Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 13, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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    lune 13. 2007
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Page B4
C lassifieds / B ids
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
www.portlandonline.convomf purchasing
E xecutive
Public Employees Retirement System ( PERS ) - SALEM
PERS covers nearly 300,000 members and administers retirement,
disability benefits, health insurance, and deferred compensation
plans statewide.
Public Service Representative 3
Greet members and visitors to the Salem office, answering ques­
tions on retirement processes and assisting members with forms.
Salary: $1,963 - $2,771/month
Announcement #LE070218
Close Date: June 20, 2007
To review the job description, minimum qualifications, test
questions, and instructions to apply, visit our web page at:
www.oregon.gov/pers. EOE/AA.
The University of Oregon is soliciting qualifications from architectural
firm s in te re ste d in p ro v id in g d esign and c o n stru ctio n
administration services for a proposed Museum of Natural and
Cultural History Curation Expansion project on the University of
Oregon campus in Eugene, Oregon.
Briefly, the work as currently envisioned will include an addition of
approximately 6,000 gross square feet (gsf) to the existing 12,300
gsf Museum of Natural and Cultural History building. The addition
will house a 5,000 square-foot collections storage vault and
associated Collections Division offices and processing area. The
project also will include site development, which will require the
relocation of two existing basketball courts.
Firms may obtain the Request for Qualifications by registering
electronically at the following web address:
or may phone or write to:
University Planning Office
1276 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1276
Telephone: (541) 346-5562
Submissions of qualifications must be received in the University
Planning Office by 4:00 P.M. PDT, Thursday, June 28, 2007.
The University of Oregon is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity institution
committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
This is a strategic position within
ODOT, working directly with the
Agency Director as a member of
the Executive Team. Driven by
ODOT's organizational values, the
D e pu ty D ire c to r e xe rc is e s
leadership and vision in managing,
le a d in g and c o o rd in a tin g
sta te w id e
p ro gra m s
le g isla tive e fforts to achieve
fiscally sound, efficient programs
to support the operating activities
and objectives of the agency.
O D O T is s e e k in g a d yn am ic
professional with a proven track
record of strategic policymaking
and the ability to develop and
support a creative and innovative
environment. Candidates with a
minimum of 8 years' progressively
re s p o n sib le
m an age m e n t
experience and/or experience in
the public sector are encouraged
to apply.
The annualized equivalent of the
m onthly salary range extends
from $71,952 to a negotiable
current maximum of $111,312
based upon qualifications, skills
and experience.
Please visit the ODOT website for
additional information about this
exciting opportunity, including
a p p lic a tio n
in s tru c tio n s ,
minimum qualifications and a
detailed position description.
Logon to www.odot]obs.com - Search
for Announcement #0CDT7311
This position is considered Open
U n til Fille d : how ever, the
application screening process is
expected to begin on or about
A u g u st 6, 2007. M a te ria ls
received after 5:00 pm (Pacific
Time) on August 6, 2007 may not
re ce ive c o n sid e ra tio n at the
agency's discretion.
O re g o n 's
T ra n s p o rta tio n
D e p a rtm e n t is an Equal
E m p lo ym e n t
O p p o rtu n ity/
Affirmative Action employer. We
value a w e ll-tra in e d , d ive rse
w o rk fo rc e as a s tra te g ic
a d va n ta g e in s e rv in g our
customers and stakeholders.
Regulatory Program Administrator,
City of Portland
Ap p ro xim a te M on thly S a lary:
$4,571- $5,488
Notice of In te n t No. N 0 6 0 7 0 5
Prevention Services fo r Youth
S tate m e n ts of In te res t Due: Friday, June 2 2 , 2 0 0 7 a t 2 :0 0 pm.
Statements of Interest received will not be publicly opened and
read aloud.
The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) is seeking a qualified
organization to provide prevention services to children and families
in low-income housing. Statement of Interest should be sealed in
its entirety and clearly marked with the Sender's name, address
and notice number. Responses will be received until, but not after,
2:00 p.m.(DST), Friday, June 22, 2007 and should be address to:
Housing Authority of Portland
Attn. Cinna'Mon Williams, CPPB
Contract Specialist
Purchasing Department
135 SW Ash St., Fifth Floor
Portland, OR 97204
Copies of the solicitation package can be downloaded by accessing
the following web site:
or, can be picked up at the Housing Authority of Portland office at
the address below, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m. Proposers who download a copy of the NOI should
contact Purchasing to be added to the planholders list and receive
any addenda.
