Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 04, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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    ‘ 53ortlanù ©bseruer
Page A2
luly 4. 2007
Democratic Candidates Address Inequities
Debate raises black
community issues
D em ocratic
P residential
h o p e fu l S e n .
B a ra ck O bam a, D-
III., g r e e ts a crow d
o f su p p o r te r s a s
h e a rrives for a
te le v is e d D em o ­
cratic p re sid e n tia l
c a n d id a te s d e b a te
a t H ow ard Univer­
s ity in W a sh in g to n ,
D.C. (AP p h o to )
(A P ) — If Bill C lin to n w as the for D em ocratic candidates, w hich
"first b lack p re sid e n t,” his w ife w as why all the p resid en tial c a n ­
and B arack O bam a are vying to d id ates w ere sure to take part in a
be the second.
d eb ate focu sed en tirely on is­
O bam a. the only black running sues facing the black co m m unity.
for the W hite House, cam e into a P olls show that blacks are clo sely
d eb a te at p red o m in an tly black d iv id e d b e tw e e n O b a m a an d
H ow ard U niversity Thursday night C lin to n , w ith o th e r ca n d id a tes
with the crow d on his side, chant­ gath erin g less support.
ing his nam e as all eight Democratic
D em ocratic strateg ist D onna
candidates posed for pictures on B razile, w ho serv ed as D em ocrat
stage. But Hillary Rodham Clinton A1 G ore's cam p aig n m an ag er in
appeared to win m any o f them over 2000, said the debate gave O bam a
in an im passioned perform ance that an op p o rtu n ity to in tro d u ce h im ­
addressed th e iran g ero v er inequal­ se lf to m any b lack v o ters w ho
aren't fam iliar w ith him after he
"If H IV /A ID S w ere the leading served ju s t 2 1/2 years in W a sh ­
ca u se o f d eath o f w h ite w om en ington. "H e d id n 't knock it o u t o f
b etw een the ages o f 25 and 34, the park," B razile said, ad ding
th e re w ould be an o u trag e d o u t­ that C lin to n w as a standout.
cry in th is co u n try ," C lin to n said
"She clearly u n d ersto o d that
in the b iggest ap p lau se line o f the these issues d eserv e u rgent a t­
night, bringing audience m em bers ten tio n . and she co n n ected on
to th e ir feet.
that," Brazile said o f the New York
B lack voters are a loyal base sen ato r.
S e n . Hillary C linton, D-N. Y.
She also is m arried to form er
President C linton, so w ildly popu­
lar am ong black voters that n o v ­
elist T oni M orrison dubbed him
"the first black p resid en t" in a
1998 essay.
W hile the tw o p rev io u s d e­
b ates focused larg ely on Iraq,
there w ere no q u estio n s about
the w ar this tim e. S om e c a n d i­
d ates in jected Iraq into th eir an ­
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Have you seen me?
Missing and Exploited Children
E d w ard s said.
S aid O bam a: "It starts from
b irth ."
O bam a, who is the son of a black
Kenyan man and a w hite Kansas
w om an, shared a bond with the
largely black audience that no other
candidate could claim . All the can­
didates decried the Suprem e Court
ruling earlier in the day that rejected
school diversity plans in Seattle
and Louisville, Ky., saying it turned
back the prom ise o f integrated
schools that the court laid out 53
years ago in its landm ark decision
in Brown v. Board o f Education.
O bam a o ffered h im self as a
pow erful exam ple o f a beneficiary
o f B row n. "If it h ad n 't been for
them , I w ould not be standing
here today," the Illin o is sen ato r
Presidential Candidate Speaks at Benson
IJorthmb (Dhsmier
sw ers, saying they w ould use the
m oney spent on the w ar on d o ­
m estic p rio rities and w inning a p ­
p lau se for the prom ise.
The debate's m oderator, T avis
Sm iley, steered the candidates to
other issues that m atter to black
America. In turn, the candidates
said those issues m attered to them.
"T h is is s u e o f p o v e r ty in
A m erica is the cau se o f my life,"
by R aymond R endi . eman
T he P ortland O bserver
Presidential candidate Dennis
K ucinich made a point out o f visit­
ing Benson High School Sunday, a
cam paign event that packed the
Benson auditorium .
C a m p a ig n o ffic ia ls said the
northeast Portland school was se­
lected as the site for the rally to
highlight K ucinich’s com m itm ent
to diversity.
The O hio D em ocrat sees the
nation is at its strongest in diverse
neighborhoods like those that sur­
round Benson, w here there are
many kinds o f hom es, businesses
and other uses m ixed together. He
en v isio n s su ch n e ig h b o rh o o d s
across the country w orking to ­
gether towards a peaceful and sus­
tainable world.
He also finds a place for O regon’s
rural areas in his worldview , point­
ing out the positive attributes of
P o rtlan d ’s b u rgeoning farm er’s
“ Y ou see in som e o f the farm er’s
m arkets throughout the state that
people in the cities are able to gain
access to the agricultural produc­
tion o f the nearby com m unities,
and that’s really im portant because
it enables the saving o f fuel,” he
Curbing gasoline consum ption
is key for Kucinich since he sees
the w ar in the M iddle East as a w ar
U .S. R ep . D en n is K ucinich
foroil. Cam paigning heavily in O r­
egon, w hich was one o f the few
states w here he won a sixth o f the
Democratic primary vote in 2004, he
hopes to be in a stronger position
to push for environm ental innova­
tions and subsidies as U.S. Presi­
“Oregon understands ‘green,” ’
Kueinieh says, “it's a very beauti­
ful and green state, but neither O r­
egon nor any other state wi 11 be able
to protect itself if there are n 't na­
tional policies with international
participation to save the globe.”
