Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 27, 2007, Image 7

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
OSU Stuns College
M etro
Il,r ^lorttanh (IDbseruer
Baseball World
lune 27. 20 0 7
Blazers go to
Miller for Business
First African
American to lead
team as president
Repeats as national
See story in Sports, page B6
See story, in Sports, page B6
a le n d a r
Buddhism Public Lecture
Learn about Buddhism and meditation
from international teacher T om m y Bogs
on M onday, July 2 at 7 p.m. at Portland
State U niversity’ s Smith M em orial Union,
room 236. Sponsored by the PSU D ia ­
mond Way Buddhist M editation Group,
the lecture is free to the public. For more
information, call 503-281 -3631.
Relationship Transformation
P eace-M aking, a local g roup based on
n o n -v io le n t c o m m u n ic a tio n and co n ­
scious awareness, hosts a sem inar that
includes in fo rm a tio n on how to have
better re la tio n s h ip s both p ersonally
and p ro fe ssio n a lly . Class tim es are
o n g o in g . F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , ca ll
Free Men’s Yoga
Q -L a n e /M e n S p irit, a n o n -p ro fit m en’ s
wellness netw ork, is k ic k in g o f f its sum­
m er yoga semester w ith a free class fo r
men o f a ll ages, sizes, c o lo rs, etc., on
M o n d a y Ju ly 2 at 6 :3 0 p.m . V is it
lo v e trib e .o rg /m e n s p irit fo r m ore in fo r­
Youth Sports Program
Y outh ages 10 to 16 are invited to jo in the
Police A c tiv itie s League fo r free food,
fie ld trips and sports instruction during
the National Y outh Sports Program, July
5 to 27 at Portland State University. For an
application, v isit w w w .p a lkid s.o rg .
Race for Justice
St. A ndrew Legal C lin ic w ill hold a Race
fo r Justice to raise donations fo r legal
services fo r low -incom e fam ilies on Sat­
urday, June 30 at 10:15 a.m., starting at
Madeleine Parish, 3 123 N.E. 24th Ave. A
post-event party at the parish hall w ill
include free pizza, beverages, liv e music
and awards. For more inform ation or to
register, call 5 0 3 -2 8 1 - 1500, extension 24
o r v isit salcgroup.org.
5KTram Run & Walk
A 5K run and w alk to benefit fo r the
Am erican Cancer Society takes place
Saturday, June 30 at 9:30 a.m. Participants
w ill ride the tram to O HSU and then run to
the finish line. A fte r the race, there w ill be
a free health faircom plete w ith children’ s
activities, games, food and liv e music. To
re g is te r
fo r
v is it
www.racecenter.com /tramrun.
Hand-In-Hand Festival
This free festival at St. A ndrew Parish in
northeast Portland is celebrating its 29,h
year in an e ffo rt fo r those w ith develop­
mental disabilities and those w ithout to
come together fo r a day o f fun and fe stivi­
ties. Games, clow ns, prizes, food and
music are among the highlights o f the day
on Saturday,June 30from 11 a .m til2 p .m .
For more inform ation, call Jerry Deas at
Re-Tilling of the Soil
People o f Purpose and Associates are
recruiting help and donations fo r a Re­
tillin g o f the Soil neighborhood cleanup
on Saturday, July 7. Clean up locations
in clude M aple M a llo ry A partm ents,
Jefferson H igh School and Cornerstone
C om m unityC hurch. To find out how you
can be a part o f this event, call Larry
C ollins at 503-752-8356.
Stroller Class for Moms
A re you a new m om o r have a toddler?
Get some exercise and meet other moms
at the free S tro lle r Strides class, 9 a.m.
to 10 a.m. Tuesdays and T hursday at
P eninsula Park. A ll you need is a
s tro lle r, w ater, a m at o r to w e l and co m ­
fo rta b le shoes. C a ll Helen at 503-260-
5 0 18 fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n .
me cnanenges racing local African Americans are discussed during a public resource fair. Pictured (from left) are John Canda o f Mayor Ton
Potter s office, Rob Richardson of Emmanuel Community Services and Karl Johnson of the Multnomah County Dept. o f Community Justice.
Resource Fair Brings Community Together
Needs of local
families starts
O vercom ing challenges facing the local A f r i­
can Am erican com m unity brought together more
than 250 people to a public resource fa ir w ith
entertainment and small group discussions.
The recent event was sponsored by Multnom ah
County and the A frican American Advisory Board
and L ife W o rks NW .
