Page B5 œiî‘^lurthxnb (©bsertfer lune 20. 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -— News and reviews on new motor vehicles Porti a n d ^ s e rv e r 2008 Mercury Mariner Premier 4WD Sophistication and Flair K athleen C arr The 2(X)8 M ercury M ariner re­ ceived the first significant redesign since its launch in 2005. Building on that foundation by adding higher levels o f style and refinem ent, it is a look that will keep the M ercury brand moving forward. For 2008 the M ariner is updated with a com pre­ hensive safety package, a quieter ride and more refined driving d y ­ namics. "T he 2008 M ariner is the first product to truly deliver 100 percent by o f the design DNA for M ercury as a brand,” says Kim Irwin, M ercury brand manager. "It looks good and drives well, it has sophisticated style, and it’s not like anything else out there.” O n th e o u ts id e , th e 2 0 0 8 M ariner’s all-new sheet metal in­ cludes significant design changes to the front/rear fascias, liftgate, headlam ps and taillam ps, a raised beltline, new hood and B-pillar blackout m olding. T h ere’s also a unique satin signature w aterfall grille. The 2(X)8 M ariner is an un­ m istakable M ercury presence on the road. T h e n ew M a r in e r ’s d e s ig n Specifications: 3.0-Liter, V6, 200-hp @6000 rpm, torque 193@ 4850 Ib-ft engine: 4-Speed Automatic O/D transmission, Intelligent 4WD; 19-City 23-Highway MPG; $ 2 9 ,38 0.00 MSRP ch an g es go m ore than skin deep. M ercury has reduced the o v erall N VH (noise, vibration and h a rsh ­ ness) levels 12 percent on the highw ay by using th ick er side glass, tw eak in g the size and s ta g ­ gerin g the recessed ro o f c h a n ­ nels, in creasin g the carp et th ic k ­ ness by 50 p erc en t and ev en F r J) e v i e w m oving the altern ato r to the oth er side o f the engine. T he M ercury M ariner’s five- passenger cabin is impressive. A host o f features elevate the level of sophistication inside. Satin Pewter finishes and chrom e accents give the M ariner an upscale look. There are new seats, door trim panels, A- and B- pillar trim s, ce n te rc o n so le and a new flo o r-m o u n ted shifter. Signaling a new direction for M er­ cury interior design, the 2(X)8 M ari­ ner is the first M ercury to deb u t these in n o v ativ e in terio r featu res W e ev a lu a ted the V6 P rem ier M ariner, w hich has a 3 .0 -lite re n - g in e w ith 4 -s p e e d a u to m a tic transm ission. Properly eq u ip p ed , the V6 M ariner can tow up to 3500 p o u n d s. T he V6 M arin er is n ’t ex a ctly slow , but its I0 -se c o n d 0 -6 0 mph tim e is bested by m any riv als in this segm ent. Fuel econ o m y w ith the V6 is also below average. T he 2008 M ercury M arin er is one o f the first Ford M otor C o m ­ pany v ehicles to use sp e ed -sen ­ sitiv e E lectric P ow er S teerin g (E S P ), a so p h istic a te d sy stem that im proves the overall ste er­ ing feel and is m ore efficien t than trad itio n al system s. A n tilo ck b rak es, a tire -p re s­ sure m onitor, traction control, sta­ b ility c o n tro l, fro n t seat side airb ag s and fu ll-len g th head c u r­ tain airb ag s w ith a ro llo v er se n ­ sor are all standard on the 2008. A rev erse-sen sin g parking sy s­ tem com es with the Prem ier, earn ­ ing it an o v erall av erag e 5 -star safety rating. T he en h an ced in te rio r and e x ­ te rio r red esig n elem en ts o f the 2 0 0 8 M e rc u ry M a rin e r e a rn s p o in ts w ith this rev iew er. T he lack lu ster pow er and average fuel efficien c y m ay leav e budget c o n ­ scio u s b u y ers u n im p ressed . T o th o se co n su m ers, the M a ri­ ner H y b rid m ay be ju s t the ticket. T he 2008 M ercury M arin er is a s o p h is tic a te d , lu ll a b y - q u ie t - sw eet-rid e, and is w orth a clo ser look. R eligion Spiritual life depends on the purposes we cherish. — C harles Spurgeon Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Dr. Johnny Pack IV hosts an annual Women's Revival. photos by Evangelist Melanie Pichon-Smith performas as guest revivalist at last week's “Ingredients o f a Spiritual Women." M ark W ashington /T he P orti ani » O bsery er Women’s Revival at Fellowship Missionary " In g re d ie n ts o f a S p iritu a l W o m an" w as the them e o f last w e e k ’s w o m e n 's revival at F e l­ lo w s h ip M is s io n a r y B a p tis t C h u rch in north P ortland. T h ere are a lot o f ch a lle n g es facing w om en o f all w alks o f life du rin g these tryin g tim es and the revival w as a tim e to em b race and c e le b ra te ev ery siste r in a tte n ­ Obituaries In Loving M em ory Dante. UVan„ Joc Memorial services were held June 9 in Leavenw orth, Kan., and June 12 at Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel in Portland for D ante’ LaV ance Joe, w hodied June 6.2007 at the age o f 26. He was bom a mili­ tary baby on March 2 9 ,1 9 8 1 in Riverside, C a lif., th e son o f D a rre n an d T e rri (G ulledge) Joe, and m oved to Portland when he was 9 years old. He attended F em w