Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 20, 2007, Page 8, Image 8

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lune 20, 2007
Historical Campaignior African-American Woman
Stale Farin’
Providing Insuiance and Financial Sorts.»»
Fkvne Office Bloomington. Illinois 61/10
Runs for post in
workers union
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"Good News!” is the motto of
Donna Hammond, the first African-
American woman to run for Busi­
ness Manager of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Union Local 48.
Nationally, African-Americans
are underrepresented in union lead­
ership positions, and Hammond's
campaign, if she is successful, will
represent the first time an African-
American woman has held a top
position in a building trades union.
A Portland native, Hammond was
the youngest of five children horn
into a working class family. Her
parents and grandmother migrated
to Oregon in the 1940's from Arkan-
Dear Deanna!
D enturist
My relationship feels dead. In
the beginning things w ere ex ­
citing but now ev erything is
boring. I’m not m otivated to
do my hair anym ore, I d o n ’t
feel like dressing up and sex is
the last thing on my m ind. Now
that I look my w orse, my boy­
friend has becom e active, he
goes out all the tim e and has
really com e out o f his shell. He
d o e sn ’t pay me any attention
and w hen he does, he seem s to
be som ew here else. A re these
signs that we need to end this
re la tio n sh ip ? —H urting and
Confused: Benton Harbor, M l
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Dear Hurting:
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Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood
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New Prices Effective May 1,2007
Martin Cleaning Service
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Residential & Commercial Services
Minimum Service CHG
Carpet Cleaning
2 Cleaning Areas nr more $30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas
I Includes: / small Hallway)
Y o u ’re living the classic ease
that involves w om en let them ­
selves go and then lose their
man. You need to w ake up and
realize you look a m ess and
your boyfriend has chosen to
keep living. He h a sn ’t changed
other than the fact he m ay have
another w om an because h e ’s
alm ost sick o f you. If you
w ant this relationship get your
act to g eth er fast because h e ’s
on his w ay out. T he clock is
ticking but you can turn things
Donna Hammond
sas to take advantage of the war­
time employment in this region.
Both her parents were union mem­
bers, and Donna learned first hand
Ask o
The man widely believed to he
the model for the Cream of Wheat
man, a smiling white-hatted chef
whose face has greeted breakfast­
ing Americans for more than a cen­
tury, finally has a grave marker bear­
ing his name and image.
When Frank L. W hite died in
1938 he was an A merican icon
because o f his advertising image.
But his grave in Leslie, Mich.,
bore only a tiny concrete marker
with no name. That ended June 13
when a rose granite stone and
etching o f what is believed to be
his likeness were placed at his
burial site.
Jesse Lasorda, a fam ily re­
searcher from Lansing, Mich,
started the campaign to pul the
marker and etching on W hite’s
He discovered that White was
horn about 1867 in Barbados, came
Y our son has fallen victim to a
p la y e d o u t g a rd e n tool th at
d o e sn 't have m any options left.
You could kick her do o r o ff the
hinges, drag yo u r son out and
give her a beat dow n. But since
you have to be civil, you can
stop this by pressing charges
and filing a restraining o rd er to
keep her from yo u r son. In the
m eanw hile, focus on your son
around w ith effort, and p o si­ and help him understand w h a t’s
tive thinking.
going on. You also need to
b u c k le d o w n and h e lp him
Dear Deanna!
clearly see his future that in­
My son is dating a w om an my
cludes college and a career and
age. The problem is the fact
not this w om an w ith her built in
h e 's a senior in high school and
she is divorced w ith tw o sm all
children. I understand my son Dear Deanna!
is at the age w here he may be
For the first tim e in my life, I
experim enting sexually but h e 's am happy w ith a m an I feel is
a baby com pared to her and I my soul m ate. He is everything
d o n ’t like it. I'm cordial to his I im agined and I can even live
g irlfrien d but I’m at my w its w ith his flaw s and sh o rtco m ­
end. She is starting to brain- ings. I love him dearly but he is
$109 - $139
$35 - $49
See Flyers for Additional Prices
Call For Appointment
(503) 281-3949
Dear Maria:
Y ou’re a star struck groupie in
this relationship. As soon as he
gets tired, h e’ll drop you like a
ho, coal and m ove on to another
woman. If he sincerely cared
there w ouldn’t be any feelings o f
disrespect, ridicule or one-sided
criticism. You need to take the
risk and tell him how you feel and
that you w o n 't tolerate his treat­
ment. If h e’s w illing to heed
your advice th a t's a good thing.
