Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 04, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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__________ JJortlanb ffîbserüer_______
July 4, 2007
P o rii and
s e rv e r A u f©
P e v ie w
News and reviews on new m otor vehicles
2007 Dodge RAM 2500 Laramie
MEGA 4X4 Turbo Diesel
K athleen C arr
Pickup trucks are A m erica’s ulti­
mate raw material. Generic in con­
cept, these traditional work-horses
are often m isunderstood and unap­
preciated. D odge has addressed
this by creating the largest crew
cab pickup available, the Ram Mega
Cab. The 2007 Ram 2500 Laram ie
MEG A 4X 4 is immense.
T he Dodge Ram M ega cab has
the m ost spacious interior avail­
able in the full-size segm ent, with
room for six adults. The M ega leads
the market with best-in-class fea­
tures such as: 72.2 cubic-ft. o f inte­
rior cargo space, with an additional
7.7 cubic-ft. o f behind-rear seat
cargo area and a very com fortable
44.2 inches o f second-row leg room.
T he X X L cab was created by re­
proportioning the relationship be­
tw een cab and bed, adding 20-
inches to the cab and shortening
the bed to 6-feet 3-inches.
The result is acres o f luxurious
cab space w ith plenty o f head,
shoulder, leg and hip room. The
back seats are roomy and com fort­
able with the first-ever reclining
rear seats, separate rear heating
and air conditioning outlets, read­
ing lights and a center armrest. The
rear doors open big and wide, m ak­
ing it easy to load stuff. Covered
bins are provided in the rear seat
storage area store gear, and hooks
for hanging things.
T he M ega cab is built on the
D odge Ram Heavy Duty platform.
They ride and drive like heavy duty
pickups; w hich makes a lot o f sense
if yo u ’re tow ing and hauling heavy
loads. All 2007 Dodge Rams boast
C lassifieds
Fernhill Estates, LLC is hiring for a
C.N.A. for evening shift and night shift.
Fernhill is a deficiency free facility
a n d w e a re p ro u d o f o u r
wonderful staff. If you would like
to work for a quality organization,
please call Shelly-Caliman Rogers,
RN, D N S at 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 9 6 7 or
com e by for a tour and application
a t 5 7 3 7 NE 3 7 th A v e n u e ,
Portland, OR 97211
Fernhill Estates, LLC is hiring for a
part time Dietary Aide/C ook fo r
evening hours. W e are a nursing
fa c ility lo c a te d in a c h a rm in g
neighborhood in NE Portland. This
p o s itio n w o u ld be a g re a t
o p p o rtu n ity fo r a s tu d e n t o r
som eone loo king for part tim e
e v e n in g h o u rs . If y o u a re
interested in this position, please
call M ary Beth at 503-288-5967
or stop by for an appointm ent at
5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland,
OR 97211
n e e d e d by
nonprofit agency with mission to
prom ote and im prove w ellness
am ong African Am ericans living in
Oregon through health education,
advocacy and research.
Program M an ag er
Essential Functions:
M anage m ultiple Program s and
p ro v id e
o v e ra ll
p ro g ra m
su p e rvisio n to s ta ff and VISTA
V o lu n te e rs ; Attend m a n d a to ry
VISTA S u p e rv is o r tra in in g, and
recruit and hire VISTA volunteers;
M aintain current, and enlist new
partners, to help leverage agency
resources for program expansion.
N egotiate contracts with existing
and future partners; Assist CEO
and D evelopm ent Director with
visioning and preparing program
d e s ig n
re la te d
m a te ria ls ;
including work plans, grant writing
and publication tasks, for future
program s, grants and articles for
Minimum Qualifications:
Fernhill Estates, LLC is a deficiency
free skilled nursing facility in a
q u a in t n e ig h b o rh o o d in NE
P o rtla n d . W e a re p re s e n tly
searching for a LPN for our Night
shift. If yo u a re in te re s te d in
learning m ore about us and our
wonderful staff, please call Shelly
Calim an-Rogers, DNS, RN or Mary
Beth at (503) 288-5967,
S U N S i t e M g r @ Sabin Elem: FT
w/ben $33,173-$36,491, BA or
equiv; 4 yea rs exp prog dev &
curriculum dev, 1 yr supervisory
exp. Excellent human serv skills.
