lune 20, 2007 PageA2 Group Sprayed with Bullets Clara Peoples finds her seat in a restored 1927 Chevrolet belonging to Paul Knowles, known as the unofficial "Mayor of Northeast Portland." Peoples, who sits on the Oregon Juneteenth Committee, is one of Portland's original organizers o f the annual Juneteenth tradition. Parade organizer Ora Lee Green joins business owner and community leader Bruce Broussard for the annual Juneteenth Parade commemorating the abolition o f slavery in Texas on June 19, 1865. Juneteenth Parade a Hit A horse and carriage carrying Kelci-Rae Flowers, Miss Black Oregon USA 2007, and Mariah Taylor, a nurse practitioner and community advocate, moves down Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. P hctds B y M ark W ashington /T hf P ortland O bserver Tagger Wanted in Alberta Arsons ____________ THE____________ The Portland Fire Bureau Inves­ tigation Unit, in cooperation with C rim e Stoppers, is asking for the p u b lic’s help in identifying and lo­ cating a person o f interest in the in v estig atio n o f arson fires on N ortheast Alberta Street. In the early m orning hours o f Saturday, April 14, Portland Police responded to a series o f intention­ ally set fires in the area o f Alberta betw een Northeast 14th Avenue and N ortheast 31st A venue. T he m ost significant fire in­ volved an occupied apartm ent com ­ plex at 5026 N.E. 31 st Ave. where occupants had to flee for safety. SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 10. Fatigue: A cure for people sick and tired of being of being sick and tired. Q : 1 seem to be tired a lot lately. Does that mean 1 need iron? A : The m ost com m on reason Z x p a t i e n t s com e into our office is because o f som e type o f pain. But many o f these people are also suffering from fatigue. Fatigue that makes the eyes bum slows dow n the healing process and makes you w onder why you d on’t feel as well as you used to. O bvi­ ously, there can be many causes o f fatigue. Diet is certainly one of them. It’s a su b je c tw e ’d b e happy to discuss with you in detail. A nother cause, how ever is often stress. Many o f you have prob­ ably heard o f the "Fight O r Flight” sy n d ro m e. W hen th e b o d y is stressed, it responds with a com ­ bat-ready posture. In analyzing many such patients' x-rays, we find the head angled forward and the back arched in this highly-stressed position. A fterC hiropractic adjust­ ment, this condition is often vastly improved. Patients com e back well- Five young men were victim s o f a spray o f bullets Friday night. Police said an unidentified car with an unknow n num ber o f assail­ ants used at least two w eapons to shoot at the group inside an open garage in the 9600 block o f North C larendon around 11:15 p.m. Three o f the victim s were identi­ fied as Lexington Boswell, 20, Daniel Graham, 29, and Christian Kulju, 19. The other nam es were withheld because they are juveniles. Police said Boswell and a 17- year-old suffered life-threatening injuries but are expected to survive. Police d o n ’t suspect gang-re­ lated activity, as none o f the vic­ tims w ere ever involved in gangs. No arrests have been made. rested, telling us they ju st had their best night’s sleep in ages. If you think the stress o f everyday life might be w earing you down and preventing your body from w arding off illnesses, call us for an appointm ent. O r if there are any other questions you might have about your health, ju st call us at the phone num ber below. A police sketch o f a person of interest in the Alberta Street arsons investigation. Fire and related dam age to the com ­ plex was placed at approxim ately $500,000. The person o f interest has been described as a white male, 26 years old and 6-foot-2 to 6-foot-3 inches tall, with m edium build, blond hair, a gap between his teeth and a dimple in his chin. He was wearing a black hooded sw eatshirt and identified him self to w itnesses