Page B6 lune 20, 2007 Legal Notices S ports Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503 288 0 0 1 5 e-mail: The Portland Observer Oden or Durant: Blazers to Decide Team awaits history making day bv P a t G ruhler T he P ortland O bserver Leon * Barber Shop 1319 NE Freemont S t Portland, OR 97212 8 am - S pm Tues.-Sat Shop 503-282 2920 Cell 503-309-4488 Top 2 % in P o rtla n d M e tro KELLER WILLIAMS Portland Premiere Tony and Libby Kelly MB.A, M.Ed., Brokers, CRS, ABR, SRES www 503-330-5488 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland. OR Featured Agents on HGTV’s “House Hunters All-stars Girls Fundraiser Hosted by Peninsula Lakeside C A R W A SH June 23rd 11 am to 5PM Portland Observer parking Lot 4747 NE MLK Jr. Blvd T AND C A UTO SALES O ne o f the biggest days in the history o f the Portland Trail Blazers conies in just one week. Thursday, June 28 will be the day the Blazers m ake the much anticipated first selection in the N BA draft. A lot has been m ade o f this pick for tw o reasons; G reg O den and Kevin Durant. Popular opinion has been to pick Oden. The m ajority of sportsw riters, form er players and large groups o f friends have been scream ing “D R A FT O D E N .” In the B lazer’s office, the pick is not decided. Sunday’s O regonian rep o rted that G eneral M anager Kevin Pritchard is still far from a decision. Coach Nate M cM illan is leaning more tow ards O den, just 11 ke the majority of B lazer fans across the city. L et’s take a quick look at both players. Oden is 7-feet tall and looks to be a defensive stopper in the realm o f Bill Russell. He is big, strong and has am azing timing. His freshm en year at O hio State U niversity was cut short by an in­ jured right wrist which caused Oden to miss the start o f the season. W hen he returned, he could barely grip the ball with both hands and he shot free throws with his right hand. He still averaged nearly 16 points and 10 rebounds a gam e, putting an exclam ation point on his recovery with a 25 points, 12 board and 4 block perform ance in the National Cham pionship. G reg O den His form er coach T had M atta said that O den was never 100 per­ cent ready to play, and that he was medically given clearance to play in the middle o f May. A, the NBA predraft cam p in O rlando a few weeks ago. Oden continued to wow people with a 34 inch vertical ju m p and his flexibility during agility tests. He did not participate in the bench press lift because o f his wrist. Kevin D urant had one o f the best freshm en seasons in the his­ tory o f col lege basketbal I. He aver­ aged 26 points, 11 boards and was the consensus Player o f the Y ear in college. He w ould most likely be a 6-10 smal 1 forward in the NBA, due to his skinny frame. He is about 185 pounds, soaking wet. His agility, w ingspan and deep shooting range are m aking many G M s, including Pritchard, drool all • LICENSED I • BONDED • INSURED o ver their notebooks. U nlike O den, D urant caused a little shakiness in his stock at the predraft cam p. D urant w as the only player, out o f about 60, w ho could not bench 185 pounds even once. A nd he finished last out o f the players w ho com pleted all o f the drills. Even his vertical ju m p and agility w ere low er than expected. But m ostG M s, including Pritchard, could care less. O den w as due to w orkout and m eet with the Blazers T uesday and leave T hursday morning. Durant will com e later on T hursday and stay until Saturday m orning. Pritchard has said that he will wait to make an official announcem ent until he meets with both players and sees them workout for himself. W e all know Pritchard is not afraid to create noise and to get exactly what he wants. Last year he m ade a record six trades in the draft, getting two o f the top four talents i n the draft. W e also know that he does not mind picking the opposite o f what his fans want. At the time, the public was pushing for him to pick form er Gonzaga star Adam Morrison, and instead he skipped Morrison to draft LaM arcus Aldridge and Brandon Roy. The team also has four second round draft picks and several trad­ able assets like, Zack Randolph, T ravis O utlaw , Jarrett Jack and Martell Webster. The team may need to trade for a small forward, depend­ ing on the draft. And Pritchard is working very hard to get another lottery pick. He is very high on Corey Brewerand would love to get another pick to get him into a Blazers uniform. San Antonio Sweeps the NBA Finals Tim Wilson 503-550-3841 Vehicles Inventory Consists Of: Reliable Inexpensive Automobiles K evin D urant S a n A n to n io S p u r s Tim D u n ca n h o ld s u p th