lune 20. 2007 el |J u r t h x n ù (© b e e ru e r O bservador Police Foot Patrol Welcomed in Parkrose Need for Bilingual Health Care Grows Mt. Hood recruits non­ native speakers W hile the need for trained health care p rofessionals c o n ­ tinues to rise, there is also a grow ing need for hi 1 inguaI heal th c a re w o rk e rs . A n ew p ilo t project at Mt. H ood C om m unity C ollege is helping to fill that need by p reparing non-native speakers o f E nglish for careers as C ertified N ursing A ssistants. “T h e re 's a shortage o f nurs­ ing assistan ts in O reg o n ,” said Steven Storla, C areer Pathw ays C oordinator. “ M ore and m ore residents o f nursing hom es and long-term care facilities have differen t ethnic b ackgrounds. T hey m ay be living in a nursing hom e w here no one speaks their lan g u ag e.” T he new C N A program p ro ­ vides a pool o f bilingual a p p li­ cants trained in health care. T he first 11 students to go through the nursing assistant Pursuing the healthcare path, nurses connect in a meaningful way. training program for bi-lingual speakers have ju st passed the O regon State B oard o f N ursing C e r tif ie d N u rsin g A s s is ta n t ex am and are now C ertified N ursing A ssistants. T he C areer P athw ays m odel g iv es no n -n ativ e speakers o f E nglish additional tim e w ith the m aterial and language support to b etter prepare them for the C N A ex am . S tu d e n ts atten d theory and lab practice as well as 80 hours o f practicum at a nursing facility, w hile partici­ pating in additional E nglish lan­ guage classes. Since the pilot program was so successful, the training will be offered tw ice in the com ing academ ic year. T he next class w ill begin Sept. 24. For m ore inform ation about th e tra in in g , c o n ta c t S tev en Storla, C areer Pathw ays C o o r­ d in a to r , at 5 0 3 - 4 9 1 - 7 2 5 1 , S te v e n .S to rla @ m h c c.e d u . C a re e r P ath w ay s tra in in g s a re s h o r t- te r m , jo b - f o c u s e d trainings leading toem ploym ent upon com pletion. Music, Food Supports Art Theater Studies A m usical and g astronom ic event featu rin g N elda R eyes, a M exican perform er, and G erard o C alderon, a L atin A m erican folk m usician, takes place Saturday, June 23 and Saturday, June 30 betw een 6 :3 0 p.m . and 10 p.m . at O regon C ity ’s M itzil R estau­ rant, 212 M olalla A ve. T here is no co v er charge but d o n atio n s w ill be a c c e p ted . A s custo m ary in B ohem ian trad i­ tion, patrons will enjoy a taste o f M exico featuring special dish es o ffered ju st for this even t in the intim ate com pany o f beautiful m usical pieces, including M exican, Spanish and C uban "tro v a ,” boleros, ranchera, rum ba, tango and o th er rich and ex citin g Latin beats. T h e e v e n in g is a fu n d ra ise r to s u p ­ p o rt R e y e s ’ in v ita tio n to a tte n d the S u m m e r M o sc o w A rt T h e a tre S chool in C a m b rid g e , M ass. — one o f the w o rld ’s le a d in g sc h o o ls fo r acto rs. M o sco w A rt T h e a tre S ch o o l te a c h ­ e rs b rin g to A m e ric a th e best R u ssian th e a tre tra d itio n has to o ffe r — the sp irit and k n o w le d g e e sse n tia l fo r the art o f a c tin g . Reyes is studying at Portland State U niversity for her M aster's degree in theater w hile w orking as an actor and educator at M iracle Theatre Group. Calderón has been playing Latin Ameri­ can folk music for more than 20 years and studied classical guitar at the Escuela Superior de M úsica in M exico City. Nelda Reyes Page B3 continued .from Metro While walking his beat, Slyter happened upon the family, then found them a shelter and ar­ ranged for a Tri Met bus to take them and their belongings to their temporary home. But be­ cause the shelter lacked accom­ modations for the children, the family found themselves buck at the park. Discovering that they had re­ turned, Slvter searched again fora shelter, and this time found help from a southeast Portland church. The church was able to provide the family w ith enough money for four days of meals and a place to stay long enough to secure other housing. In a letter of commendation to Slyter, East Precinct Com­ mander Michael Crebs wrote: “If it wasn’t for persistence and unwavering compassion, it is unknown what would have be­ come of this family. W'hen it would have been easier to just look the other way and keep on moving, or given up at the first roadblock, you persevered and came up with a solution to a very difficult problem.” Those kinds of actions don’t show up in the crime statistics, nor would Slyter's shadowing of a prostitute long enough to drive her and other prostitutes out of the area. Slyter’s measurement of success will have to come from those who call Parkrose home. Wally Testa Residential and Commercial Biokei Oregon Washington 503 267-7586 cell 503 249-1903 office 503-249 6527 fax wtesfa1@ com PROPERTIES. Multi-Million $ $ei vice t= r Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your m ortgage payments? Il ’.s never too soon to think about refinancing. You may have more options then you think. Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call Charlotte M artin 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver. WA M8684 & HOMELOAN 5 O U 1 U 1 emartin @ ■ Ï ■ Mexico City Considers Legal Prostitution Have you seen me? Regulations called necessary (A P ) — T h e p a rty th a t le ­ g a liz e d g ay u n io n s an d a b o r­ tio n in M e x ic o C ity s a id W e d n e sd a y it w a n ts to m ak e p ro stitu tio n legal. M exico C ity leg islator Juan B ustos o f the D em ocratic R evo­ lution Party, w ho subm itted the bill last w eek, said the m ove is necessary to protect prostitutes from abuse and regulate the sex industry. C orrupt police frequently use the current law not to arrest sex w orkers but as a threat to shake them dow n for bribes o r sexual favors. B ut P re s id e n t F e lip e C a ld e ro n 's c o n se rv a tiv e N a ­ tio n al A ctio n P arty said it had p ro b le m s w ith a sp e c ts o f the bill an d th at the g o al sh o u ld be to g et w o m en out o f p ro s titu ­ tution in designated areas at least tion. roughly 1,000 feet from schools, In m ost M exican cities, pros­ parks, churches and apartm ent titution is considered the equiva­ c o m p le x e s, th o u g h p im p in g le n t o f a m is d e m e a n o r. In w ould rem ain a crim e. It also M exico C ity, it is punishable by w ould require prostitutes to ad ­ 12 to 24 hours in ja il and fines here to health standards or face punishm ents sim ilar to those equal to about $ 5 1 to S93. Som e cities have informal red- under the current law. T he new law w ould g u aran ­ light zones w here prostitution is tolerated, such as the border tee prostitutes' rights and m ake them eligible fo r governm ent city o f N uevo Laredo. T he bi 11 w ou Id legal i ze prosti- services, B ustos said. Quake Rattles Cocaine Production Grows in Peru Nerves (A P ) — D espite in creased is flourishing in the South A m eri­ grew 7 percent. (AP) - A powerful earth­ quake rattled Guatemala and El Salvador, forcing terri­ fied residents to flee shak­ ing buildings, hut there were no reports o f casualties. The U.S, Geological Sur­ vey said the June 13 earth­ quake had a magn itude of 6.8 and was centered in the Pa­ cific Ocean some 46 miles south ofthe Guatemalan town o f Escui ntla. The quake oc­ curred at a depth of about 40 miles. B uildings inG uatem ala City sw ayed for about 30 seconds and people ran into the streets. Parents form ed long lines outside schools to look forthcirchildren, and authorities asked residents to stay out ofhigh buildings. A n a ly sts say P e ru 's risin g drug-fighting efforts, production can country. Peru has struggled to reduce dru g p ro d u c tio n is larg ely the o f the plant used to m ake c o ­ cain e has risen in P eru, the cocaine production despite more resu lt o f a c ra c k d o w n in C o ­ w orld's No. 2 cocaine producer, than $300 m illion in U .S. aid lo m b ia , th e w o rld 's la rg e st c o c a in e p r o d u c e r , p u s h in g along w ith the am ount o f land since 2000. T he U.N. O ffice o f D rugs m ore c o c a g ro w e rs a c ro ss the u se d to c u ltiv a te c o c a , the and C rim e said in its annual ju n g le b o rd e r b e tw e e n the tw o U nited N ations said. T he findings com e as P resi­ report the am ount o f co ca leaf c o u n trie s. dent A lan G arcia has called for grow n in Peru increased 8 per­ an intensified anti-drug strategy cent in 2006 from 2005, w hile am id signs cocaine production the area cultivated w ith coca Subscribe! Peninsula Children's Center SUMMER PROGRAMS 2007 Ju n e 18-S eptem ber 4 M issing and E x p lo ited C h ild ren * 1-800-THE-LOST Endangered Missing, Family Abduction Current Age: 7 Date Missing: Trinity Beharry Current Age: 5 Date Missing: January 31.2007 March 18,2006 Date Missing From: Missing From: Middletown, NY Pembroke Pine, FL I f you have any inform ation please contact: The National C enterl’or M issing and Exploited Children 1-800-1TIE-LOST 11-800-843-5678) 77»/.* public service announcement provided by the Portland O bscner Newspaper. 503-288-0033 Fill Out, a ip Out & Send To: ^'T Jortlanh (Obstruer ÂZZ zî : Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 Ages 5-12 Science, Music, Field Trips and Sports. Contact Lynnelle $ 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -0 5 3 4 l’io\ iding