lune 6 ,2007_____________________________________ C1’c Jlortlattò ©bseruer S ports C lassified PORTLAND DEVELOPMENTCOMMISSION Cleveland, San Antonio Face Off for Finals P atrick G ruhler T he P ortland O bserver by The C leveland C avaliers will match up against the San A ntonio Spurs for the NBA finals Thursday, JuneS. With Cleveland playing their first ever NBA finals, the Spurs will go for their fourth title in nine sea­ sons after beating the Utah Jazz in five gam es in the W estern C onfer­ ence finals. The Spurs finished that series off last Tuesday and will have an eight-day rest before the finals start. The C avaliers finished off the D etroit Pistons Saturday 98-82, w inning the series 4-2. A fter get­ ting dow n 2-0, losing those gam es in Detroit both by three points, C leveland seemed to gain more confidence as each gam e w ent on before blow ing out the Pistons in gam e six. T hat series was the com ing out party for Jam es, who faced much scrutiny in the first two losses for the decisions he was making. In game one Lebron had only 10 points to go with 10 rebounds and nine assists, but took heat for passing the last shot o f the gam e to D onyell M arshall w ho was open for the g am e w in n in g shot. M a rsh a ll m issed that shot. In gam e two Jam es listened to the critics and drove the lane for the last shot, although he m issed when Cleveland Cavaliers' Daniel Gibson drives around Zydrunas llgauskas, left, from Lithuania, and LeBron James, right, during practice earlier this week. he felt there was contact. The follow ing trio o f gam es was the Lebron Jam es show. T he Pis­ tons tried to throw m ultiple double and triple team s at Jam es but noth­ ing worked. Games three and four in C leveland were all Jam es, as he scored 32 and 25 points respec- tively. But it was gam e five that took Jam es into the pantheon o f super- star players and superstar games. Jam es scored 48 points, including 25 straight points and 29 and 30 points for Cleveland, as they won in double overtim e in Detroit, seiz­ ing control o f the series. The Pistons tried to learn in game six, harassing Jam es into finishing with 20 points on 3-11 shooting, but also had 8 assists and 14 re­ bounds. The C avaliers took a one point lead into the fourth quarter, but Jam es kept finding his open teammates, especially rookie Daniel G ibson. G ibson knocked dow n three straight threes to start the fourth quarter, taking all the air out o f the Pistons, and finished with a career high 31 points. The Spurs will be the next team to try to slow dow n Jam es. C le v e la n d w on b oth g am es against the Spurs this year, but both gam es were before the all-star break, when the Spurs tightened up their play and really found their game. The Spurs have been playing some o f the best basketball in the NBA since the al 1 star break and are the clear cut favorites to win their fourth cham pionship. Look for the Spurs to use their depth and to focus on their own superstar, Tim D uncan, to control the tem po o f the game. The C ava­ liers will have a very tough time defending D uncan, and if they can slow him dow n, the Spurs have several shooters on the perim eter to knock down jum pers and drive the lane for easy buckets. Is Michael Jordan Better Than Lebron James? P atrick G rihler T he P ortland O bserver Jordan was beauty. He made basketball seem like an art form. A fter Lebron Jam es put up 48 Jordan could get past anybody points on Thursday night against on the court, even tw o or three the D etroit Pistons, including 25 times, and his gam e was different. It straight points and 29 o f his team s was beauty, it was graceful and last 30 points, he elevated him self m ost o f all it was better than every­ into the topic o f greatest player one else's. ever. We all know that with a bad Both m en have put up rid ic u ­ fin a ls p e rfo rm a n c e that co u ld lous num bers in th e ir first four quickly change, but for the tim e s e a s o n s . J o rd a n a v e ra g e d 37 being, Jam es is the guy. points in his third season in the His perform ance against Pistons league. Jam es av erag ed 31 in his m ade it clear cut in my mind that third season. Jam es is the best. But Jordan never got to the fi­ So the real question is, is Lebron nals until his seventh season. It has Jam es better than M ichael Jordan? taken Lebron four. W ell, let’s exam ine their gam es But Jam es plays w ith D rew real quick. They may both be perim ­ G ooden, Donyell M arshall, Daniel eter players, but com pletely d iffer­ G ibson and Big Z. Jordan never ent types. m ade it to the finals until he had Jam es is power. He can go right Scottie Pippen. through co n tact ov er and ov er Jordan played in a tim e when one player did n ’t control a team 's pay- again, and it doesn’t affect him. by roll, and a team could have several su p erstars. For my m oney 1 will still take Jordan. T he beauty at w hich Jordan played the gam e o f basketball was unbelievable. Lebron may pow er past his opponents, Jordan is just better than them. All of them. At the same time. Now I know you might be saying that in ten years Jam es could aver- agea triple double, w ineightM VPS, and have a handful o f rings, 1 will still take Jordan. In fact one friend told me, “Jor­ dan is better now, but lets talk in eight