PageAô_______________________________ ____ _________ Cl?e Jlortlanb © b seru er__________________________ [une b . 2007 Bracing for Ghost bikes, roadside memorials painted stark white and affixed to a particular spot like this one at North­ east Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Wygant, remind passersby of cyclists who have been struck and killed by drivers. Returning Veterans con tin u ed fro m Front and largely cost-free governm ent health care, it w ould not be sur­ prising if tw o-thirds o f the retun­ ing veterans do not seek any V A services, said Jim Sardo, a doctor that specializes in Post-Traumatic Stress D isorder at the VA. Reason num ber one for this phenom enon is a “w arrior m en­ tality" that encourages service men and w om en to endure hard­ ship alone, according to Port­ land therapist Carole Levine. In addition, she says, “T here are som e veterans who ju st d o n 't w ant to go to the VA, because they’re sick o f the m ilitary.” O ther m ilitary people d on’t w ant doctor’s visits going on their record and preventing reen­ try , so L e v in e o r g a n iz e s R etum to show ­ case 45 local practitioners who offer free and confidential ser­ vices for recent vets. Even W ashington adm itted to his ow n “ w arrio r m e n tality ” streak. “O nce you get the proper educational exposure, you can take care o f your own problem s,” he says. But 21 st-century Portland will no longer accept the status quo when it com es to vet health. City officials, w eary o f dealing with sick and hom eless Vietnam veter­ ans, organized a forum last week to support reintegration efforts. T he forum began with a tearful account by Kimberly Mark-Villela, who com pleted an Iraq tour in 2003. “I cam e hom e with prob­ lems, but I d id n ’t tell anyone,” she said. ‘T h e m ilitary is not an orga­ nization that prom otes reporting personal problem s.” Levine explained the preva­ lence o f Post-Traum atic Stress D isorder in vets, saying it is a “norm al reaction to a very abnor­ mal situation.” Since governm ent benefits expire after tw o years w ithout a diagnosis, she sees the veterans’ reluctance to seek help as a m ajor, nearly unrecognized problem that disintegrates fam i­ lies through festering anger and depression. As part o f a growing concern about law enforcem ent response to m ental illness, a representative o f the city ’s police spoke about the attention to post traum atic stress in crisis-intervention train­ ing. M ore than a few panelists m en­ tioned how much more it w ould cost in the long run to ignore vet health. A ttention to the health o f vet­ erans is important “no m atter what one thinks o f the war,” said Levine. INVESTING IN YOU HAKIM JONES FINANCIAL ADVISOR FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATE PHOTOS BY S arah B lount / T he P ortland O bserver Ghost Bikes Offer Lingering Reminder Roadside memorial send message to slow down by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver T he stretch of N ortheast M artin L uther King Jr. B oulevard that crosses W ygant Street is mostly a b lu ro f cars day and night, but if you look closely y o u ’ll notice a road­ side m em orial rem inding drivers to be safe and slow down. But rather than flow ers, a photo­ graph o r a cross, this m em orial is a bike. A nondescript ju n k er model, painted stark w hite and speaking volum es about a particular death that happened nearly three years ago. It’s called a ghost bike - one of m any bright w hite bicycles planted around tow n where cyclists have died in crashes involving vehicles. G host bikes rem ind drivers to pay attention to tw o-w heeled co m ­ muters, so it’s no surprise that they highlight M LK B lvd.,aparticularly dangerous road for accidents in­ volving any com bination o f bikes and vehicles. The G host Bike concept o rig i­ nated in Pittsburgh in 2004, with the m ovem ent m aking its way across the country in m ajor cities, includ­ ing Portland one year later. Sum m er2005 was a brutal one for P ortland cy clists, with m ultiple d e a d ly a c c id e n ts h a p p e n in g throughout the city. As that dan ­ gerous sum m er cam e to an end, 21 - year-old cyclist Chris Burris was struck and killed by a speeding driver w hile riding with his g irl­ friend and herd au g h terd o w n M L K near W ygant Street. Before B u rris’ death, people w ithin P ortland’s bike com m unity had talked about how the ghost bikes m ovem ent in Pittsburgh, and one created in Seattle earlier that summer, had inspired them. Among them was M ichael Jones, now 31, w ho was searching for a way to help out the m ovem ent. Jones connected w ith B u rris’ b ro th e r, F o rre st, th a t su m m e r through the local non-profit SHIFT, discourage people from riding their bikes. “It’s interesting there’s not total support,” Jones said. But the City o f Portland has granted ghost bikes enough sup­ port to leave them cabled where they are, although the bikes have legally been abandoned. City Com m issioner Sam Adams, who runs the D epartm ent of T rans­ portation, said