ood Elem en­ tary then w ent on to graduate from G rant High School in 1999. Dante' also attended high school in Se­ attle. where he enjoyed track and field and football. D ante’ was loved by friends and fam ily and could alw ays m ake you laugh. He will be sorely missed. Preceding him in death was an uncle Randy. He is survived by his daughter Diasia; com panion T ynesha; m o th er and father; sister A shleigh; grandparents Sam and D o ris G u lle d g e and Darnell and Erm a Joe; aunties G enell, Cherry, B etty , K ay F ra n ce s, Linda, Donna, Denise and V an e ssa; un cles Thom as, Ricky, Jerry, D w ayne and D arnell; best friends Leonard, M ichelle, M ik ie an d T h e re s a ; c o u s in s Sham eka, Kevin. J.J., M yesha, Ja te lle , Ja la c ia , S ierra , S ean, Darnell, Darrell, Dana, Danielle, Rose Bill, Chelsea and A lphonse; and a host o f other friends and family in Portland and Kansas. d an ce. G u est rev iv alist was E v an g e­ list M elanie Pichon-Sm ith o f New O rleans, La., a m em ber o f D om in­ ion an d P o w e r M in is trie s in H arvey, La., p astu red by B ishop Jerry H enry Sr. P ichon-S m ith is fo u n d er o f an outreach m inistry called Forgiven. H er com p assio n for the G ospel began early in life d uring S unday school. She has been p reach in g since 1989 both near and far. H er concern for sisters and the m any faults and failu res that plague them is the focal point o f her m in ­ istry. Pichon-Smith knows what it is like to feel as though your past will never allow you to have a future. People Loved Her Cooking Sarah Howard Cole Funeral serv ices w ere held last F riday at the C h u rch o f the L iv ­ ing G od in north east P ortland for S arah H ow ard C ole, w ho died June 8, 2 0 0 7 at the age o f 55. She w as born Sept. 24, 1951 to the proud parents C ly d e and Jim m ie L ee H ow ard in C ailon, Ark. She w as preced ed in death by her fath er and baby Ibrahim . She leaves to m ourn her husb an d ; three sons and a dau g h ter; her m o th er Jim m ie L. Parker; four b ro th e rs , R ev. R oy G. M axi (Jeannie), Bill R. M axie (Lisa). A thern K. W ilson an d D anny C. W ilson; a sisterC h arlo tte Y vonne M artin (D avid); tw o g randsons Jo v o n d re' C o le and Izaiah C ole; a host o f uncles, au n ts, cousins, nieces, nephew s an d m any w o n ­ derful friends. A rra n g e m e n ts e n tru ste d by C ox & C ox Funeral C hapel. Booker T. M oreland Services for Booker T. M oreland, who was born Feb. 6 , 1936 and died June 17,2007 will be held Saturday, June 23 at G enesis Fellow ship Church, N ortheast 27th A venue and Killingsworth Street. piioto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Building Goodwill Officer Grant Shirahama signs his autograph for Harvey Scott Elementary student Aaron Herrera, while Principal Deanne Froehlich grabs a bite to eat at Thursday's free pizza day with members o f the Portland Police Bureau. The year end event was made possible by donations and was the last o f several pizza days at area schools organized by Radio Cab driver David Yandell (center). “If the kids were leery or ambivalent o f the officers before, they're in love with them after we 're done," Yandell said. Coach, Mentor and Role Model Remembered Sevedious "Vedi" Simington Funeral services for Sevedious “ V erdi" Sim ington, w ho died June 11.2007 at the age o f 57, will be held T hursday, June 21 at 1 p.m. at New Song C om ­ m unity C hurch, 261 I N.E. Martin Luther King Jr.B lvd. He was born March 20, 1950 in Portland to B i rl Govern »r and M amie Lee Simington o f Arkan­ sas. He attended Elliott E le m e n ta r y S c h o o l, W a sh in g to n H igh S chool, M t. Hood C om m unity College, W arner Pacific College and Portland State 1 U n iv e r s ity . H e e a r n e d an associate's degree and a bachelor's degree in science education. He had a very spiritual heart and b e lie v e d th a t G o d w anted him to serve his c o m m u n ity th ro u g h basketball. He loved the sport but he loved d e­ veloping the skills of children w ho played in th e v a rio u s le a g u e s even more. He was not only a coach but a m en­ tor, role m odel, advisor, counselor, father figure and friend. His work can be seen in the lives of the hundreds of kids that partici- pated in leagues at Matt Dishman C om m unity Center. Saturday Bas­ ketball. ”C’an Jam" Holiday Food Drive and the A AU JuniorO lym pic League. C olum bia City; two grandchil­ dren Ja-JuanM ikel Bennett ol Las Vegas and Shakira Smith o f Port­ land; 10 brothers and sisters Rosie Sim ington-Thom pson, Carl, Birl. Lewis,Gene, Janice, Betty. Barbara, T o ny, S y lv e ste r and T im o th y ; brother in-law Ural Thom pson; sis­ ter in-law: Linda Simington and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and dedicated friends. A rrangem ents by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel. Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. Just get it, read it and try it, and you’ll never be the same. 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