Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 20, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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C lassifieds / B ids
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503 288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
I .
N orth S a n tia m P a vin g Co. is re q u e s tin g
subcontractor bids for OSU’s Reser Parking Lot
Improvements - Lot 9 for the following scopes of
work: Landscaping, Pavement Striping, Concrete,
and Electrical work. Bids will be accepted by fax, (503) 769-
7358, or by mail. PO Box 516, Stayton, OR 97383, until 2:00pm
on 6/26/07. Call (503)769-3436 with any questions.
City Of Portland
M aintenance Project
Group # 2 Bids Due: July 1 7 ,2 0 0 7 , by 1 0 :0 0 AM
Non- M andatory Pre-Bid M eeting: June 2 6 ,2 0 0 7 , a t 9 :0 0 AM
Scope includes: Ornamental Security Fencing & Gates, Site
Furnishings (Material), Rough Carpentry/Gypsum, Architectural
Mill Work, Joint Sealants, Doors, Frames & Hardware (Material
& Labor), Glass & Glazing, Acoustical Suspension System,
Painting, and Interior Accessories
Contact: Scott Austin at (503) 769-1969 or scotta@slayden.com
P.0. Box 247, Stayton. OR 97383
Phone: (503) 769-1969
Fax: (503) 769-4525
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all
interested firms, including, minority, women, emerging small business
enterprises and disabled veterans.
OR CCB # 157045
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of America's most livable
cities is the Portland Development Commission's mission. PDC
is the City's urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together
resources to achieve Portland's vision. We’re currently looking for
qualified individuals to complement our workforce for the following
Closes June 27, 2007
• Building Maintenance II
1 3 20 SW Firth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204
L egal N otices
Please send letter of interest and
resume to:
Springdale Job Corps Center
Attn: Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Columbia
River Highway
Troutdale, OR 97060
All responses must be received no
later than June 29, 2007
Equal Opportunity Employer
Minorities, women, veterans, & disabled
persons are enco uraged to apply.
Administrative Support to Director
GIS Support-Student
Programmer Analyst 11
Chief Financial Officer
Library Clerk
Salary: $13.53 to $ 16.63 per hour
Opens: June 22, 2007
Closes: June 29, 2007
Senior Project Coordinator-Economic Development
Senior Project Coordinator-BusinessTinance Officer
We offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep
PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values
diversity in its work force and is committed to Equal Employment
Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Come Visit Your New Apartment Home!!!
Affordable Housing for Low-Income Families
Clean comfortable living for you and your family
Pets Welcome
Rents shown are Basic Rent. Actual rent is based on income.
Contact our Management Office for details.
5 0 3 -6 5 0 -0 9 7 1
Rosewood T errace Apartments
2 3 5 Pearl Street - Oregon City, OR 9 7 0 4 5
Need to p u b lish a cou rt
document or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or
e-mail your notice for a free
price quote!
Fax: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5
The Portland Observer
For additional job information, a
complete listing of each position’s We're seeking exceptional individuals
compensation and benefits
fo r e x c itin g c a re e r o p p o rtu n ities !
package, or to apply, visit our Web
site at www.cityofalbany.net/jobs. Whether your professional skills
are in fin a n c ia l s e rv ic e s or
nursing: medical records or facility
m ain te n an ce; a d m in istra tive
Electrical Instructor
p p o rt
h e a lth c a re
($ 32,635 - $ 43,000 per year)
management, consider a career
Skilled Electrical Tradesperson w ith P ro v id e n c e ! V is it our
needed to provide instruction to Employment Center at 1235 NE
students ages 16-24 in a career 47th Avenue, or view current
technical training program. Must opportunities and apply online
have va rie d and in -d e p th to d a y! w w w .p ro v id e n c e .o rg /
experience and knowledge of the careers
electrical trades or academ ic
certification equal to teach such Coordinator, Outdoor Program,
Portland State
a trade.
Development M anager - South Park Blocks
Senior Project Coordinator-Housing
B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
Providence Health System
Plans available May 21, 2007, at the 0AME Plan Center, Daily
Journal of Commerce, Ford Graphics, and McGraw-Hill Plan Center
2 BR Flat
2 BR Town Home
3 BR
C itv ot' P o r t l a n d
705 N Killingsworth
Parking passes will be available at the door
C u rre n t Em ploym ent
Open Until Filled
• Building Inspector
• Transit Programs Manager
• Police Communications Spec.
