “ ’^Linrtlatxb (O h sm w r 'C ity of R o « t ’ I st.iblishcd m 1970 tfdumr XXXIV • \ . .Inch-. • October ¡1 2004 C o m m iilcJ to C d h ra l P i t io Election 1 Ballots On Way Week in lheRcview 1e«n Itef c« *4 JftrrVhiM i A I7y»< ild S«Ntta pri M u
■ toul» had dtoort «d «UM » ■ i km w / T iik P o k i i w n O n si m i k Students take a break between Summer Scholar classes that started last week at Benson High School. Charging between $155 and $205 a half credit, the Portland Public Schools program gives students a chance to make up a class, improve a grade or receive special tutoring. Bill Addresses Deadly Force A .•.tale bill affecting police offic­ ers' use o f deadly force narrowly passed in both the house and senate just one hour before the 2007 legis­ lature adjourned. The bipartisan bill will require police in every county throughout the state to develop a plan to reduce the use o f deadly physical force and to cope with the aftermath of such incidents. However, in a last minute p i l o r o in Ask O want to get married. I realize that I have to answ er to him, my life will change and I lose all o f my freedom . Is there anything I can do to feel belter about this w hole thing? — AnonvwtoM.s; On-Line Reader Dear Anonymous: Real People, Real Advice An advice column known fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! air o f the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personalities. You can feel better by realizing that y o u ’re not ready for marriage. You may want the benefits o f finance, sex and entertainm ent, but y o u ’re not ready for the idea o f a com m it­ ted marriage. Have a talk with your boyfriend so that he doesn’t spend money or make any investments know ing you have cold feet. M ar­ riage is a blessing and a benefit. You may need to re-evaluate this situation and be the bigger person and make the right decision to walk away. and fingerprints everyw here and my carpet is ruined. Then to make m atters w orse, she uses my deter­ gent and cleaning supplies. I work full-tim e and I am stressed because they’re ruining my place. How do I handle this? —Stressed Grand Ma; Glen Hurney, Md. Dear Grand Ma: Your grandson and your d augh­ ter both need discipline. You have to realize the toddler is going to be a handful and h e’ll be into every­ thing on a regular basis. This is no ex cu se b ecau se y o u r d au g h ter should be teaching him a few things. H e’s at a curious stage but he can use a few taps on those little hands when they wander. Put your foot down to your daughter that she needs to take care o f her child and stop being a freeloader or she’s out and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! Dear Deanna! My boyfriend has finally proposed and I d o n ’t know if I want to accept. I had im ages and thoughts that when it happened, I w ould feel a certain way and my life would change. My heart feels heavy and now I'm scared and not sure if I My daughter has a tw o-year old son and they both live with me. I Ask Deanna is written by Deanna have rules as far as anyone eating M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: in certain areas, cleaning up and or 264 purchasing theirow n toiletries. She S. LaCienega Hlvd. Suite 1283 allow s my grandson to run wild all Beverly Hills, (A 902! L Website: over the place, there are juice stains www.asktleanna.eoni Community Health Care in the Park I ▼ Sponsored By: Community Partners Please join us for our FREE Community Health Care in the Park People o f c o lo r •rf «MtMto. to «h» hath ««< he oim^ted Toyeu Caaay at fin d a p o litic a l f i t ■ r J ia t o tl T re Taa Mian »an Oaiea e r B«lfcv a» ti» Hovwhe Orateti Etart»«. '«UI to muhd on erf met z PsaUerfei et At «toto e» »tartu»» pr». rf»»« .«»«>«-* erf .tveallMy S a i w Krfa«ata* erfiottol Man» Aftern «ns •» Wetting Paar Cto» » tveySM 0 t y *. pry. In i the. . povtoty 1-vl »<«» Fixity « fenih tfMw, «."«•»< »•> trt»tyhyttonr»to«r»< !'►■ a ttaeraelv Mitoilta«* Aman < • • , to. Xrftoc 20 mi II ot » .tail ««..»namt-ar «!' I»> *•<► «« oantwy Mtota»-" <*tt.»e*V ta> cove bwk t»«i»a « .«»• an»< e«l «si < » « » tk in ( nthelhetplav a«ar e«J lea taareelet cambea*» » M r A « * * * a Mr*«ai f t * t * arm Sam Oram ana laWaatmai <'■«<» ' e e n toa m v n r r The A araetel CAwnwoi tvmi, r wW » « «W » «< Ttototo«» WateerttdAew •«»«« totto.-tod hiktort. • Ttodr» pr»'«« lh. .»(re. *<’ • t ehehW <«to to**.«», erf rvly a tato» e la ■tahe.d K«ry n prauaiara at "The Fanaee tap a» C«a»J 1». Da ? • * * * • - ‘ “ ‘ •'■'’ S ' The intonate M «hNhrrwt polli, tlpeur. rta»Mtov>. erf|>e«'urta Ow totoarty w»t erf'Wikhpety aitar tort ■ »« > e A tv e Anaee* 9e twd b etoenoneto «tt N-olor aanrtr.t a. >UU- hy vralM te«« eri "W «la< . »rf»M». «dar. «>iil rtnanrtoa taytlyryo*p