e Larry O 'B rien Trophy w hile te a m m a te Tony P a rker h o ld s u p h is MVP tro p h y a fte r d e fe a tin g th e C lev ela n d C avaliers to win th e NBA Finals b a s k e t­ ball s e r ie s T h u rsd a y in C levela n d , Ohio. (AP p h o to ) T he San A ntonio Spurs co m ­ q u a rte rin G a m e 4 o n a n 11-0 ru n ,to pleted their four game sweep against take their first fourth quarter lead of the C leveland Cavaliers in the NBA the series, 63-60. T he gam e was tied Finals, w inning 8 3 -8 2 ,T hursday in at 66 when San A ntonio scored 8 C leveland, O hio. This series was straight points to regain control o f the low est television rated finals o f the game. all time. T he Cavs hit a few threes late, T he C avs had the early lead the last one was m eaningless with against the Spurs in both gam es in no tim e left. T he Spurs won their Cleveland, but could not m atch San fourth cham pionship in 9 years, to A ntonio dow n the stretch. bring much debate on w hether they C lev elan d o pened the fourth are a dynasty o r not. Call to See What’s in Stock S ports W eek ‘7/7 D on’t Have It In Stock, / Will Get It For You! ” in R eview Kobe Trade Talk Intentional or not, K obe Bryant seem s to be doing everything he can to pressure the Los A ngeles Lakers into trading him. So far, it doesn’t appear to be w orking. T he latest twist in the saga involves an am ateur video o f the nine-tim e A ll-Star denouncing general m an­ ager M itch K upchak and team m ate Andrew Bynum. Lakers spokesm an John Black said the team w as contacted about the video before Bryant first requested to be traded on May 30. "It doesn't change our stance at all." Black said a d a y after saying essentially the same thing — that the team has no plans to trade the tw o-tim e defending N BA scoring cham pion. INVESTING IN YOU HAKIM JONES FINANCIAL ADVISOR FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATE Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­ tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of your portfolio. As a Financial Advisor for Smith Barney, Mariners losing steam I take great care in working closely with you, learning A fter winni ng 9 o f 10 gam es, and five straight gam es on their last at bat. the Seattle M ariners have lost five straight gam es to drop 7 •A gam es out o f first in the A L W est. A fter w inning the first gam e in a three-gam e series at W rigley field, the C ubs won the last tw o gam es against the M ariners, before the H ouston A stros sw ept Seattle in Houston. The M ariners returned hom e T uesday to open up a series against the Pittsburgh Pirates. your objectives and helping you achieve your goals. Call me to learn more about stocks, bonds, lending and a host of financial planning services. 805 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 (503) 221-7600 or (800) 547-1526 citigroupj S mith B arney © 2006 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its a ffili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. O regon sta rtin g p itc h e r M ich a el S tu te s w o rks a g a in s t Arizona S ta te in th e first in ning o f a C o lleg e World S e r ie s b a s e b a ll w in n e r’s b ra c k e t g a m e , in O m a h a , N e b ., M onday. (AP p h o to ) OSU up 2-0 at College World Series D efending N CA A C ham pion lead into the top o f seventh. A ri­ O regon State has continued its hot zona State finally got their bats play in the post season as they w orking as they got four runs in the dom inated the A rizona State Sun inning, before Beavers reliever Joe D evils, 12-6. M onday for their sec­ Paterson cam e in to finish the jo b ond victory o f the C ollege W orld that starter M ichael Stutes started. Series in O m aha, Neb. O regon State got 18 hits against The Beavers sim ply dom inated the Devils. They will play W ednes­ the Devils, scoring at least one run day, in either a rem atch against in the first six innings taking a 12 - 1 A rizona Sate or against U C Irvine. U.S. Open Upset K eeping up w ith the high scoring that seem s to becom e traditional at the U.S. O pen, Angel C abrera won his first tournam ent on U.S. soil w ith a +5, beating form er O pen w inners T iger W oods and Jim Furyk Sunday at O akm ont in Pennsylvania. C abrera shot a 69 on Sunday, finishing with two o f the tournam ents eight rounds below par. Fatherhood for Woods Less than 24 hours after T iger W oods finished second at the U.S. O pen on Father’s Day, his w ife gave birth to their first child, a daughter nam ed Sam A lexis W oods. The new s w as announced on his W eb site, leaving out such details as height and w eight and when she w as bom. i