ghost bikes serve as a sobering rem inju­ ries and deaths are real people, not ju st statistics, and that our trans­ portation system is “w oefully un­ Michael Jones der funded.” “I’ve told my folks to leave them and with others they w ere able to alone,” A dam s said. secure a bike, spray paint and a A dam s’ office will receive $11 cable to tether their first ghost bike m illion next m onth to launch the w here a cyclist had died at South­ Safe Streets Initiative, a project that east 39th A venue and Belmont. in part will reduce traffic injuries The memorial led to several other and fatalities at som e o f Portland’s ghost bikes throughout town, in­ clu d in g routes along N ortheast m ost dangerous spots. C yclists with traffic safety co n ­ Sandy Boulevard and N ortheast K illingsw orth A venue and the m e­ cerns can call transportation o ffi­ cials at 503-823-SA FE or em ail m orial for Burris on M LK. Jones says he receives em ails safe@ O ther safety, from people praising the bikes, but legal and advocacy resources can som e think th ey ’re trashy. There be found at the Bicycle T ransporta­ has also been som e backlash from tion Alliance, a statewide advo­ cy c lists w ho think ghost bikes cacy group, at w w w Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­ your portfolio. As a Financial Advisor for Smith Barney, Schools Foundation Hires Leader I take great care in working closely with you, learning To promote equity, excellence tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of your objectives and helping you achieve your goals. Call me to learn more about stocks, bonds, lending and a host of financial planning services. 805 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 (503) 221-7600 or (800) 547-1526 citigroupj S mith B arney © 2006 Citigroup Global Markets Inc Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its a ffili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. C onnie Van Brunt, a nationally recognized education leader from C hicago, w ill lead the P ortland Schools Foundation, an advocacy and research organization for Port­ land Public Schools. Van Brunt was hired last week after a national search and will begin her w ork in Portland on July 9. “C onnie is a strategic leader pas­ sionate about children, public ed u ­ cation and a strong com m unity voice in ensuring all young people in Port­ land are prepared for college, work and com munity," said Jill Kirk, presi­ dent o f the foundation. Van Brunt is currently ch ief ed u ­ cation officer at the C hicago Charter School Foundation, w here she is responsible for academ ic strategies, assessm ent, and partnerships for more than 7,(XX) low -incom e stu­ dents. Van Brunt previously led Illinois’ oldest indepen­ dent after-school program, serving the innercity com ­ munities o f Cabrini Green, E n g le w o o d a n d N e a r North Chicago. T here she developed aw ard winning m athem atics and reading program s recognized na­ tionally for accelerating achievement for low -incom e students. In addition to Van Brunt’s exten­ sive experience in fundraising, com ­ munications and management, she was founding editor of Ebony Jr! magazine. She received her M aster o f Arts in Teaching from Harvard U niver­ sity G raduate School o f Education, and has com pleted her doctoral coursew ork in applied research in child/youth developm ent and ed u ­ cational research m ethods at Loyola U n iv e rsity /E ric k so n Institute. In a c c e p tin g th e p o sitio n V an B runt noted, “ I’m excited to be part o f the great work o f the Schools Foun­ dation and the incred­ ible vitality and civic spirit o f this city. I'm Van Brunt deeply com m itted to connecting the diverse cultures and neighborhoods o f Portland in our work to achieve equity and excel­ lence for all students.” N ich o le M aher, ex e cu tiv e d i­ re c to r o f the N ativ e A m erican F am ily C e n ter an d m em b er o f the P SF ex e cu tiv e search co m m ittee, su m m ed it up, “C o n n ie b rin g s the academ ic sm arts, practical e x p e ri­ ence and track record w orking with co m m u n ities o f c o lo r to help this city cre ate g reat sch o o ls fo r all o f its stu d e n ts.” Help Clean Your ‘Hood P eo p le o f P u rp o se and A ssociates are recruiting help and donations for a Re-tilling o f the S oil n eig h b o rh o o d cleanup on Saturday, July 7. T he group urges north and northeast Portland residents to stop pointing a Finger and lend a hand in an effort to show pride by rejuvenating the neglected soil in their neighborhoods. The day will begin with breakfast and the clean up begins at 9 a.m. At noon a celebration will follow at Irving Park with live music and food. Clean up locations include M aple M allory A partm ents, Jefferson High School and C o r n e r s to n e C o m m u n ity Church. T o find out how you can be a part o f this event, call Lany Collins at 503-752-8356. £?C lear C hannel Fellow ship M issionary B aptist Church u Pastor Dr. Johnny Pack IV 4009 N. Missouri Ave. Evangelist Melanie Pichon-Smith « I (