íl’1 ^Jnrthmh (©bsertier lune 27. 2007 F ood 1 he mission ot th e ' Food Section is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments and/or family recipes you would like to share with us. Addressemailstofoods@portlandobserver.com Ingredients Grilled Sweet Pepper Poppers • l/4 -cu p sour cream • 16 sw eet mini peppers • Shredded C heddar & M onterey Jack cheese blend • I tom ato, cored, seeded, and chopped • l/4 -cu p chopped red onion • I /4-cupchopped C ilantro leaves • 1/2-tsp. kosher salt These pretty little gems are the perfect zesty appetizers fo r every­ one gathering around the grill. M Directions 1. Spoon sour cream into a 1 -qt. ziplock freezer bag; seal and chill. 2. Prepare a charcoal or gas grill for direct, m edium -high heat. 3. W hile grill heats, rinse peppers and cut in h alf lengthw ise through stems. Scoop out seeds and veins. 4. In a bow l, mix cheese, tom ato, onion, cilantro and salt. Spoon mixture evenly into pepper halves, pressing it into hollow s. 5. Lay filled peppers, cheese side up, on grill (close lid if using gas), and cook until blistered and slightly charred on the bottom s, 3-5 minutes. 6. W ith a w ide spatula, transfer peppers to a clean platter. Snip o ff a corner o f the chilled sour cream bag to m ake a 3/4-inch opening; squeeze sour cream equally o ver the hot peppers. Serve im m ediately. SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life Tequila-Lime Grilled Chicken Breasts “After trying many different grilling Page AS “ s ///zs ,s best and my per- < J W B w W t t L A j F a B M k l . -zz.zZ/,/i, -z z/, Ingredients • 3 bone-in, skin-on chicken — breast halves (about 2 1/2 - tj lbs. total) • 1 cup cilantro leaves, finely chopped • 3/4 cup tequila • 1/2 cup lime juice • 2 Tbs. firm ly packed light brow n sugar • I 1/2 Tbs. m inced garlic • 1 fresh jalapeno pepper, stem m ed, seeded, and m inced • 1 tsp. kosher salt • 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper • 3 tsp. finely grated lim e peel • vegetable oil (for oiling grill) *1. Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak Lean G round B eef n Signature Garlic Mashed Potatoes .... - EXl F tEME il V / .UE «aBIB» Bone-in. 0 0. Directions 1. Rinse chicken and pat dry. W ith a sharp, heavy knife, cut each breast in half crossw ise for a total o f 6 pieces. In a large glass o r plastic bowl, com bine cilantro, tequila, lim e juice, brown sugar, garlic, jalapeno, salt and pepper. A ddchicken pieces and mix tocoat with m arinade. C over and let stand at room tem perature for 30 m inutes. (D o not m arinate longer, because the acid in the m arinade will begin to “cook” the chicken.) 2. Prepare the charcoal or gas grill for direct, m edium -high heat. For charcoal grill: brush the grill with a light coat o f oil prior to placing over coals. For gas grill: w hen hot, brush grill w ith light coat o f oil. 3. W hile the grill heats, rem ove chicken from m arinade and transfer to a platter. Pour m arinade into a small bowl. Push your fingers under the skin o f each piece o f chicken and rub m eat w ith 1/2 tsp. lim e peel. 4. Lay chicken, skin side dow n, on grill, and brush with m arinade (close lid if using gas grill); cook until skin is brow ned but not charred, about 6 m inutes. Turn chicken, brush again with m arinade, and cook until no longer pink at the bone (about 10-15 minutes). Grilled Pineapple Rings with Ice Cream • a (Jr M« EMg Hun» * 0 »•« Safeway Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks Jumbo Raw Shrimp 21 Io 25-ct Or U/10-ct. Sea Scallops $8 99 lb Frozen/ttiaweö SAVE up to J4 00 lb Fresh. Grade A Northwest SAVE up Io 40* lb. On the Vine Tomatoes Gold Pineapples Club Price: $1 00 lb. SAVE up lo $2 59 on 1 lb SAVE up Io $ 2 .0 0 ea CLUB PRICE LO C A LLY Organe On the Vine Tomatoes G R O W N D R A N C H E R S Fire up your July 4th celebration Rancher's Reserve Tender Beef. to Choose Lay's or Wavy Lay's Potato Chips ¿3 Ingredients • vegetable oil (for oiling the grill) • I pineapple, peeled, ends trim m ed (*pineapple is ripe if the center leaf pulls out easily) • 2 Tbs. firm ly packed brown sugar • I Tbs. lim ejuice • 1/4-cup sw eetened flaked dried coconut • l/4-cup chopped roasted and lightly salted peanuts or cashew s (op­ tional) Safeway Hamburger Buns CLUB PRICE grilling with Fresh o ff the grill with a scoop o f homemade vanilla ice cream, this is one incredibly yummy treat! VALUE 80% Lean 20% Fat. SAVE up to $1.50 lb. •J JJ Relreshe Water 24-pack. 0 5-liter SAVE up to $5 49 on 3 13 2 5 to 1375-02. Selected varieties. SAVE up ID S3 49 00 2 PARTICIPATING 12 PACKS (12-OZ. CANS), ANO Nabisco Snack Crackers 7 to 10-oz Selected varieties Club Price $1 66 ea. GET 3 FREE! Ite m s m u s t b e p u rc h a s e d in n s in g le tra n s a c tio n . O ff e r v a lid w ith C lu b C a rd 6 / 2 7 / O 7 - 7 / 4 / O 7 L im it sis <6> FREE P lu s d e p o s it in O re g o n . Directions 1. Prepare barbecue grill and preheat for direct, m edium -high heat (the Signature 8-Piece Fried Chicken charcoal or gas flam e is directly under the cooking area, and you can hold your hand just above grill level only 3 to 4 seconds.) For charcoal grill: Before you put the grill over the hot coals, brush it with a light coat of oil. For gas grill: W hen hot, brush grill with a light coat o f oil. 2. W hile grill heats, cut pineapple crossw ise into l/2-inch-thick slices: cut out the core from each slice and discard. In a small howl, mix brown sugar and lim eju ice ; brush onto both sides o f pineapple slices with a pastry brush. 3. Lay pineapple slices on lightly oiled grill (close lid on gas grill) and cook, turning once with a wide spatula, until pineapple is hot and tinged with brown on both sides, about 8 m inutes total. 4. W ith spatula, transfer I or 2 pineapple slices to each dessert howl; top with a scoop o f icecream and sprinkle equally w ith coconut and peanuts, if desired. CLUB PRICE Buy 6 Bottles or more and your price per bottle: 2 each Breasts, thighs Drumsticks, and Wings SAVE up to $2 50 ea Kendall-Jackson, Eola Hills or Chateau Ste Michelle 750-ml Selected varietals SAVE up to $7.11 30-Pack Bud or Miller Or 24 Pack Coors 12-oz. cans. Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $9 00 4 D A YS O NLY! SUPER COUPONS? Otter valid Wednesday. June 27 thru Saturday June 30 Minimum $10 Purchase SAFEWAY S COUPON 4 DAYS ONLY June 27 th ru June 30 2.3-lb. SAFEW AY $ COUPON SAFEWAY^ COUPON 4 DAYS ONLY! 4 DAYS ONLY! June 27 th ru June 30 June 27 th ru June 30 "7 9 w ith r«Md and coupon with t a d And coupon Lloyd's BBQ Pork Spareribs Nabisco Oreo Cookies Coolrt Z i t o UmH 1 Witt Mmurnw $10 P uu K hp 12 Io '$