page C4 Live Music Every Night M u sic o f In dia - Hafizullah will perform Indian classical and fusion music at Nityananda Institute, 1025 N.E. 33rd Ave., on Fri­ day, June 22 at 7 p.m. For more inform ation, call 502- 231-0383. • Hannah Bea’s, 3969 N.E. MLK, presents jazzduring its ‘Sunday Brunch Serenade’ from 11 a.m .-l p.m. • L ivejazz perform ances Sunday evenings from 8:30 p.m .-11:30p.m.,atClyde'sPrimeRib.5474NESandy,and at the Blue Monk ,3341 S.E. Belmont. • Participate in a m ixed-m edia open mie night each M onday at the Back-to-Back Café, 614 E. Burnside, and at the Clackamas Community College's Open Mie Jazz Jams, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. C a k e T o p p e r Show - Local artists re-im agine the cake topper, from traditional to wild and wacky during an exhibit at Sidestreet Gallery, 140 S.E. 28th St. • Live blues perform ances Tuesday at Produce Row Café, 204 SEOak, from 9 p.m. to Midnight, the Steinhaus, 2366 SE 82nd Ave.. Mississippi Studios, 3939 N. Mississippi Ave., from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and at Jimmy Mak s, 221 NW 10th. at 8 p.m. Live blues and jazz performances are available. • W ednesdays, the Candlelight Room. 2032 SW 5th, and Duff’s Garage. 635 SE 7th. and the Blue Diamond, 2016 NE Sandy BI vd„ offer up blues perform ances. Catch liv e ja z z perform ances at the Blue Monk, the Portland Art Museum. Jimmy Mak's. and Jax, 826 SW 2nd, from7:30p.m. to 11 p.m. W orld Forestry C enter for the photo essay: 12 Girls, 12 Cam eras: A Day in Their Lives Through Their Eyes, a docum entary on the lives o f 12 o rp h a n e d g irls fro m Uganda. The exhibit runs through Aug. 31 in the center's D iscovery M useum in the Special Exhib­ its Gallery. • Fridays and Saturdays offer many venue choices around the metro area: Halibuts (2525 NE Alberta St.), Mississippi Studios. LV 's, 3530 N. Vancouver Ave., XV. 15 SW 2nd, Out of the Blues, 2050 NW Vaughn, Manila Express, 12370 SE Main St. in Tigard, One Stop Records. 615 NE Killingsworth St., and the U-licious Smokehouse, 4057 N. Interstate Ave. H ip -h o p D a n ce C la sses — V ancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting family frie n d ly h ip -h o p d a n c e classes for ages 5 to 18. V a rio u s le s s o n s te a c h rhythm , technique, coordi­ nation, agi lity, combi nations and team work through urban dance moves. For more inform ation, call 360-696-8236. I ! O p e n M ic N ight — Every W ednesday night at 7 p.m .. Proper Eats M arket and Café, 8638 N. Lom bard St., hosts open mic night. I J VICENTE FERNÁNDEZ | THE LIVING LEGEND July 18, 2007 THE ALAN BROADBENT L.A. TRIO @THE OLD CHURCH 8pm/doors open at 7pm catering by A Simple Elegance KMHD 89.1 FM presents in association w/Fendel-Allen Productions The Alan Broadbent L.A. Trio Tickets available during the KMHD Spring pledge drive June 14—June 17, 2007 or by calling 503.491.7271 or at A T r ip p in ’ th ro u g h T ow n - Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. Zydeco Dance Night performance from Nathan & The Zydeco Cha Chas on Wednes- day, June 20 at PPAA Hall, 618 S.E. Alder St. Admission is $12 and $ 10 for Cascade Zydeco Mem- bers. V isit w w w .c a sc a d e- or w w w .portland for more info. R eco v ery W ritin g - group o f courageous writers partner with professional actors to break the stigm a o f ad­ diction and tell their stories o f recovery. Perform ances will be held at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., on Saturday, June 23 at 2 and 7 p.m. and Sunday, June 24 and M onday, June 25 at 7 p.m. For tickets and reser­ vations, call 503-459-4500 or visit w Z o o m U g a n d a -- Visit the • On Thursdays the W om en in Blues Review, atTillicum’s, 8585 SW Beaverton in Hillsdale. Zydeco, the rhythmic accordion- driven dance music of the Creole people of South Louisiana, can be found within a pocket of devoted zydeco dancers right here in Port­ land. Centered on a non-profit dance club. Cascade Zydeco has scored a co-op and is presenting a special lune 20. 2007 '* ìflortlanì. » b . eruer> \» B ody W o rld s 3 — Get grossed out or intrigued by the dynam ic human body. Real life bodies are on d isp la y at O M S I th ro u g h a p ro c e ss c a lle d plastination. Started by Dr. G unther von H agens in 1977, the scientist has been able to halt decom po­ sition to show the living how what we do affects our body. Body W orlds 3 lasts until O ctober. For more inform ation, visit om F ree P ole D a n cin g C lass - Try the exotic art o f pole dancing for free on Thursday. June 21 at 7p.m. This w om en's only class teaches the basics but prom ises fun. For m ore inform ation visit becom . K in g o f M a ria ch i V icen te F ern a n d ez — The undisputed king of M exico's traditional mariachi music, V icente Fernandez - “ El Idolo de M exico" - one o f the co u n try 's most recognizable and influential cultural icons, com es to Portland with special guest Paquita La Del Barrio on Saturday. June 30 at 8 p.m. at the Rose Q uarter. Visit ro seq u m .