If he turns out to be a pig then
realize he doesn’t give a damn
and keep it moving.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
Justin and Breeanna, ages 4 and 3.
A box of Cream of Wheat. (AP
to the U.S. in 1875 and became a
citizen in 1890.
The chef was photographed
about 1900 while working in a Chi­
cago restaurant.
'Where a reflection of you, is a reflection of w"
Angela Carter
Additional $10.00
Chair or Recliner
Throw Pillows
(With Other Services)
overly critical and is very hard
on me. W hen I m ake m istakes
he treats m e like a child. He
talks about my hair, my m ak e­
up and the w ay I eat. He is a
great guy and I know he m eans
w ell. H ow do I let him know
how this m akes me feel w ith­
out je o p a rd iz in g the re la tio n ­
ship? —Maria; Charleston, SC
Dear Tammy:
Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning
Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment
Spot & Stain Removal Service
Scotchguard Protection
w ash him and I hit the ro o f
w hen I heard she is bragging
on his anatom y. W hat can I do
w ithout doing som ething that
will land me in ja il? —Tammy;
C e re a l B o x C h e f H o n o re d
(With Other Services)
Heavily Soiled Area:
tion, andexpanding the visibility of
organized labor in the region.
“Someone once said, 'There are
two things we must give our chil­
dren. One is roots and the other is
wings.’ I raised my son to believe
that faith, family, friends, educa­
tion and community are our roots
and the union provides our wings
for a better life. That’s the way it
was for me and my son, and I want
toensure it will be that way oreven
better for his children and genera­
tions of kids to come. These are the
values that I will bring as leader of
the IBLW Local 48," Hammond said.
Ballots for the business man­
ager position have been mailed out
to over 4,000 members. They are
due to be counted on Monday,
June 25. Find out more about
Hammond and her historic cam­
w eb site,
Dallas. TX
1 Cleaning Area (only)
(Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra)
Stairs (12-16 stairs)
how union jobs could support
strong families and communities.
Hainmond followed in the foot­
steps of her maternal grandmother
who was a welder’s helper in the
Portland and Vancouver Shipyards
during World War II, when she
became an electrical apprentice in
January 1979- the second African-
American woman to enter the IBEW
electrical apprenticeship in Oregon.
She completed her apprenticeship
program in 1982.
Hammond’s vision for Local 48
includes focusing resources on
organizing the unorganized, creat­
ing "a culture of organizing that is
unprecedented in the history of the
She also believes her unique lead­
ership style, as a proactive, con­
sen su s b u ild e r, w ill p rovide
strength to the Local by increasing
democracy and member participa­
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Z Between Broadway
Yearning for a Family
Justin and Breeanna are an
adorable sibling pair who are sim­
ply yearning for an adoptive fam­
ily to bring them home.
Despite having experienced a
great deal of loss and change, this
brother and sister are very at­
tached to one another, and seem
to attach readily and easily to the
adults that come into their lives.
Having suffered early neglect,
both Justin and Breeanna have
some cognitive and developmen­
tal delays that are currently being
addressed through early interven­
tion and Head Start.
Justin and Breeanna need a
very enriching environment where
they can catch up on the love,
guidance and nurturing which
they have missed out on. De­
spite their delays, both children
are curious about the world and
eager to explore. An adoptive
family will enjoy the rewards and
challenges o f sharing in the
growth, loving and learning of
these sweet siblings.
These children are among
the approxim ately 300 Oregon
children available foradoption
through the state, generally be­
cause of abuse and neglect.
For more inform ation on how
to become a foster or adoptive
parent, co n tact the Special
Needs Adoption Coalition at
503-542-2392 or the Department
of Human Services at 1-800-
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