ÍI. lune 13. 2007 F ood 1'¡Jortlanò ©bscruer PageA5 The mission of the ‘Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments and/or family recipes you would like to share with us.Addressemailstofoods@portlandobserver.com Ingredients Strawberry Salsa I-pint fresh strawberries, sliced 4-roma (plum) tomatoes, seeded and chopped 1- jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced 2- cloves garlic, minced 1-lime,juiced 1-Tbs. olive oil Fresh strawberries—paired with traditional salsa ingredi­ ents, like jalapenos, tomatoes and lim e-take a bit o f the bite out o f what is ordinarily a fiery condiment. Directions Ina large bowl, combine all ingredients. Toss together to mix and coat. Cover dish and refrigerate for 2 hours or unti I ready to serve. SAFEWAY© Pad Thai Ingredients for life. This traditional recipe is excellent! Ingredients • • • • • • • 3/4-pound bean sprouts 6 ounces pad Thai rice noodles 4 eggs salt 3-Tbs. limejuice 3-Tbs. ketchup 1-Tbs. brown sugar • • • • • • • l/4-cup fish sauce 3-Tbs. peanut oil 1-Tbs. minced garlic 1 1/2-tsp. red pepper flakes 2-cups grated carrots 2/3-cup chopped peanuts 1-cup green onions, 1-inch pieces Directions 1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Blanch the bean sprouts in boiling water for approximately 30 seconds, remove and drain well. When the water returns to a boil, add noodles. Cook for 3 -5 minutes unti I tender but firm; drain and rinse under cold water. 2. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt in a small bowl. Stir together the lime juice, ketchup, brown sugar and fish sauce in a separate bowl; set aside. 3. Heat theoil ina wok orlarge skillet overmedium-high heat. Fry the garlic for a few seconds. Add the pepper flakes and carrot and cook for one minute, then remove. Add the beaten egg and gently scramble. When the eggs have set, pour in the carrots, sauce, bean sprouts, noodles, peanuts and green onion; toss together. Curried Coconut Chicken Safeway Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Fresh Copper River Sockeye Sainton Fillets Grade A. SAVE up to $1.50 lb Weather permitting SAVE up Io s n .ooib CLUB PRICE T h is tem pting dish is a m ou th w a te rin g h int o f the tropics! Tree Sweetened Yellow Nectarines Directions Ingredients • 2 -p o u n d s b o n e le ss sk in le ss chicken breast, cut into 1/2-inch chunks • 1-tsp. salt and pepper, or to taste • 1 1/2-Tbs. vegetable oil • 2-Tbs. curry powder • 1/2-onion, thinly sliced • 2-cloves garlic, crushed • 1 (14 ounce) can coconut milk • 1 (14.5 ounce) can stewed, diced tomatoes • 1 ( 8 ounce) can tomato sauce • 3-Tbs. sugar FRFF 1 lV lu .L v Club Price: $1 00 lb SAVE up to $1.99 Ik. 1. Season chicken pieces with salt and pepper. 2. Heat oil and curry powder in a large skillet over medium-high heat for two minutes. Stir in onions and garlic, andcook 1 minute more. Add chicken, tossing lightly to coat with curry oil. Reduce heat to medium, and cook 7 to 10 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear. 3. Pour coconut milk, tomatoes, tomato sauce and sugar into the pan and stir to combine. Cover and simmer, stirring occasionally for ap­ proximately 30 to 40 minutes. — — Sa,e* at SELECTMedleys or Ready Pac Salads 4 9 to 12-07 package - N orthern Bath Tissue or Brawny Paper Tow els ,2 Double Roll or 6 to 8 Roll Towels SAVE up 10 $2 50 \ d \ cuise with diversity i n u l,r^ ì n r t la t t ò ( D h e m ie v ( all 5O3-288-OO33 ads@portlandob server.coin 1 S a fe w a y B utter Top B read 22 5-02 White or Wheat Cheer or Gain Laundry Detergent 3 0 -P a c k Bud or M ille r 53 to 63-02 Powder or 80 to 100-02. Liquid Selected varieties 26 to 32 loads Or 24-Pack Coors 12-02 cans Selected varieties Plus depose in Oregon SAVE up to S9 00 ONE WEEK ONLY! SUPER COUPONS! Otter valid Wednesday, June 13 thru Tuesday, June 19 Minimum $10 Purchase PLUS ONE SAFEW AY S SAFEWAY s COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! S aeewav COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! S COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! June 13 thru June 19 June 13 thru June 19 June 13 thru June 19 with rant and coupon Nabisco Family Size Snack Cracken ’I » is« svrtMwvw. JU N E 13 14 15 16 17 18 «J Lucerne Shredded or Chunk Cheese —— . A- UM ’ y 2 WiyiMwmr pfi Spring Roll Directions Quick Thai Dipping Sauce Directions BUY ONE. GFT ONE 10.5 to 21-or Selected varieties Club Price $2.50 ea Limit 1 purchase of 4 SAVE up to $14 60 on 4 I-Tbs. light soy sauce I -Tbs. white wine vinegar or rice vinegar 3-Tbs. mirin 1/4-tsp. grated ginger root Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and serve with spring rolls. CLUB PRICE SAVE up to S3 29 on 2 CLUB PRICE Kellogg's, Quaker, or Post Cereal Dipping Sauce Ingredients 1. In a bowl of cool water, soak a wrapper unti I limp. Lay wrapper out fiat. Place I/6of each ingredient down middle of wrapper, starting with lettuce. Fold over each end and tightly roll the wrapper around the contents, as if making a burrito. Moisten at seam; press to close. Continue until all 6 wrappers arc filled and sealed. 2. Lay rolls on a plate, cover with moist paper towel and refrigerate until ready to serve. Then slice in two and serve with Quick Thai Dipping Sauce. 1 6 -o z container SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 It's heeere. Spring Roll Ingredients • • • • j l j Pick up the freshest Fruits o f S u m m er at Safeway today. S h rim p is g o o d f o r y o u a n d helps to lo w e r cholesterol, too. 6 spring roll wrappers 12 medium shrimp, cooked and peeled I -cup shredded leaf lettuce 1/3-cup chopped cilantro l/2-cup peeled, seeded, chopped cucumber I medium carrot, thinly sliced Fresh S tra w b e rrie s PR FF r 1%1 selected varieties Fresh Spring Rolls with Thai Dipping Sauce • • • • • • N lo w . e rri» i J2 02 Seterted varieties COUPONS? SVJPW COUPONS! 000000089517 000000089555 ? COUPONS? 000000089180 Gift Card Mall Weekly Ad Specials Delivered. K e llo g g 's , u a k e r , o r P ost e re a l Great gifts made simple. Shop all your favorite retailers here V is it us o n lin e to d a y . A U LIMITS ART. PER HOUSEHOLD. PER DAY. Items fc pm ci in this ad ate available it ytnir kxal Safeway store* No Mie* to dealers. restaurants or institutions Sales m retail quantities only Quantities of some items may be limited and submit to availabihtv No! responsible for typograph ical or pictorial errors We reserve the right to corrert aH pnnted