“ We wanted to create something that w ould be
long-lasting and able to be reproduced on a yearly
basis,” said Jackie Strong, service director at
Life W o rks N W , a mental health counseling group
that serves the local population.
contemporary A frica n Americans - including the
attitudes whites developed to justify slavery and
racism, the behaviors their ancestors adapted in
order to survive and thrive, and the need to
replace these negative behaviors w ith new ones
that w ill heal and sustain A frica n Am erican cu l­
D eG ruy-Leary is assistant professor at Port-
The day began w ith a tw o-hour keynote ad­
dress by Dr. Joy DeG ruy-Leary who talked about
on page R5
One-Day Paddle
Regatta to celebrate ‘hidden
gem’ in our backyard
The Columbia Slough Watershed Coun­
c il presents the 13th Annual C olum bia
Slough Regatta in north and northeast
Portland on Sunday, June 29 from 9 a.m. to
I p.m.
This annual celebration o f the slough is
the largest one-day paddle in Oregon.
Last year the Regatta attracted more than
2(X) boats and more than 500 paddlers,
jo in e d to paddle on the slough, a “ hidden
gem” o f our local waterways.
Paddlers can expect to see a variety o f
w ild life , including great blue herons, bald
eagles, beaver, raccoon and riv e r otter.
T h e easy canoe access at the
M ultnom ah C ounty Drainage D istrict,
1880 N.E. Elrod Dr., provides safe slack
water paddling appropriate fo r all skill
Before and after paddling participants
can enjoy refreshments and music by a
local M arim ba band. They can also visit
w ith local organizations, play games and
learn about the history o f M ultnom ah
County Drainage D istrict.
Participants can bring their own hu-
man-powered watercraft and safety equip-
ment, o r can reserve a canoe o r kayak
through the council fo r a free. 45-m inute
rental w hich includes paddles and per­
sonal flotation devices.
A n optional donation o f $7 per person
is greatly appreciated and helps support
C olum bia Slough Watershed Council pro­
grams and events.
T o reserve a canoe or kayak contact
K a tie at 5 0 3 -4 5 9 -7 6 7 4 o r e m a il at
katie.meckes@ columbiaslough.org.
Paddlers can
expect to see a
variety o f wildlife
including great blue
herons, bald eagles,
beaver, raccoon
and river otter.
Canoes and kayaks meander through calm waters for the Columbia Slough
Lawyers Give Back to Parkrose Kids
A group o f young lawyers are encour­
aging underprivileged students to read,
w rite and develop mature relationships
through a pen pal mentorship program at
Parkrose M iddle and H igh Schools.
Organized by the Young Lawyers Sec­
tion o f the M ultnom ah Bar Association,
the attorney volunteers were recently
Youth Summer Sports
J u ly 5 through Ju ly 27, the summ er
yo u th sports program is held on the
Portland State U n iv e rs ity campus, p ro ­
v id in g lo w -in co m e youth ages I Oto 16,
w ith sports in s tru c tio n , fie ld trip s, a
free m edical exam and tw o free meals
d a ily . R e g istra tio n is open now . V is it
p a lk id s .o rg .
paired up w ith the students for an end o f
the year party. Before the visit, the stu­
dents and attorneys corresponded via
hand-written letters w hile reading the same
W hile the novels provide the students
and volunteers w ith interesting topics for
their letters, most end up talking about
their personal lives.
Teachers say they've seen this pro­
Interstate Farmers Market
A farm ers m arket is held each W ednes­
day through Sept. 26 fro m 3 to 7 p.m.
ju s t o f f Interstate A venue between
O v e rlo o k Park and the Interstate K a i­
ser Permanente Campus The m arket is
know n fo r its va rie ty o f q u a lity fresh
local produce, baked goods, cut flo w ­
ers, artisan cheese, meat and fish.
how the legacy o f slavery still affects the lives o f
gram give their students encouragement
to read, w rite and take a more active part in
their education. They say students who
miss several days o f class are always
Students Paris Ryce (from left), Corrin Wagner and Inessa Cazac sit across
the table from their mentors, attorneys Samantha Lebeda, Audrey Baker and
Kristin Abel.
present the day the letters arrive.
on page liS
Woman Makes
Rosarian History
For the first time in the 95 year his­
tory o f the organization, Portland’ s
Royal Rosarians have elected a woman
to serve as their Secretary o f State, a
post that usually leads to Prime M in is ­
ter and head o f the c ivic group.
Sue Klobcrtanz works as the Revenue
Bureau Director fo r theC ity o f Portland.
She grew up in southeast Portland, at­
tended Clackamas High .School and re­
ceived an undergraduate degree in po­
litical science from W illamette U niver­
sity and a masters in urban planning at
the University o f Oregon.
Klobertanz says she considers it a
"huge honor and p rivile g e " being the
first woman elected Secretary o f State.
“ It reflects the diversity o f the com ­
m unity and how Rosarians arc chang­
ing to reflect that diversity w hile con­
tinuing the traditions that make the
organization great." Klobertanz said.
Organized in 1912. the Royal Rosa­
rians arc the o ffic ia l greeters and am­
bassadors o f g in x lw ill fo r the C ity o f