The Housing Authority of Portland is a public corporation serving all
Multnomah County. HAP provides housing and housing-related
services to those who face barriers due to income or disability.
HAP's housing and rent assistance programs serve 33,000
residents throughout the county. A citizen commission, with
volunteer members recommended by the City of Portland, the City
of Gresham, and Multnomah County, and approved by the Portland
City Council, governs HAP.
The Housing Authority is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer
and strongly encourages m inority-owned and women-owned
businesses and emerging small businesses to submit proposals
or to participate as subcontractors and suppliers on this and all
HAP contracts.
R e g u la to ry
P rogram
Administrator is responsible for
coordinating then work for one or
more regulatory programs such as
the Private for Hire Transportation,
Towing, Second Hand Dealers,
Social Games, Pay and Park Lots,
Amusement Devices and Payday
Program administrators may also
serve as staff on a corresponding
board. Duties include serving as
liaison and coordinating with City
and outside agencies regarding
assigned regulatory programs, and
investigating, enforcing, reporting
and recom mending actions on
regulatory programs.
For further information about this
position please visit our website
at: < h ttp :/ / w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .
o r.u s / io b s / > . All com ple te d
applications for this position must
be in th e p o ssession o f the
P o rtla n d B ureau o f Hum an
Resources no later than 4:30 pm,
Monday, June 25, 2007.
Sorry, we are unable to accept
faxed applications. An Equal
Opportunity Employer
L egal N otices
Need to p u b lish a c o u rt
document or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or
e-mail your notice for a free
price quote!
Fax: 503-288 00 15
The Portland Observer
B ureau o f P u rch ases
L ife W orks
C ustomer S ervice
C itv of Portland
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204
LifeWorks NW recognizes that
d iv e rs ity stre n g th e n s our
w orkforce and em pow ers our
com m u n ity, and th e re fo re
encourages women and men of
all cultural backgrounds and ages
to apply.
Chemical Dependency Counselor
(20 hrs/N Portland/Project for
Community Recovery) Provides
intake assessments, individual/
Chief Information Officer. $108,295
grou p a lco h o l and d ru g
- $157,039/annually. FT. Open
counseling; case management,
Until Filled. Resume review will
gender specific groups, urinalysis
begin on or around July 9, 2007.
collection, clinical documentation
Under the direction of the COO,
and coordinates with referral
provides technology leadership
sources. CADC l/ll reqd, BA or MA
and visio n fo r M etro, and is
pref. 2 yrs exp in CD field. Exp with
responsible for the efficient and
the cultural norms of the African
effective management of the IT
Am population, aw areness of
and re co rd s m an age m e n t
women's issues, and familiarity
functions, including planning,
with the N/NE community and
o rg a n iz in g and d ire c tin g the
referral sources such as DHS, DUII
a c tiv itie s of th e In form a tion
co u rts, M ental H ea lth , and
Technology Department.
corrections. Knowledge of ASAM,
OARS, Motivational Interviewing, To a cce ss th e co m p le te jo b
and computer pref.
announcement and application
instructions, including questions
Dual Diagnosis Therapist (FT/N
to be answered in the cover letter,
Portland) Project Network is a
visit www.metro-region.org/jobs,
residential program with a focus
or pick up a complete packet at
on th e A frica n Am e rican
Metro Human Resources, 600 NE
community for women in recovery
Grand Avenue, Portland.
who are with their small children.
Provides individual and group
AA/EEO Employer
counseling to African American
women, children, and significant
others with addictions and mental
health issu e s. C o m p le te s
d o cu m e n ta tion , fo llo w ve rity
p ro ce d u re s and p art of a Star Park is looking for individuals
multidisciplinary team. Requires with excellent customer service
MSW with exp. Alcohol and drug skills and a positive attitude to join
experience prefd.
o u r team of p a rk in g fa c ility
Law E nforcem ent Careers
w ith W ashington County
A re w a rd in g c a re e r in Law
Enforcement is waiting for you
w ith th e W a s h in gto n C o u n ty
Sheriff’s Office:
• Deputy Sheriff
$22.67 - $27.56/hour
• Recruit Deputy Sheriff
$18.68 - $21.38/hour
• Correctional Officer
$22.67 - $27.56/hour
• Correctional OfficerTrainee
$18.68 - $21.38/hour
To learn m ore a b o u t th ese
opportunities, please visit our
homepage at www.co.washing-
ton.or.us. Completed Washington
County employment application,
re sp o n se s to su p p le m e n ta l
questionnaire, and a Statement
of Personal History are required.
