PageAô______________________________________________ i l !‘ lattò ffibserucr _________________________ lune 20, 2007 Immigration Raid Breeds Fear con tin u ed fro m Front and passed out bilingual cards de­ signed to assert Fifth A m endm ent rights. Possibly no one has lost more sleep than D iana Ruiz o f O regon ’ s Catholic Charities. She has been helping orga­ nize em ergency services to address fear in the undocum ented com m u­ nity, fear w hich seeped into the greater com m unity, as exhibited by the large, non-Hispanic majorities that show ed up to the services. People like Ruiz co u ld n ’t do any­ thing w ithout a central location and p o w e rfu l a llie s lik e N o rth e a s t A lberta's St. Andrew Church, headed by Pastor C huck Lienert. Ask Ruiz why imm igrants insist on entering the country illegally, and she argues that the federal govern- m ent is partly to blam e because it has taken no action to reform a broken system . “A lot o f people tell you to com e legally," says Ruiz. “W e’d really love tocom e legally, but they have no idea w hat it takes to com e here to the United States; it’s alm ost im possible unless you have a political friend or som eone who has a lot o f m oney.” Many city leaders joined advo- Faith Leaders Condemn Worker Raid Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon condemned last w eek’s raid at the Del Monte plant in north Portland by the federal governm ent’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. The group said it was “deeply saddened by this inhum ane and unnecessary action, w hich has tom apart families and caused a great deal o f unnecessary suffering to children and their parents. “T o sum m arily arrest large num ­ bers o f m others and fathers w ho are w orking hard to support their fam i­ lies (leaving their children without their parents) is unacceptable. As well as violating the basic principles o f com passion and justice, these actions are inhum ane and tear at the fabric o f our com m unity,” said an Ecum enical M inistries statem ent. The group said w hile there are m any legitim ate concerns about im m igration issues, low wage un­ docum ented w orkers are not respon­ sible for, and have no pow er over, the grand political and econom ic policies that have left them with few options for a decent life for them ­ selves and their children. cacy organizations in speaking out against the action by federal im m igra­ tion officers, but the attending n a­ tional-m edia blitz divided the co u n ­ try. It’s no surprise then that the com m unity’s intensifying mixed em o­ tions include anger and anguish, with a little hope. T he restrictive effects o f a global econom y have galvanized support for im m igrant am nesty. "Y ou used be able to survive in M exico with your crops and your hens,” Ruiz says, “but you cannot do that anym ore.” N onetheless, R uiz expects that A m erica will rem ain an accepting melting pot for hardw orking, poor foreigners, especially in progressive cities like Portland. “T here are alw ays going to be people w ho are going to tell you to go back, but there are many m ore people w ho will tell you w elcom e, or thank you for the jo b you do, thank you for helping the econom y, thank you for ju st sharing your culture,” she said. photo by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver Hispanic-advocate Diana Ruiz works out o f the St. Andrew Church Parish Hall in northeast Portland. She has been losing a lot of sleep lately working on behalf of people caught up in the battle over immigration. Mixed Bag of Properties Along Interstate continued 4^ fro m Front rican A m erican com m unity. "The PDC is good at trying to force things because they have the money, property and w herew ithal to d o it." Brown said. “ But it doesn’t mean it’s right for the com m unity. T hey have their usual suspects aro u n d the ta b le, but nobody chooses to listen to cultural differ­ en ces.” Brown says much o f the neigh­ borhood didn’t want light rail along Interstate, a sentim ent echoed by Portland voters who shot down the M A X p ro p o sal in th e 1990s, prom pting the city to create an U r­ ban Renewal A rea which, which made them el igible for federal funds for light rail construction. “ MAX acted much like the m e­ dian put along Martin Luther King Jr. BI vd„” Brownexplairted. “Ittook