Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 13, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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lune 13, 2007
Ï I orttani. © b n e r w r ^ t S
Home Grown
Book Tour
Rochell “Ro Deezy" Hart
Portland author, poet and per­
former Rochell D. “Ro Deezy” Hart is
touri ng her hometown to promote her
new book "W hat Else Did You Think
I W ould Say?” - a passionate and
candid collection o f verse that brings
forth some o f Ro D eezy's most influ­
ential scripts concerning politics,
oppression, resistance, love and
She will present one o f the prolific,
politically-laced perform ances she's
know for at New Bom Tribe African
Heritage Cultural Center, 3325 N.E.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., on Fri­
day, June 15 at 9 p.m. Local poets
Xavier Burton and Blacque Butterfly
will also take the stage that evening.
Another b<x,k signing is sched­
uled Thursday, June 19at6:30p.m .at
In Other Words Bookstore, 8 N.E.
for more information.
P o r tla n d ’s (¡a y M en C h o ru s -- The 27th
season o f perform ances from the Port­
land G ay M en’s C horus ends with a final
concerto n Saturday, June 16at 7 :30p.m .
at the A rlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
Former Gov. Barbara Roberts will host the
e v e n t. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v isit
PDX Teen Id o l-C o m e see I Oof Portland's
finest young singers com pete for the title
o f PDX Teen Idol! The Portland Parks and
Recreation sponsored event is on Satur­
day, June I ft at 7 p.m. at Reed College's
Kaul A uditorium . Tickets are free. For
more inform ation, visit m yspace.com /
C a n n o n B each C e le b ra tio n - O rnate
sculptures m ade o f sand will be the center
o f celebration at C annon Beach, with the
43rd A nnual Sandcastle Day Festival,
Saturday, June I ft. A m ateurs, families,
professionals and people o f all ages are
welcom e. For more inform ation and to
register, visit cannonbeach.org or call
B ike-In M ovie — Ride your bike o ver the
H aw thorne Hostel for a movie, food and
music on Friday, June 22 at 7 p.m. V olun­
teers are also needed. For m ore inform a­
tion, visit portlandhostel.org or call 503-
Second A nnual Day of th e A frican C hild
— Live African entertainm ent presented
by the H arm abee C enter from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. on Saturday, June 16 at the W orld
Forestry C enter in W ashington Park. Free
adm ission to 18 years and under.
' , -
K in g o f M a ria ch i V icen te F ern a n d ez -T h e
u n d isp u ted king o f M e x ic o 's trad itio n al
mariachi music, V icenteF e m á n d e z -“E1 Idolo
de M exico” - one o f the co u n try ’s m ost
recognizable and influential cultural icons,
com es to Portland with special guest Paquita
La Del B arrio on Saturday, June 30 at 8 p.m. at
the Rose Q uarter. Visit rosequarter.com .
H ip -h o p D a n ce C la sses — V ancouver-C lark
Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly
hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V ari­
ous lessons teach rhythm , technique, co o rd i­
nation, agility, com binations and team w ork
through urban dance m oves. For m ore infor-
mation.call 360-696-8236.
T rip p in ’ th ro u g h T o w n --T ak e a trip through
tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and
soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at
the Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
O p en M ic N ig h t - Every W ednesday night at
7 p.m.. Proper Eats M arket and C afé, 8638 N.
Lom bard St., hosts open m ic night.
JULY 23rd at 6 p.m.
Lee Williams
The Spiritual OC’s
Performing live at
at the Rose Quarter
For more information call
MENT 503-875-1425
Or visit: www.uprootedentertainment.com
Tickets available at the following outlets (To ch arge by p h o n e call)*.
T ickets W est 1-800-992-8499 • O ne S top R ecords 503-284-2435