• Billing/Collections Specialist II
• Environmental Services Tech II
M t. Tabor/W ashington Park Interim Security and Deferred
PCC C a s c a d e
Fur contracting opportunities with the C ity o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
Closes July 11, 2007
• Human Resources Generalist
“Providing quality public services
for a better Albany community”
lune 20, 2007
M ultnom ah C o u n ty Lib ra ry is
seeking career-minded applicants
to work part-time, full-time, and
on-call as Library Clerks in the 16
branches throughout the Portland
area and the Central Library. This
position will focus on providing
services to customers of all ages
and backgrounds. Duties include,
but are not limited to: using a
com puter to check in and out
library materials to the public:
assisting the general public in
person and on the telephone:
shelving and retrieving library
materials on the hold's shelf; and
e m p tyin g th e book drop;
com m unicating library policies
and procedures. Requires two
ye a rs of g e n e ra l c le ric a l
e xp e rie n ce an d /o r cu sto m e r
services including public contact.
Previous experience in a library
s e ttin g is p re fe rre d
co m p le tio n of a high school
diploma or GED.
P o rtla n d S ta te U n iv e rs ity is
se e kin g an O utdo or Program
Coordinator who will plan, create,
im p le m e n t, and e va lu a te a
comprehensive Outdoor Program
including: outdoor trips, climbing
center, equipment center, team­
b u ild in g ,
v o lu n te e r
M inim um
Q u a lific a tio n s :
Bachelor’s Degree with five years
relevant experience or a Master's
degree and one year relevant
experience. Advanced skills in 6
fo llo w in g
d is c ip lin e s :
backpacking, m inim al im pact
skills (or Leave-No-Trace), rock
c lim b in g ,
clim b in g ,
m ountaineering, cross country
sk iin g , s n o w s h o e in g , w in te r
cam ping, avalan ch e train in g,
rafting, kayaking, sw ift water
re scu e , o r ropes cou rse
Position will remain open until
fin a lists are identified. View
com plete position description,
and application procedures at
w w w .h rc.p d x.e d u . Anticipated
start date is September 1, 2007.
Portlan d S ta te University Is an
Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity
Institution and, In keeping with the
P re sid en t's diversity In itia tiv e ,
welcomes applications from diverse
cand idates an d cand idates who
support diversity.
The Port of Portland is a regional government operating airports,
marine terminals and industrial parks in the greater Portland
metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing competitive
cargo and passenger access to world markets while enhancing
the region's quality of life.
To view current job openings and to access the application form,
visit the Port's website at www.portofportland.com or call (503)
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer com m itted to
workforce diversity and affirmative action.
Warner Pacific College, a Christian
Liberal Arts college, is seeking a
Campus Safety Supervisor. Excellent
benefits and working community.
If interested, e-mail resume to:
sstenberg@wamer pacific.edu or
v is it: w w w .w a rn e rpaciflc.edu.
Fo llo w th e link to Hum an
R e gistered Nurse needed to
manage our Health & Wellness
department serving students who
are enrolled in a career technical
and education training program.
The manager is responsible for
the direct supervision of staff as
Office Manager Position available at
w ell as th e m a n a g e m e n t of
M eyer M em orial Trust. View
contracted positions, student
position profile and application
s e rvic e s and fo r p ro v id in g
p ro c e ss at w w w .m m t.o rg .
programs that promote wellness.
Applications due July 1, 2007.
Candidate m ust have a valid
registered nursing license in the
Hire On Bonus Available
Fernhill Estates, LLC is a deficiency state of residence and three years
free skilled nursing facility in a related experience, two of which
q u a in t n e ig h b o rh o o d in NE m ust be s u p e rv is o ry . M ust
P o rtla n d . W e are p re s e n tly possess a current CPR/First-aid
searching for a LPN for our Night certification and valid d river’s
shift. If you are interested in license in the state of residence
learning more about us and our with an acceptable driving record.
wonderful staff, please call Shelly Com petitive salary & benefits
Caliman-Rogers. DNS, RN or Mary available.
Beth at (503) 288-5967.
