Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 13, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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    lune B, 2007________________________________________
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P e r i l a n ti O b s e r v e r A u i o R e v ie w
T he W o rld F o re stry C e n te r
opens Z oom U ganda, a stunning
and thought-providing photo es­
say created by 12 orphaned girls in
U ganda, A frica, on Saturday June
16 with the exhibit running through
Aug. 31 at the D iscovery M useum
in the Special Exhibits G allery.
The photos tell the journey o f 12
girls w ho w ere each given acam era
and asked to capture her ow n story
in a 24 hour period. M ost had never
seen a cam era before, let alone op­
erate one. The girls, aged 14 through
18, are from the AIDS ravaged Rakai
district o f southern U ganda and are
all orphans o f the AIDS epidem ic.
T hey are students at St. A ndrew 's
Secondary School in the village o f
P resented by the H aram bee
C entre, a nonprofit organization
that connects people and groups in
the US with the peoples and cul­
tures o f the A frican continent,
Z oom U ganda w as directed by Julie
Resnick, w hojoinedT he Harambee
C entre’s cross-cultural exchange
trip to U ganda last year. Recalling
The 328i has perfect balance
front to rear, the right touch o f
suspension com p lian ce and the
smooth torque delivery is all there.
It delivers an im pressive balance
betw een ride and handling. A l­
though is m aybe a w agon it clearly
still has all the quality o f a true
BMW sedan. You w i 11 not be d i sap-
pointed with the 328i sport wagon.
/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ---
State Farm*
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Specifications; 3.0 liter dual overhead cam (DOHC), 24-valve in line 230 horsepower 6-cylinder
engine; 6-speed automatic overdrive transmission; 19city mpg, 28 highway mpg, $34,200 MSRP
the increased exterior dim ensions
translate into more interior space,
particularly in the back seat. The 3
Series Sport W agon is identical to
the sedan from the center roof pi I lar
forw ard. R earw ard, its roofline
tapers slightly all the way to the rear
o f the car, w hile the bottom line of
the rear w indow s tapers upw ard
slightly, creating som ething a o f
teardrop shape. R oof rails are stan­
The 328i w agon's rear gate opens
electrically, with a sw itch on the
key fob or dashboard, and sw ings
high for easy access to the load
ZoomUganda at Forestry Center
Photo essay
created by
orphaned girls
News and reviews on new m otor vehicles
sedan instead if a wagon. It has
m any o f the attributes o f a sports
car with the practicality o f a sedan.
T he 328i w agon engine offers the
unique perf orm ance characteristics
and sm oothness that make it a fa­
vorite am ong enthusiast drivers
w ho w ant the sport sedan driving
experience. It pulls like a sprinter
and never m isses a step.
2007 BMW
328i Sports
K athleen C arr
The 2007 BM W 328i wagon
com es with a powerful new engine,
a couple o f new colors and some
minor interior tweaks. The 328i accel­
erates more quickly, stops shorter
and turns with more lateral grip than
any previous models. It offers plenty
o f room, with more standard and
optional equipm ent and more so­
p h istica ted elec tro n ic co n tro ls.
BM W 's x-Drive all-wheel drive sys­
tem is available on the 328i.
This BM W 3 Series are the larg­
est cars in the 3 series ever. They're
m ore than tw o inches longer and
three inches wider, and w heelbase
has increased 1.4 inches. M ost of
Page B5
a day in their
lives through
their eyes
the first day o f the project, Resnick
says, “I handed out the cam eras
w ith their nam es w ritten on duct
tape to each girl. I drew a cam era on
the blackboard and explained each
part: ‘T his is the lens. This is the
shutter. T his is the zo o m .’ The girls
immediately repeated ‘zo o m ! zoom !
zoom !’ in many voices. They had
nam ed their project.”
The H aram bee C entrer is par­
floor. A reflector on the bottom o f
the gate adds an elem ent o f safety
in darkness. The glass rear window
opens separately, w hich is co n v e­
nient for quickly loading light
w eight items.
The 328i w agon was fun to drive.
It felt as if you were driving the
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life, distinctive
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In Loving
O ra H a rd e n
ticularly com m itted to em pow ering
girls to co n tin u e th eir ed u c atio n s,
as g irls in U g an d a are far less
likely than boys to receiv e su p ­
port for th e ir stu d ies and d isp ro ­
p o rtio n a tely b ea r the b u rd en o f
the w ays th at A ID S has rav ag ed
th eir co m m u n ity .
A m em orial service was
scheduled Wednesday, June 13
at Adams Chapel at River View
C em etery for Ora Beatrice
Harden, who died June 8, 2(X)7
at age 57.
Miss Harden was born March
26,1950, in Portland, where she
lived all her life. She graduated
from Jefferson High School and
was a homemaker and profes­
sional cake decorator.
Survivors include her sons
Orbray C. Davis and Cleo E.
Davis Jr.; daughter Tastonga I.
Davis; sisters, Jeanetta Lauder­
dale, Chitagawaa Cook, Gwen
R eed-T hrasher and Sandra
harden; brothers, Herman Sr.
and William; and three grand­
children. Rem em brances to
Adventist Health Hospice. Ar­
rangements by Autumn.
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