We encourage you to download
c o m p le te
o n -lin e
employment application mater­
ials or call (503) 846-8606/ TTY
(503) 846-4898, Applications
will be accepted until June 22,
2007. P o stm a rk date is
acceptable. Completed employ­
m ent a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls
should be submitted to: Washing­
ton County Human Resources
155 N. First Ave., Su ite 270
illsb o ro , OR 97124. Equal
Interested applicants may e-mail operators. Positions include:
employer committed
resumes to hr@lifeworksnw.org, Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier,
workforce. Women,
mail to: LifeWorks NW, 14600 and Valet, with Opportunity for
and p e o p le w ith
NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR advancem ent. No experience
encouraged to
97229 Attn:Human Resources or
fax to: 503-690-9605. Visit our 8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k
web site at www.lifeworksnw.org. w/match, sick & vacation pay.
Excellent benefits. EOE
P r o v id e n c e
610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221
Program Coordinator, City of Portland
Portland, OR 97 20 5
Ap pro xim ate M onthly S a lary:
$4,534- $6,047
We're seeking exceptional individuals
for exciting career opportunities!
The Crim e Prevention Event/
RADIO SALES - interviewing for
Training Program Coordinator
A c c o u n t E xe cu tive p o sitio n ,
plans, organizes, manages and
minimum five years radio sales
e va lu a te s th e m ajor crim e
e xp e rie n c e re q u ire d . Send
prevention events and citywide
resum e: A ttn , HR, 0234 SW
crim e p re ve n tio n tra in in g
Bancroft Street, Portland, OR
pro gram s. S p e c ific a lly, th is
97239. No phone calls please.
in c lu d e s
(l)y e a r-ro u n d
Equal Opportunity Employer
coo rd in ation and tra c k in g of
major special events including
National Night Out, Ready Safe Go
and other sim ilar events, and EMPLOYMENT
(2)coordination and tracking of
C ityw id e crim e pre ve n tio n
training, expanding the program
to be proactive rather than only
responding to individual training
For further information about this
position please visit our website
jo b s / >. All co m p le te d a p p li­
cations for this position must be
in the possession of the Portland
Bureau of Human Resources no
later than 4:30 pm, Wednesday,
June 27, 2007.
Sorry, we are unable to accept
faxed applications. An Equal
Opportunity Employer
Find current job openings
and apply online at:
• Outdoor Advertising Program Specialist
Salary: $2,119 ■ $3,044/month
Announcement #0C0T7266 Salem
Salary: $2,980 - $4,470/month
Announcement 40C0T7268 Salem
An Equal O pp ortunity Em ployer
ODOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation, If great benefits, a professional work
environment, job Innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT.
SAIF C orporation. Oregon's
not-for-profit, state-chartered
workers' compensation
insurance company, has been
doing business for more than 90
years and is the leading workers'
compensation insurance provider
in Oregon. SAIF again this year
has been named one of the
"100 Best Companies to Work
for in Oregon."
A, T.’V,.
• Contract Services Specialist
*0 .„sa if
Whether your professional skills
are In fin a n c ia l s e rv ic e s or
nursing: mediçal records or facility
m ain te n an ce: a d m in istra tive
su p p o rt
h e a lth c a re
management, consider a career
w ith P ro v id e n c e ! V is it our
Employment Center at 1235 NE
47th Avenue, or view current
opportunities and apply online
to d a y! w w w .p ro v id e n c e .o rg /
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job
information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees
com petitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes
employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and
personal leave: membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement
Plan (OPSRP); and opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings
Growth Plans. The State of Oregon and ail Its divisions are proud to be
equal opportunity employers.
We are committed to hiring
and retaining employees who
represent Oregon's ethnic,
cultural, and geographic
H e a lth S y s te m
• Environmental Coordinator
Salary: $3,287 • $4,932/montli
Announcement #OCDT7312 Portland/Vancouver
• Sr. Appraisal Analyst
Salary: $4.190 - $6.284/month
Announcement AOCDT7259A Salem
• Heavy Equipment Mechanic
Salary: $2,865 ■ $3,454/month
Announcement #OCDT7O34A La Grande
• Transportation Maintenance Coordinator 1
Salary: $2,420 ■ $3,506/month
Announcement »OCDT5378 Corvallis
Building Camen. Bridging the Future.
Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to
apply for these jobs. Go to www.odotjobs com for a complete copy or call 503-9864030 |TTY 5 0 3
986 3 8 54 ] to request by mail. ODOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. Announcements will be made available In alternate format upon request: (503)
3786202. TTY 1800-9938898.
w w w . 0 r e g o
o b s . o