Pleage send letter of interest and
resume to:
Career Opportunity
Radio Advertising Sales
You should have prior success
calling on decision m akers of
small to medium size companies
in a highly competitive market,
w h e re s e rvic e w as p o in t of
d iffe re n tia tio n
you r
competitors. You must be willing
to p ro sp ect and have stro ng
closing skills. You will have good
phone skills, exceptional listening
skills, strong writing and problem
so lvin g ab ility. K now ledge of
marketing, advertising, and media
is a plus. We o ffe r e xce lle n t
b e n e fits ,
o u ts ta n d in g
compensation plans, in a locally
owned and em ployee focused
environment. KPAM/KKAD is an
equal em ploym ent opportunity
Send resume to:
6605 SE Lake Road
Portland. OR 97222
Email: radiosales@kpam.com
No phone calls please
An Equal Employment Opportunity
For more information or to apply,
p lea se v is it o u r w e b site at
Job Hotline: 503-988-5035
TTY: 503-988-5170
an equal op p o rtu n ity employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
Star Park is looking for individuals
with excellent customer service
skills and a positive attitude to join
our te am o f p a rk in g fa c ility
operators. Positions include:
Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier,
and Valet, with Opportunity for
advancem ent. No experience
necessary, must be dependable.
8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k
w/match, sick & vacation pay.
6 1 0 SW Alder Street Suite 1 2 2 1
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5
Salary: $ 2 ,9 8 0 - $4.47O /m onth
Announcem ent U0CDT7346 Medford
• Erosion Control
Program Coordinator
Salary: $ 3 ,8 0 9 • $5,713/m onth
Announcem ent #0C DT7269 Salem
• Network Applications Analyst
Salary: $4,207 ■ $ 6,067/m onth
Announcem ent »OCDT7270 Salem
• Sr. Appraisal Analyst
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information
are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs
page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees competitive
salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health
insurance; paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave; membership
in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP): and opportunities
to participate In the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State of Oregon
and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
Announcem ent #LEHS7330 Portland
Salary: $ 4 ,7 0 5 - $7,279/m onth
Close Date: June 29, 2007
• Principal Executlve/Manager F
Mental Health Services Division
Budget Administrator
Announcem ent #LEHS7327 Salem
Salary: $ 4 ,7 0 5 • $7,279/m onth
Close Date: June 29, 2007
0 0 0 T People drive O regons Departm ent of
Transportation, It great benefits, a professional
All responses must be received no
later than July 13,2007.
• Project Inspector
« Principal Executive/Manager F
Maternal & Health Section Manager
Springdale Job Corps Center
Attn: Human Resources
3 1 2 2 4 E. Historic Columbia
River Highway
Troutdale, OR 97060
Or visit us on the Web at: www.GuardianApartments.com
Professionally managed by Guardian Management, LLC
Equal Housing Opportunity
Health Manager
($40,851 - $53,900 per year)
work environment, )ob innovation, and career
growth opportunity dnve you. then com e to ODOT.
• Administrative Program Support
Salary: $2,119 - $ 3 ,0 4 4 /m o n th
Announcem ent AOCDT7267 Salem
• Occupational Safety & Health
Salary: $ 3 ,0 4 4 - $4,437/m ontb
Announcement #0CDT7313 Salem
• Fleet Analyst
Salary: $2,771 - $ 4,032/m onth
Announcement AOCDT7134 Salem
• Project Leader
Salary: $ 3.627 - $ 5 .4 4 0 /m o n th
Announcement #0C DT7095 Klamath
Falls/ Bend
• Heavy Equipment Mechanic
■ Contract Services Specialist
Salary: $ 2 ,8 6 5 - $3,4 5 4 /m o n th
Announcement »0CDT7034A la Grande
Salary: $ 2 ,9 8 0 $4,4 7 0 /m o n th
Announcement # 0 C 0T 72 68 Salem
Building Camara. Bridging the Future.
jo b
ann ouncem ents
qualifications, requirements, and Instructions on
how to apply fp r these jebs. Go to
www odot|obs.coni for a complete copy or call
5 0 3 9 8 & 4 0 3 0 [TTY 503-986-3854] to request
by mall. ODOT Is proud to operate as an equal
opportunity, a ffirm a tive
A n nouncem ents w ill be m ade available In
alternate form at upon request: (503) 3 7 8 6 2 0 2 .
TTY 1 -8 0 0 -9 9 3 8 8 9 8
• Survey Technician 2
Salary: $2,457 ■ $ 3 ,6 7 9 /m o n th
Announcem ent »0C DT7345 Roseburg
• Survey Technician 2
Salary: $2.457 $3.6 7 9 /m o n th
Announcem ent SOCDT7264A Portland
• Project Geologist
Salary: $ 2 .9 8 0 - $ 4.470/m onth
Announcem ent »0C DT7265 Salem
e g o
Salary: $ 4,190 - $ 6 .2 8 4 /m o n th
Announcem ent AOCDT7259A Salem