E m a il
o n lin e
a p p lic a tio n
w w w .p o rtla n d im p a c t.o rg and
re su m e to : " h r-io b s @ p o rtla n d
im p a c t -o r g ” NO p h o n e c a lls
please. EOE
M ore than you
ever expected...
In a place you never
If your career wish list includes
th ings like real autonom y, true
c a m a ra d e rie , m o re fle x ib ility ,
greater clinical environm ent, less
p h y s ic a l
dem ands,
lo w e r
d ia g n o s tic a c u ity , a n d th e
opportunity to work side-by-side
w ith d o c to rs and PA's, y o u 'v e
com e to the right place. And that
p la c e is a t W e x fo rd H e a lth
Sources - a nationally recognized
le a d e r in c o n tra c te d m e d ic a l
services for correctional facilities.
Please join our team as:
• An e a rn e d M a ste rs d e g re e ,
M .P.H. o r M .S.W . p referred , or
equivalent experience
• D em on stra ted kn o w led ge of
a n d / o r e x p e rie n c e in p ro je c t
m a n a g e m e n t and im p le m e n t­
ation, in clu d in g su p ervision of
both p e rs o n n e l a nd p ro je c t/
• Five (5) years of dem onstrated
e x p e rie n c e
w o rk in g in a
healthcare related position, and/
or non-profit organizations; and
k n o w le d g e o f m in o rity c a re
• D em onstrated ab ility to lead
te a m s in a c o lla b o ra tiv e ,
c o n s tr u c tiv e ,
p ro fe s s io n a l
• D e m o n s tra te d
e x c e lle n t
inte rp erson a l, oral and w ritten
com m unication skills.
• Pass p re -e m p lo ym e n t d ru g
Salary Range: DOE plus attractive
benefits package. Experience in
w orking in Com m unities of Color
preferred. Please em ail jo h n b
@ a a h c -p o rtla n d .o rg fo r a p p li­
cation inform ation.
• R N s -P R N
The Center for Student Health and
C o u n se lin g (S H AC) at Portland
State University seeks a Clinical
Social W orker for a FT 12-month,
fixed term , unranked position.
• LPNs
minimum qualifications, and how to
For co m p lete
apply goto: http://www.hrc.pdx.edu/
Clark County Jail
Vancouver ,WA
S a la ry is c o m p e titiv e and
c o m m e n s u ra te w ith q u a lif i­
Com e to th ink o f it, yo u 'll also
enjoy a very attractive salary, great
benefits, and lots of prom otional
o p p o r t u n itie s .
fu ll
c o n s id e ra t io n , c o n ta c t: E rin
Steele, Staffing Consultant
Review of applications will begin
July 18, 2007, and will continue
until finalists are identified with
expectation of filling the position
prior to the beginning of fall term
Septem ber 24, 2007.
Phone: 800-903-3616;
Fax: 412-937-88741;
esteele@ w exfordhealth.com
An Equal Opportunity Em ployer
M /F/D/V
Correspondence will be conducted
primarily by email. P S U is a n A A /E O
institution and, in keeping with
the President's diversity initiative,
w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m
d iv e rs e
c a n d id a te s
candidates who support diversity.
Specifications: 5.9-Liter 1-6 325-hp Cummins Turbo-Diesel @610 Ib-ft torque Engine; 4WD. 4-
Speed Shift-on-the-Fly Automatic Transmission: 16-City 20-Highway Mpg; $54,395 MSRP.
MEGA Ram Flexes
‘Macho ’ Cummins Muscle
big tow ing capacities, up to 15,900
pounds, with payloads o f up to
2,970 pounds.
The vaunted 5.9-liter Cum m ins
Turbo-D iesel is a straight six-cylin­
der fitted with an intercooled, tur­
bocharged induction system, with
fuel delivered via an electronic high-
pressure com m on rail system. The
advantage is additional torque, 6 10
Ib-ft that com es on at just 1600 rpm.
This engine has a reputation for
reliability and power. TheC um m ins
responds extrem ely well to part-
throttle acceleration at low speeds.
It’s a remarkable engine: the ‘heavy-
duty k ing’. The 4W D trucks have a
solid front axle and use a recirculat-
ing-ball setup steering system.
