Page B 6 lune 13, 2007 S PORTS Showcase Features Top High School Talent In clash of the classes B y P atrick G ruhler T he P ortland O bserver will feature D errick Favors from A tlanta and Lance Stephenson out T he fifth annual A didas Rose ofB rooklyn. City Show case will take place this The showcase has featured some of w eekend at G rant High School in the best future college and NBA play­ northeast Portland, show casing the ers over die last years. All-star center top prep players in the nation. Dwight Howard of the Orlando Magic The event will tip off at 7:30 p.m. is one of the biggest names to have Friday, June 15, with the first ever played in this Portlandevent. The Blaz­ "C lash o f the C lasses,” pitting the ers’ Martell Webster also played in the next crop o f college and NBA stars showcase. across the nation from the class o f G am es on Saturday and Sunday Tyreke E va n s L u ke B a b b itt Jrue H oliday 200« vs. the class o f 2009. will feature an eight-team tourna­ The 2(XJ8 team will feature Jrue ment with team s from across the P ortland’s Team Jones. land and played high school ball for Holiday from C alifornia and B.J country, including G eorgia, Ohio, Team Jones is nam ed after Blazer Barlow High School. M ullens from Ohio. T he2009team C alifornia, Indiana, S eattle and Freddie Jones w ho grew up in Port­ This y ear’s tournam ent has been L a n ce S te p h e n s o n expanded to showcase players from ages 11 -16, with teams from Oregon and W ashington. But the main Derrick Flavors show will be the Clash o f the Classes and the A AIJ team s m ade up o f the older players. Little Leaguers Finish Big Win four of six games at Williamsburg Jamboree O regon S ta te p la y ers m o b B raden W ells (9) a t h o m e p la te a fte r W ells s c o r e d th e only run o f th e g a m e in th e to p o f th e nin th inning a g a in st M ichigan S u n d a y. (A P P h o to ) World Series Bound O regon State is keeping its bid to The Beavers will face Cal State win back-to-back national baseball Fullerton in their opening game of cham pionships alive. The Beavers the College W orld Series on Satur­ advanced to the C ollege W orld day Series for the third straight time The eight game double elimina­ M onday after beating U niversity tion tournament starts off Friday in o f M ichigan 8-2, to sw eep their Omaha, Neb. The other first round s u p e r-re g io n a l se rie s w ith the gam es include Rice vs. Louisville, W olverines. North Carolina vs. Mississippi State OSU won the first gam e 1-0 Sun­ and U.C Irvine vs. Arizona State. day night in a pitchers battle, scor­ Last year the Beavers lost their ing their only run on their only hit opening gam e to University of o f the gam e in the ninth inning. M iami, 11-1. They then w ent on to O regon State shortstop Darwin win six straight elimination games, Barney, who went 3-for-5 with three including a rematch against Miami R BI for the Beavers, helped awaken and beating Rice twice and then the te am from th e ir o ffe n siv e U N C twice, to capture the college struggles in gam e 1. w orld series title. S ports C ommentary Grow Up, Athletes B y P atrick G ruhler T he P ortland O bserver O ver the last few w eeks I have w atched a lot o f T V . I have w atched a case built against M ichael Vick, quarterback o f the A tlanta Falcons, for his role in a dog fighting ring. A pparently 66 dogs were found on V ick’s property in Surry, Va. I have w atched the N FL sus­ pend A dam "P at m an" Jones o f the Tennessee Titans for an entire sea­ son for m ultiple offenses. In fact, Jones has been arrested five tim es since he w as drafted in 2005 with five other encounters with the po­ lice ending with no charges. T here are ongoing investiga­ tions in Las Vegas involving a fight and shooting at a strip club during the NBA A ll-Star w eekend that left one person paralyzed. I have also w atched N FL players Tank Johnson and Chris Henry re­ ceive eight gam e suspensions. I have w atched Kobe B ryant act like one o