Œl’1JJortlaub (¡Dbsmter Page A4 lune 13, 2007 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer Indictment a Blow to Katrina Recovery William Jefferson’s fall from grace by J udge G reg M athis U.S. Rep. William Jefferson, who represents areas o f New O rleans hardest hit by H urri­ cane Katrina, has been indicted on 16 counts, including fraud, m o n e y -lau n d erin g and a c ­ cepting some $500,(XX) in bribes. If found g u ilty , the 6 0 -y e a r old Jefferson could possibly spend the rest o f his life in prison. W hile Jefferson, literally, fights for his life, the district he was trusted to represent must deal with the fall out from his very public fall from grace. Jefferson’s indictment will surely hinder the city 'sal ready slow -m ov­ ing rebuilding efforts. Politicians already reluctant to finance the re­ developm ent in the city ’s poorest areas will use Jefferson’s indict­ ment as yet another excuse to w ith­ hold much needed funds. Jefferson’s indictm ent is really no surprise. In A ugust 2005, FBI agents raided his hom e and found $90,000, separated into $10,000 stacks, w rapped in foil and stored in containers, hiding in his freezer. F ederal p rosecutors say this money was part o f the $ 1 (X),(XX) in cash an FBI inform ant had given Jefferson ju st a few days earlier. T h e FB I h ad b een w a tc h in g Jefferson for some tim e, suspect­ ing fraudulent activi­ ties w eren’t local to his Louisiana district, but to dirty dealings in Ghana and Nigeria. Jefferson was so be­ loved in his district that, despite the scan­ dals, he won reelec­ tion by a w ide margin last N ovem ­ ber. The people o f New O rleans are now going to pay for their faith in and other hard it areas. These in­ dictm ents give them that excuse. It would far too easy for them to deny redevelopm ent proposals, citing 'u n stab le' or ‘corrupt’ lead­ ership as a reason not to rebuild. A ugust m arks the second anni­ versary of Hurricane Katrina. Some parts o f the city look exactly as they did the day the Hood waters receded. The city o f New O rleans and its people have been through so much. The people o f New Or- [ leans must m ake sure Jefferson’s indictm ent d o esn ’t slow the re- I If Jefferson is guilty...he has betrayed the trust o f residents o f a city that have already endured too m uch.^ Jefferson. The city of New Orleans, covery efforts. A letter writing e s p e c ia lly th e p o o r d is tr ic ts cam paign to the local media and Jefferson represented, deserve a la w m a k e rs th a t dem ands politician who is com m itted to re­ Jefferson’s district not suffer as a building the region, not fattening result o f his pending trial is one his pockets. way the city ’s residents- and the If Jefferson is guilty - and this is rest o f the country - can m ake sure up to the courts to decide - he has this do esn ’t happen. W e all have betrayed the trust of residents o f a an obligation to make sure the city that have already endured too people o f New O rleans aren ’t vic­ much. Even if he is innocent, the tim ized yet again. city still loses. Business leaders Judge Greg Mathis is national and politicians who want to gentrify vice president o f Rainbow PUSH New O rleans on a large scale are and a national board member o f looking for any excuse to stall the Southern Christian Leader­ progress in the city’s Ninth Ward ship Conference. W ould you like to see More Trees in the Boise, Humbolt, Eliot, and Piedmont Neighborhoods? Sign up for our free Neighborhood Coordinator Training on July 14! Call 503-282-8846 ext.12 Find out how you can help organize a planting at: F r ie n d s www.friendsoftrees.org o f T r e e s Greater Diversity Needed in Media TV newsroom s far from realistic J by M arc H. M oriai . T he co n tro v ersy J overracially and sexu­ ally in sen sitiv e re ­ marks made by radio shockjock Don Imus to w a rd R u tg e rs University's women's b a s k e tb a ll sq u a d made all too clear the lack o f sensi­ tivity accorded people o f color over the nation's airw aves and the lack o f diversity am ong the broadcast media's ranks. In a nation, w here 33 percent o f the population is o f color, w here the civil rights m ovem ent opened doors for m inorities in corporate America, government and the haiis o f academ ia, the picture reflected on the public airw aves is far from realistic. "Cable news rem ains an over­ w helm ingly w hite and male pre­ serve,” concludes a recent report by the W ashington, D .C .