Dodge implemented a significant
pow ertrain upgrade this year. A
6 .7 -liter C u m m in s turb o -d iesel
inline-six cylinder engine ( late avail-’
ability) replaces the previous 5.9-
liter Cum m ins. It produces 350-hp
at 3,000 rpm and 650 lb-ft o f torque’
at 1.500 rpm. D odge says it’s q ui­
eter and less polluting than the 5.9-
liter and it will be available with an
industry-first exhaust brake. The’
new 6.7 Cum m ins will com e with an'
all-new six-speed autom atic that
replaces the previous four-speed
A lth o u g h it’s built to take on
the m ost dem anding task, the 2007
D odge R am 2500 M E G A is still a
surprisingly com fortable truck for
d aily use w ith p len ty o f ‘m obile
o ffic e ’ space. T he 2007 D odge
Ram is ce rtain ly w orth c o n s id e r­
ing if you are looking fo r a serious
h eav y -d u ty w ork horse. A few.
p otential d raw b ack s to c o n s id e r
are the bed cap acity and super-,
sized parking space needed; p ark ­
ing a tru ck as big as a M ega C ab
req u ires so m e care and som e ex-’
perience. W ith b o ld , p o w erfu l
and cap ab le being the th em e for
all D odge Ram tru ck s then the
M E G A m u st be th e ‘m u sc le -
bound h eav y -d u ty e n fo rc e r’ o f
this proud fam ily line-up.
_________ R eligion
Fellowship Family Crusade
“Fresh Rain 2007,” a week of fel­
lowship, outpouring o f G od’s word
and music ministries, takes place
Sunday, July 8 through Friday. July
13 at the International Fellowship
Family, 4410N.E. 122nd Ave.
The upcom ing crusade will fea­
Vickie Winans
ture a roster o f international speak­
ers and artists - many who have
been nom inated for or received
G ram m y Awards - including gos­
pel sin g e r and ac tress V ick ie
W inans. solo artist Dave Hollister,
international pastor Steven Hold
and author A postle KC Sparks.
Doors open nightly at 6 p.m. with
the show beginning at 7 p.m. For
m o re
in f o rm a tio n
e m a il
cm ashia@ tiff-usa.org or call the
International Fellow ship Family at
Gospel Artist Honored
Kirk Franklin was cho­
sen as Best G ospel Artist
last w eek at the BET
Aw ards in Los Angeles.
Franklin was selected
from a group o f gospel
musical greats also nom i­
nated in the same category
including Shirley Caesar,
K irk F ra n k lin , F red
Hammond, Dave Hollister
Kirk Franklin
and M ary Mary.
The musical inno­
vator is currently in the
studio w orking on his
seventh CD — a fol­
low-up to his multiple
a w a rd -w in n in g
"Hero" which still re­
mains in the Top 10
since its release in O c­
tober 2005.
O bituaries
In loving Memory
Funeral services were held June
25 in Rose City Funeral H om e for
Eugene Ramsey Jr., w h o d ied Ju n e
18, 2007 at age 73. He was born
April 11, 1934, in New port, Ark.,
and was raised in Portland. He
grad u ated from Jefferso n High
Eugene Ramsey Jr.
School and was a m aintenance
w orker at the M ultnomah County
Justice Center. In 1963, he m arried
Zel Stephens. Survivors include his
wife; daughters, Sheila, Chantel and
M artina; sons, Antone and M arteo;
and 13 grandchildren.
Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel
2736 NE Rodney, Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-4891
Diamond Wedding Celebration
N a th a n a n d L ois J a ck so n
o f northeast Portland celebrated
their 60th w edding anniversary
with 200 fam ily m em bers and
friends on Saturday. The special
event was held at S elf E nhance­
ment. Inc. The couple renewed their
wedding vows in a humorous and
serious ceremony officiated by Rev.
J.W . M atth ew H e n n e sse e o f
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist
Family members and friends trav­
eled from California, Texas, W ash­
ington and Illinois to share in the
momentous occasion. The couple’s
daughters, son-in-law s and grand­
son hosted the celebration.