away parking and killed business.” Brown said he has met with City Com m issioner Erik Sten about af- photo by S akaii B lount /T he P ortland O bserver New apartments and condominiums in the Interstate Avenue Corridor, like this one on North Montana Avenue, are becoming increasingly common among the single-family neighborhoods of north Portland. Providence ElderPlace offers one convenient solution to the health care, social and housing needs o f older adults in N orth and Northeast Portland. fordable housing in the region, or the lack o f it. “At this point I w ant to ask City C ouncil to request rent control in n o rth ea st P ortland becau se it’s outrageous,” he said. H ousing advocates at the C om ­ m unity D evelopm ent N etw ork rec­ o g n iz e P D C ’s e f f o r ts in affordability. “T h ere h a v e n ’t been enough projects or resources dedicated to affordable housing, but I think the PDC and C ity Council have m ade the com m itm ent, said Sam Chase, the n etw o rk 's executive director. He said his group was was in­ strum ental last year in getting a City Council vote to set aside 30 percent o f urban renewal funds for affordable housing and increased access for people o f color. T he m oney will help those who fall betw een 0 and 30 percent o f the m edian fam ily income, capping out with a fam ily o f four that earns no m ore than $20,350 a year. It may be hard to imagine a fami ly getting by on so little in the Inter­ state neigh b o rh o o d as property values soar, and for the m ost part low -incom e households have been priced out o f the area. “ I think (the city] has taken a historic step with this 30 percent,” C hase said. “ But th ere’s going to be as m uch o f a challenge to make sure these dollars get spent on the right kinds o f project and are effec­ tive and efficient." Several m em bers o f the com m u­ n ity ad v iso ry b o ard , in clu d in g M ichelle H aynes o f REA CH C om ­ m unity D evelopm ent, bring to the group concerns o f shutting out low- incom e residents. R E A C H is c o lla b o ra tin g w ith the PD C an d T riM et in on e o f the first effo rts to fig h t d isp lac em e n t b e c a u s e o f g e n tr if ic a tio n by b rin g in g affo rd a b le ren tal units to the o ld C ro w n M otel site and a n a d j a c e n t lo t n e a r N o rth K illin g sw o rth S treet. T h e m ixed- use b u ild in g , o p en in g late n ex t y ear, w ill in c lu d e m o re th an 50 u n its fo r th o se living below’ 50 p erc en t o f the M ed ian F am ily In co m e, and w ill o ffe r S ectio n 8 c e rtific a te s fo r fam ilies in the th ree -b e d ro o m units. T h e P D C is h e lp in g fu n d R E A C H ’S construction and land costs, w hich H aynes says has rap­ idly risen o ver the past decade. W e’re looking for more opportuni­ ties ¡along Interstate], but the question is when will there be money available to develop more housing?" Haynes said. T he PDC invites the public to w eigh in on the future o f the Inter­ state C orridor Urban R enew al Area through a series o f m eetings taking place o ver the next few months. V isit w w w for a schedule or more inform ation. Providence ElderPlace Compassionate Care, Commitment and Community We believe th a t older adults and th e ir families deserve the com fort and convenience of a com plete elder care program. Our members receive a comprehensive package o f services. Providence ElderPlace is a national PACE program (Program o f All-inclusive Care fo r the Elderly). We are a Medicare Part D plan and accept Medicaid, Medicare and private payment. All approved prescription and over-the-counter medications are fu lly covered w ith o u t additional co-pays or deductibles. ElderPlace Serving seniors in your neighborhood at: Providence ElderPlace in Cully 5119 NE 57th Ave., Portland P hoto by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver School Ends with Field Day Fun Providence ElderPlace at The M arie Smith Center 4616 N. Albina Ave., Portland Providence I ElderPlace To learn more about Providence ElderPlace, visit w w w or call 503-215-6556. A c a rin g d iffe r e n c e y o u can fe e l i To celebrate the beginning o f summer vacation, Jefferson High School students line up Friday for airbrush tattoos dispensed by hired event staff during a field day on the last day o f school. i