-based m ed ia w atch d o g g ro u p M edia M atters. The group, w hich m onitored cable news network shows in April, found that even during the w eek of the Imus controversy, w hites - es­ pecially men - tended to dom inate. They accounted for from 54 per­ cent o f the guests booked on CNN to 72 percent o f the guests on Fox News Channel. A fter the Im us co n tro v ersy , [NEW S E A S O N S M A R K E T back o f sorts to a range o f 74 per­ cent on CN N to 82 percent on MSNBC. It's not any better on the Sunday m orning talk show s. M edia M atters found in its "If It's Sunday, It's Still C onserva­ tive" report. T he study fol­ lowed up on the National U r­ ban L eague’s 2(X)5 Sunday M orning A p arth eid report, w hich found that only 8 per­ cent o f guests were black over an 18-month period in 2004 and 2005. M edia M atters, which monitored guest appearances on new s talk - until after Imus. NBC News, w hich carried Imus on M SNBC, took three bold steps tow ard diversifying its ranks in the weeks follow ing the controversy. The news organization hired former N ewsweek editor Mark W hitaker to be second in com m and, ap ­ pointed w eekendT oday Show host Lester Holt to serve as w eekend anchor o f NBC Nightly News, and prom oted weekend Today Show executive producer Lyne Pitts to be vice president o f NBC N ew s and the division’s point person on d i­ versity issues. I m ust give NBC N ew s som e We're not just advocating media diversity fo r the sake o f diversity but „ . . • j » / » « i f jot the substantial benefits it delivers . .t t f . i . to the public at large. X show s in 2005 and 2006, found that w hites tended to outnum ber m i­ norities by 7 to 1, and that tw o out o f every three guests were w hite men. The picture at A m erica's daily new spapers is a little bit brighter in term s o f new sroom em ploym ent o f m inorities but less than stellar. Nearly 7,800 m inority journalists - or 13.6 percent o f all full-tim e jo u r­ nalists - w orked in the nation’s new sroom s in 2006, down slightly from 13.8 percent in 2005, accord­ ing to an annual census from the A m erican Society o f N ew spaper Editors. When the National Urban League re le a se d o u r S u n d ay M o rn in g A partheid report, we encouraged cable and netw ork outlets to take positive and productive steps to provide their view ers a broader p ersp ectiv eo f public policy issues. Since then, not a lot has been done props here but it shouldn't take an unfortunate controversy such as the one surrounding Imus' insensi- ti ve rem arks for news executi ves to understand the im portance o f d i­ versity to the journalism process for the constituents it serves. At the N ational Urban League, w e're not ju st advocating m edia diversity for the sake o f diversity but for the substantial benefits it delivers to the public at large. Broadening the pool o f guests and an ch o rs and rep o rters im ­ proves the tenor and quality o f the debate, offers a richer and more varied array o f inform ation to view ­ ers and helps fulfill the responsibil­ ity o f news outlets to educate the A m erican public to m ake them bet­ ter equipped to m ake inform ed po­ litical and policy choices. Marc H. Moriai is president and chief executive officer o f the Na­ tional Urban League. N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r f a v o r it e n e i g h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s t o r e n o w d e l iv e r s g r o c e r i e s r i g h t t o y o u r h o m e o r o f f ic e . w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) We Must Stem Gun Violence M arian W rigiit E delman We m ust face the hard truth that firearm s are so easy to a c q u ir e th a t le th a l m ass shootings are m athem atically inevitable. The most recent figures from the C enters for D isease C on­ trol and Prevention reveal that 2,825 children and teens died from gun­ shots in 2004. Every four days, another 32 children die. About as many children and teens died by firearm s in A m erica in 2(X)4 as the total num ber o f A m erican service men and w omen w ho died in co m ­ bat in Iraq and A fghanistan since those wars began. Fifty-eight preschoolers were shot that year, as com pared to 57 law enforcem ent officers. Shooting deaths occur all around us, day in and day out. But we don't act to control gun proliferation. O ur nation's leaders m ust enact and enforce com m on sense gun safety laws that check the flow of firearm s into our com m unities. We need legislation that requires thor­ ough background checks for every gun sale. The Bureau o f Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms must receive sufficient funds to pursue corrupt by gun dealers and black marketers. Stiffer anti­ trafficking laws must be ad o p ted n a tio n ­ wide. And the A ssault W eapons Ban must be im m e d ia te ly r e in ­ stated. Parents and com m unity leaders have a responsibility as well. They should rem ove guns from their hom es; organize nonviolent co n ­ flict resolution support groups in their congregations and com m uni­ ties; and refuse to buy video gam es and other products for their ch il­ dren and teens that glam orize or make violence acceptable or fun. We have the pow er to act now to reduce gun proliferation and vio­ lence. It's the responsibility o f all of us. For more inform ation on the cost o f gun violence in A m erica today, the Children's Defense Fund’s “Pro­ tect C hildren, Not G uns,” is avail­ able on lineatchildrensdefense.org/ gunreport. Marian VV right Edelman is presi­ dent o f the Children's Defense Fund and a working committee member o f the Black Community Crusade fo r Children.