District Association - Evening of Gospel Music
Dr. Raymon H. Edwards. Moderator, and Mrs. Lorene V. Wilder, Music
Director of the Union District Association of Oregon, cordially extends
an invitation to you to attend an
“E v e n in g o f G o s p e l M u s ic ". This event will be held Saturday,
July 7th at 6:00 PM at the New Hope M issionary Baptist Church,
3725 N. Gantenbein, Portland, Oregon, Dr. Robert Jointer, Pastor.
Featuring the melodious voices of the 75-Volce District Association
Mass Choir! This choir is com prised of choir m em bers throughout
the City of Portland. Also scheduled is the dynam ic praise dance
ministry of G-N-C, as well as "Genesis" under the direction of Darlene
Warren, and the awesom e Vis-U-Lyze Mime Ministry. Also witness
the spirited and gifted Damon Keller as he uses his m inistry of tap
dance for the Lord. You’ll also be Blessed by the gifted and anointed
Pastor Byrone Bolton. Com e early -th is is a musical event you don't
want to miss! For more info, please call 503-698-5447.
Remembering your loved ones who passed in 2007:
Davis (Moaning), Jermaine 1-1-07
Young, Charlene 1-1-07
Tillman (Sr. (.Paul Allen 1-7-07
Ellis-Davis. Patricia I -12-07
Stewart. Janice 1-13-07
Cash.ElijahG 1-14-07
Phillips. William "Leroy" 1-154)7
Taylor. Darnell 1-174)7
Taylor. Karen 1-174)7
Hopkins. Rudolph 1-184)7
Penfield-Hodges. Jeanette 1-204)7
Jackson, George 1-24-07
Sloan. Charles 24-07
Abel. Ronald Wayne 244)7
English. Marvin 2-54)7
Day. Louise 2-54)7
Shambty, Sherry 2-54)7
Cazone-Davis, Jessie 2-154)7
Holcomb. Louis 2-174)7
Muldrcw. Carrie Lois 2-20-4)7
Wells. Willie Mae 2-214)7
Barr. Billy 2-214)7
Nickerson. Nathan 2-254)7
Warren. Fherxlore 3-607
Mathis. Dim 3-74)7
Shanklin. James 3-114)7
Burk. Mary “Lisa" 3-124)7
Ford-Maxwell. Eunice 3-174)7
Rogers, Ja'Onnat Baby) 3-184)7
Smith. Davion (Baby) 3-184)7
Daehn, Brenda 3-194)7
Brown III. Samuel J. 3-214)7
Rogers. Franchone 3-21 -07
Turner. Helen D. 3-23-07
Simpson. Dale Lee 3-314)7
Richardson. Rev. Merrill E. 4-14)7
Bailey. Selena 4-14)7
Steward (Sr.), Little Richard 4-44)7
Horsley-Wade, Linda 4-54)7
Jackson. Cecil 4-114)7
Burch, Idella 4-12-07
Brown, Sharvettia 4-144)7
Johnson, Mary Alice 4-164)7
Kuby. Martha 4-184)7
Pierre. Cyril 4-224)7
Taylor. Retter 4-28-07
Collins. George 5-74)7
Taylor. Tonya 5-13-07
Leffler. Pelle Jean 5-164)7
Austin. Bessie 5-214)7
Wims. Mildred 5-244)7
Davis. Gary 634)7
Becker, Carol Ann 6-64)7
Joe. Dante LeVanoe 6-44)7
McDonald, Willie M. 654)7
Coles. Sarah 684)7
Collins. Elester 6 184)7
Roach. Charlotte 6 194)7
Taylor, Howard 6 194)7
Brown. Chloretta 6264)7
A New Worship Experience In Northeast Portland
Northwest Voice For Christ Community Church
“The Faithful C hurch” Rev.3:7-12
"K eeping It Real Jesus' W ay”
84 NE Killingsworth Street, Portland, Oregon
Worship Service — Sundays 1:30 P.M.
Prayer/fíihle Study - W ednesdays 6:00 P.M.
G ilgal: a Training M inistry (2nd Kings 4:38)
Rev. H. L. Hodge, Ph.D. — Pastor/Teacher/Life Change Specialist
All are w elcom e to com e and get a solid foundation on how Jesus
impacts our lives in the 21st century! W e will keep it real.
Email: hodgehspks@ m sn.com • w w w /nw vctrainingm inistry.com
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