But d o n ’t label him left-of-cen-
ter, or he will rem ind you o f the
direction that the co u n try 's o ut­
look is taking.
“Every position that I’ve taken
in the last five years is supported
by the m ainstream o f A m erica,
w hether it’s getting out o f Iraq or
providing health care for all,” he
First iPhones Bring
About Buyer Frenzy
Endangered Missing (Non-Family Abductions)
Reyna (Gaby) Carrera
(AP) --Techies, exhibitionists and
luminaries— even the co-founder of
Apple and the m ayorof Philadelphia
— were among the inaugural group
of iPhone customers.
The latest m ust-have, cutting
edge piece o f techno-wizardry went
on the market for the first time Friday.
“ I ju st love getting new stuff,”
said retiree Len Edgerly, who ar­
rived at 3 a.m. to be first in line
outside an Apple store in C am ­
bridge, Mass. "It’s the best new
Keacheile Smith
Current Age: 15
Date Missing: May 6 .2 0 0 7
Missing From: N orcross, GA
Current Age: 4
Date Missing: May 17,2(XK>
Missing From: Minot, ND
Gaby was last seen with an
unknown male.
Reachelle disappeared under
suspicious circumstances from
her home.
Surrounded by
cheering Apple Store
employees, one o f the
first iPhone buyers leaves
the store on Fifth Avenue
in New York.
I f you have any information please contact:
The National Centerfor Missing and Exploited Children
1-800-THE-LOST ( 1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Am ericas natural healing profession.
Part 12. Regular Checkups: As important to
your back as they are to your eyes or teeth.
: I d o n 't have any serious
back problem s. W hy should
I see a C hiropractor?
: T hat is a good question.
Som etim es we d o n 't realize
that a small crick in the neck or
som e slight back discom fort is
b eginning o f larger problem s
which are often much more d iffi­
cult to treat at a later stage in life.
U nfortunately, eight out o ften
A m ericans will be struck down by
severe low back pain at one time
or another. The m echanical or
structural defects o f the back usu­
ally develop slowly and with very
little pain, but if left untreated.
may disable you for days, m onths
or sometimes permanently. The like­
lihood o f disability increase d ra­
m atically in over 30. Fortunately,
we arc able to avoid many spinal
problem s with regular, precaution­
ary checkups. Just as an eye exam
or dental checkup prevents poten­
tial problem s or corrects the prob­
lems or in its early stages, so do
Chiropractic checkups. Detected
early, spinal defects are not only
easier to treat, but may save a lot
o f pain and money, as well as
reducing the chance o fad isab lin g
spinal disorder. To arrange for
your checkup, or for answers to
any questions you might have
about your health, call our office
at the num ber below.
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock,
Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
thing th at’s com e along in a long
time. It’s beautiful.”
Even Steve W ozniak, the ex-part-
ner o f A pple C E O Steve Jobs,
show ed up at a Silicon Valley mall
at 4 a.m. aboard his Segway scooter.
He helped keep order in the line
outside the A pple store at Santa
C lara's Valley Fair Mall.
W ozniak said the device would
redefine cell phone design and use.
“Look how great the iPod turned
out,” he said.
Apple is indeed banking that its
new , do-everything phone with a
to u ch -sen sitiv e screen for te le ­
phone calls, Internet, email and
music will becom e its third core
business next to its m oneym aking
iPod music players and M acintosh
com puters.
School Assignment Ruling Denounced
T he N ational U rban L eague
and its affiliates in L ouisville and
S eattle ex p ressed dism ay in the
5-4 ruling by the U.S. S uprem e
C ourt that struck dow n the use o f
race in sc h o o l-assig n m en t plans.
L ast w ee k ’s d ecisio n strik in g
dow n sc h o o l-a ssig n m en t plans
in public sch o o ls in S eattle and
L o u isv ille sets a very u n fo rtu ­
nate p recedent that co uld end up
leg alizin g re-seg reg atio n n a tio n ­
w ide by raising the bar for ach iev ­
ing racial d iv ersity , said N ational
U rban L eague President and CE O
M arc H. M orial.
“T h e n a tio n ’s h ig h est co u rt
seem s h ell-b en t on p en alizin g
co m m u n ities such as L ouisville
that have m ade great progress in
breaking dow n racial b arriers and
found a co n sen su al and v o lu n ­
tary w ay to m aintain racial d iv e r­
sity in th eir sch o o ls, g iving all
stu d en ts - not ju st ones in a fflu ­
ent n eig h b o rh o o d s - g rea ter a c ­
cess to quality ed u catio n ,” M orial
o b se rv e d .
Seattle Urban League President
andC E O Jam es Kelly said the deci­
sion "will not deter our efforts in
Seattle to ensure that every child
gets an equal chance at an equally
good education. O ur nation cannot
expect to get to that goal in one-
size-fits-all plans so we must co n ­
tinue to persevere and form ulate
the best solution possible for our
ow n com m unities.”
Libraries Make Reading Fun
K ids are keeping track o f their
reading tim e on gam e boards to
earn prizes and o th er incentives
this su m m er at local b ranches o f
the M ultnom ah C ounty L ibrary.
L ast year, nearly 5 7 ,0 0 0 kids
and teens p articipated in the S u m ­
m er R eading p rogram w hich e n ­
co u rag es students to keep read ­
ing w hen school is out, stren g th ­
en in g skills learned in the cla ss­
room that can be lost o v er the
su m m er.
T he library hosts fun S um m er
R eading ev en ts th ro u g h o u t the
sum m er, every th in g from Pirate
M aps to S w ing D ancing to B i­
cy c le M a in te n an ce fo r T een s.
C a re g iv e rs can w in p rizes for
pre-read ers, too. by reading to
them .
Learn m ore at the S u m m er
R eading w ebsite at m ultcolib.org/
su m m er.