f the m ost im m ature and self­ ish people I have ever seen in his attem pt to get what he wants. W hy do pro athletes want to act like this? Even T im D uncan, golden boy o f the basketball world, has trouble acting like an adult. In alm ost any Spurs gam e, you w ould think that D uncan has nevercom m itted a foul in his life from his reaction as his eyes alm ost pop out o f his head. Professional athletes, if you want respect from the fans who buy the tickets, p urchase je rse y s, video games, shoes and support you, then you need to grow up. I understand it is fun to go out and drink and many people d on’(think weed is a big deal, but a, least be smart about it. D o n 't drive drunk. D o n 't carry guns around with you. D on’t get into fights. D on’t buy underage girls alcohol. D o n 't walk through the airport with w eed or guns in your bag. A nd act mature. D o n 't run right to the m edia when y o u ’re unhappy, and d on’t react like a spoiled 16- year old who ju st got grounded every tim e a foul is called. T he second point o f this is to the Blazers. I am begging you, m anagem ent, to continue what you have started. You have gotten rid o f the m ajority o f the rule breakers and the im m atu­ rity that dom inated our locker room since the mid 90s. L et's finish the job. Draft G reg O den, who is the ultim ate good guy and team player. T rad e Z ack R an d o lp h and cut D arius Miles loose. D on’t let these guys infect our locker room. Let the ultim ate professional Brandon Roy take over the locker room . Let the guys w ho d o n ’t quit and d o n ’t w hine play. Let the fans o f Portland be proud o f our team, and keep them out o f the news. T hat is, until we win the NBA cham pionship! B y P atrick G ruhler T he P ortland O bserver O v er M em orial D ay w eekend, the E n terp rise baseball team from n orth an d n o rth east P o rtla n d 's P e n in su la L ittle L ea g u e c o m ­ peted in the U rban In itiativ e Ja m ­ bo ree in W illiam sb u rg , Pa. T h is y ea r w as the fourth an ­ nual urban in itiativ e ja m b o ree, w h ich is sp o n so re d by L ittle L eague B aseb all, M ajo r L eague B aseball and players and co ach es such as T orii H u n ter and D usty Baker. P en in su la L ittle L eague w as ch o sen by D avid Jam es, D irecto r o f the U rb an In itiativ e, because the league is a m em b er o f the in itiativ e. T h e league w as able to choose betw een a m ajor team (11- 12 y ear o ld s), o r a ju n io r team (13 y ear olds). "T he decision was an easy one,” said M ary Dunn, president o f the local little league. “W e only have one m ajor team right now, so it was not hard for me to choose.” T he ja m b o ree featured 13 other team s from acro ss the natio n , in ­ clu d in g team s from A kron. O hio, The E n terp rise b a s e b a ll te a m from n o rth a n d n o r th e a s t P o rtla n d 's P en in su la Little L ea g u e p o s e for a te a m p h o to in W illiam sburg, Pa., h o m e o f th e Little L ea g u e World S e r ie s . T am p a Bay and S acram ento. E n terp rise p la y ed six g am es, w inning fo u ro f them . They played gam es F riday, S atu rd ay and S u n ­ day, having a d o u b le h ea d er on both days. "B oth gam es w e lost w ere very c lo se ,” D unn said. “ W e lost one gam e 9-7, an d the o th er 3-2 in a very clo se, g o o d g am e.” T he P en in su la gro u p w as the o nly team from O regon to c o m ­ pete in the ja m b o re e . T AND C AUTO SALES fc . B • LICENSED * bonded ’ !NSURED All-stars Girls Fundraiser Hosted by Peninsula Lakeside CARW ASH June 23rs 11 am to 5PM Portland Observer parking Lot 4747 NE MLK Jr. Blvd '■'x New Prices Effective May 1,2007 ,_x Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.(X) Tim Wilson 503-550-3841 Vehicles Inventory Consists Of: Reliable Inexpensive Automobiles Call to See What’s in Stock “/ / / Don't Have It In Stock, I Will Get It For You! ” Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. 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