years.” M aybe I ca n ’t get the image o f him knocking down all those threes against the Blazers, looking at the sidelines, and shrugging his shoul­ ders like he d id n 't know he had it in him. A fter that, no one ever ques­ tioned what Jordan had in him. Big City Produce Come to our Outdoor Market every Sat 10AM-4PM 722 N. Summer Ave. 503.460.3830 Open M-F 8AM-7PM Sat 9AM-7PM Sun 9AM-6PM Mariners Baseball rr ; * > North Medford won the 6A baseball championship, beating W estview 3- 2 on Saturday. Forest Grove won the 6A Softball championship handily defeating Central Catholic 5 - 1. NHL The Anaheim Ducks took a 3-1 lead against Ottowa in the Stanley Cup Finals. Game 5 takes place W ednes­ day night in Anaheim as the Ducks look to win their first Stanley Cup trophy. One Step Closer The Oregon State Beavers got them ­ selves into a hole in their repeat bid for a national baseball cham pion­ ship. A fter losing their first game against Virginia, the Beavers had to win three straight gam es to move on to the super regional. On M on­ day, the Beavers beat Rutgers 5-2, and then beat Virginia5-3. On Tues­ day the Beavers beat the odds as they beat V irginia 7-3 to win the regional bracket. They will play the U niversity o f M ichigan in the best o f three super regional, starting Friday. The P o rtla n d D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m issio n (PDC) is re q u e s tin g q u a lifica tio n proposals fo r A rchitecture -S torefront Services to be c o n tra c te d on an a s-n e e d e d basis. From th is R e q u est For Q u a lifica tion s (RFO) firm s w ill be selected to receive a three-year contract. The fu ll R equest fo r Q u a lifica tion s m ay be dow nloaded fro m th e in te rn e t a t w ww o b ta in e d by te le p h o n e or FAX re q u e st to: Linda Pregent Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission 2 2 2 NW Fifth Avenue P ortland, OR 9 7 2 0 9 -3 8 5 9 Phone 5 0 3 .8 2 3 .3 3 6 3 Responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address no later than 3:00PM, Wednesday, June 26,2007 Faxed copies will not be accepted Contractors who are certified as Minority. Women or Emerging Small Business are strongly encouraged to apply. Contractors are also recommended to utilize Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises for their subcontracting needs. Portland Development Commission greatly values diversity in contracting and in the workforce and encourages c o n tra c to rs to do the same. ‘Where a reflection of you, is a reflection of me" Angela Carter (503) 286-1512 E-mail: Please visit our website ft Location: 2948 N t mlk Btvd Portland , Oregon 9721 2 Peninsula Children's Center SU M M ER P R O G R A M S 2007 J u n e 1 8 -S e p te m b e r 4 A g e s 5 -1 2 Science, Music, Field Trips and Sports........ ^ o,y oiMjb Contact Lynnelle 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -0 5 3 4 jtfs '? .# « V “ ' " “ '■pmeh, Providing quality, allordablc childcare since 1970 Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call See us at our new PENINSULA STORE 4632 N. Trenton 503.286.1259 Open M-F 8am-6pm • Sat-Sun 9am-6pm 360-823-1441 1 -888-849-0588 Free cooking class Friday 6/8/07-7:30PM Vancouver. WA 98684 Allen Temple’s Pastor’s Appreciation & Reception In Honor Of Dr. Leroy Haynes, Jr. Charlotte Martin 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Have you seen me? Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST Endangered Missing 4:00 pm - Sunday June 10 2007 Theme “Anointed And Sent For A Mission” Luke 4:18-19 Donovan Flip Flops Billy Donovan, who coached the U niver­ sity o f Florida Gators M e n 's b a s k e tb a ll team to two consecu- tiv e N C A A titles, signed a contract with the O rlando M agic on Friday. On M onday D onovan realized his mistake and began talks to back out. The NBA will consider banning D onovan from coaching the league for at least five seasons. Responses due 3:00 PM June 26.2007 Request fo r Q u a lifica tion s # 0 6 -3 6 You may have more options then you think. Prep Sports A fte r lo sin g tw o straig h t gam es to th e A n g e ls , th e M ariners beat the Texas Rangers three o f four before taking gam e one in a three gam e series against the Balti­ m ore O rioles M onday night. Se­ attle continues the series Tuesday and W ednesday against Baltimore. Architecture - Storefront Services Flexible Service Contracts (As Needed Basis) I t’s never too soon to think about refinancing. Sports Week in Review by P atrick G ri hler T he P ortland O bserver Page B3 Speaker Reverend Robert C. Jointer New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Allen Temple CME Church Pastor LeRoy Haynes Jr. DONNAGONZALEZ Current Age: 16 Date Missing: March 3 1.2 0 0 7 M issing Front: B uffalo,TX BI RNARDINI »1FRNANDFZ C urrent Age: 21 M ale Hispanic Height: 5 ’4 " W eight: 124 lbs. A felony kidnapping warrant has been Issued for Bernardino Hernandez, in the abduction of Donna Gonzalez. Suspect vehicle 1992 white Chevrolet Silverado (extended cab) pickup: Texas plates 80WJY4. 4236 NE Eighth Avenue If you have any information please contact: The National Centerfor Missing and Exploited Children Portland OR 1 -8 0 0 -T H E -L O S T (1 -8 0 0 -8 4 3 -5 6 7 8 ) (503) 287-0261 This public service announcement provided by the Portland Oh.ierver Newspaper.