as being a "political tagger". C rim e Stoppers is offering up to $ 1 ,(XM) for inform ation that leads to an arrest in this case. You can re­ main anonym ous. Call Crim e Stop­ pers at 503-823-HELPl 4357). ABC Apologizes for Video Mix Up ABC N ew s has apologized for m istakenly running a picture of form er W ashington M ayor Marion Barry w hen it was prom oting a “W orld N ew s” story about a man suing a dry cleaner for $54 million for losing his pants. T he June 11 mistake happened Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 287-5504 because both men were in a W ash­ ington court that day and A BC got video o f both. A BC spokesw om an N atalie Raabe said. Both Roy L. Pearson, who filed the lawsuit, and Barry are black. Barry was acquit­ ted this week o f drunken driving charges. It was the second such case o f m istaken identity this month in­ volving newsworthy black men. Fox News C hannel apologized for run­ ning tape o f House J udiciary C hair­ man John Conyers w hile reporting on the indictment of Rep. W illiam J. Jefferson on bribery charges. Sizer Expands Police Hiring Eligibility Pool In an e f fo rt to b o o st r e c r u it­ m e n t, P o rtla n d P o lic e C h ie f R o sie S iz e r h as m ad e it e a s ie r fo r p e o p le w ith a m ilita ry b a c k ­ g ro u n d o r w h o w o rk in sid e th e P o rtla n d P o lic e B u reau to b e ­ co m e p o lic e o ffic e rs . T h o se w ith tw o y e a rs o f a c ­ tiv e se rv ic e in th e m ilita ry o r fo u r y e a rs in th e m ilita ry r e ­ se rv e w ill no lo n g e r n ee d a tw o - y e a r a s s o c ia te 's d e g re e . T h e e d u c a tio n re q u ire m e n t w ill a lso be re la x e d fo r p e o p le w h o h a v e w o rk e d fo r tw o y ea rs as an e m p lo y e e o f th e P o rtla n d P o lic e B u rea u o r th e B u rea u o f E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n ic a tio n s ; tw o y e a rs as a p o lic e c a d e t o r re s e rv e w ith at le ast 5 0 0 h o u rs; o r tw o y e a rs as a p o lic e o f fic e r w ith a n o th e r a g e n c y . Story Clarification: B rid g e t B. S u lliv a n is new a u d ie n c e d e v e lo p m e n t m a n ­ ager fo r th e O re g o n S h a k e s p e a re F e stiv a l an d B ill R a u ch is th e f e s tiv a l's n ew ar- tis tic d ire c to r. W e re g re t th at S u lliv a n ’s jo b title w as in c o r­ re c t in o u r Ju n e 6 sto ry title d “ S h a k e s p e a re F e stiv a l S p o t­ lig h ts D iv e r s ity .” P o rtlan d (Observer Established 1970 V,u/f/cU|tura| M j & Food Festiva' USPS 959-680 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 King School Park E ditor - in -C hief , P ublisher : Charles H. Washington E ditor :M ichael Leighton P ublic R elations : Mark W ashington C reative D irector : Paul N eufeldt O ffice M anager : Kathy Linder R eporter : Sarah Blount 4X00 Block of NE 6th & Humboldt Streets Ethnic Food KidSpace Ethnic Marketplace Information Village H e & Wine (¿arden J Free Admission Saturday, June 23, 2007 f ' Good in the Hood Community Parade Noon - 9:30 pm Sunday, June 24, 2007 \ 'Saturday, June 23 at 11:()() ant Noon - 7:30 pm Featuring: Patrick Lamb. Ocean 503. Norman Sylvester Band. Chatta Addy. Soul Vaccination, The Linda Hombuckle Band and many more... 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NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. To King School Park Free Admission En joy Great Food, Multicultural Entertainment & Music Bring your lawn chairs and blankets 5O3.2S2.12X8 SAFEWAY O Comcast V___________ Portland Development Commission N l. Coalition o f Neighborhoods, Inc POE • A PNB A (« aal in the Hiaal Planning Committee Neil Kelly P ostmaster : f r Albina Community Bank kûnnE i The African American Alliance for Home Ownership Send address changes to Portland Observer, P0 Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 Hospital & Health Center news® subscription @portlandobserver, com ▼ RACFIC PO W ER I