lune 6, 2007 íl?‘'JJortlanh ©bseruer Page B2 Women Entering Fields Dominated by Men Barriers still in place w ith h e r jo b at N u tte r C o r p o r a ­ tio n in V a n c o u v e r, W ash . S h e w a s a t tr a c t e d to th e $50,(XX) a y e a r sh e c o u ld m ak e as a h e a v y e q u ip m e n t o p e ra to r. R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver by “ W o m e n b rin g d iffe re n t ta l­ e n ts to th e c o n s tru c tio n in d u stry M o re th an 4 0 y e a rs a fte r th e E q u al P ay A ct, stu d e n ts w ere th a t c o m p le m e n t w h a t th e in ­ still s u rp rise d to se e a w o m a n d riv in g c o n s tru c tio n e q u ip m e n t. d u s try T h e re a c tio n is u n d e rsta n d a b le , k e tin g d ire c to r. o f f e r s ,” w ro te L is a S c h m id t, N u tte r C o r p ’s m a r­ S c h m id t c o n s id e rin g w o m e n m a k e up e x p e c ts fu tu re tw o p e rc e n t o f th e c o n s tru c tio n g ro w th in O re g o n ’s c o n s tru c ­ w o rk fo rc e a n d e a rn 7 9 p e rc e n t tio n in d u stry w ill b rin g m o re o f th e a v e ra g e sa la ry th a t m en o p p o rtu n ities for w o m en in fields m a k e in th is field. th a t h a v e b e e n d o m in a te d by m en . O n e e x c e p tio n is M ic h e lle P ro u ty , w h o w a n te d to e n c o u r ­ <. ag e m o re w o m e n to e n te r the c o n s tru c tio n b u sin e ss by s h o w ­ ing o f f h e r sk ills to 4 ,5 0 0 s tu ­ Construction worker Michelle Prouty delights audiences at the Northwest Youth Career Expo last month by showing off her skills using a mini-hoe. d e n ts at th e N o rth w e st Y o u th C a re e r E x p o . S h rie k s o f s u r­ p rise e ru p te d fro m th e a u d ie n c e as sh e u se d a m in i-h o e to p la ce a b a s e b a ll o n to a sa fe ty co n e . A fte r w o rk in g h e r w ay up fro m a fla g g e r, P ro u ty is h ap p y Live Music Every Night Dear Deanna! • Live blues perform ances T uesday at Produce Row Café, 204 SE Oak, from 9 p.m. to Midnight, the Steinhaus, 2366 SE 82nd Ave., Mississippi Studios, 3939 N. Mississippi Ave., from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and at Jimmy M ak's, 221 NW 10th, at 8 p.m. Live blues and jazz performances are I’m the only girl out o f five boys in my fam ily. I’m not the oldest but because my mom was a single par­ ent, I had to grow up too fast and take care o f my siblings. I’ve been on my ow n for tw o years and my m other w on’t accept the fact (hat she ca n ’t boss me around anymore. I d o n ’t m ind babysitting while she works but my life is my priority. We argue a lot because I w on’t stay from w ork, skip college classes or give her money. How do Ideal with this and hold on to respect? — available. Tired Daughter; Columbia, S.C. • W ednesdays, the Candlelight Room , 2032 SW 5th. and D uff’s G arage, 635 SE 7th, and the Blue Diam ond, 2016 NE Sandy BI vd., offer up b lues p erfo rm an ce s. Catch live ja z z p e rfo rm a n c e s at the Blue M onk, the Portland Art M useum. Jim m y M ak’s, and Jax, 826 S W 2nd, fro m 7 :3 0 p .m .to 11 p.m. Dear Tired Daughter: • Hannah Bea’s, 3969 N .E.M LK , presents jazzduringits S u n d ay Brunch Serenade’ from 11 a.m .-l p.m. • L ive ja z z p e rfo rm a n c e s S u n d ay evenings from 8:30 p .m .-11:30p.m.,at Clyde’sPrime Rib,5474N ESandy.and at the Blue M onk ,3341 S.E. Belmont. • Participate in a m ixed-m edia open m ic night each Monday at the Back-to-BackCafe, 614 E. Burnside, and at the Clackam as Com munity C ollege’s Open M ic Jazz Jam s, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Y ou've been a babysitter for so long that your m other feels the loss and the financial im pact. Your m other spent so much tim e working and raising the kids she didn’t no­ tice you growing up, developing your own personality and becom ­ ing a woman. She still views you as a child. Have a discussion with her as you help her begin to know you as an adult. Rem ind her that the • On Thursdays the W om en in Blues Review, at T illicum ’s, 8585 SW Beaverton in Hillsdale. • F rid a y s a n d S a tu rd a y s offer many venue choices around the metro area: H alibuts (2525 NE Alberta St.), M ississippi Studios, L V 's, 3530 N. V ancouver Ave., XV, 15 SW 2nd, Out o f the Blues, 2050 NW V aughn. M anila Express, 12370 SE Main St. in Tigard, O ne Stop Records, 615 NE K illingsworth St., and the U-licious Sm okehouse, 4057 N. Interstate Ave. xoneteenth explos/O/? CONCERT Featuring Mataco Recording Artist OPENING ACT David Sea COOL B R EE Z^ AskDtwz/zû! the purse m ade me notice. — Sus­ picious; On-Line Reader Dear Suspicious: An advice Column known fur reality based subjects! other kids will be grown soon. As you offer to help when you can and when you c a n ’t offer solutions that may help. Dear Deanna! My boyfriend gave me a fake purse for my birthday and I really liked a lot. My mind changed drastically when I found out he gave som eone else a purse like it. H ow ever, the purse he gave to another girl was real and he spent a lot o f m oney on it. Now I' fn beginning to think that he cheats on me because I'v e no­ ticed changes in his behavior, he disappears and acts funny. I guess h e’s been doing this for a w hile but The m om ent you learned he gave another female a gift is the m oment you should have got with the pro­ gram. To m ake m atters w orse, he gave you the cheapie so that should tell you how he really feels about you. It’s sham eful that it took a material possession to reveal what you w ere too silly to see. All in all you cam e out on top. Look on the bright side and thank him for spar­ ing you from a broken heart, look­ ing like a fool and getting played like a sucker. Dear Deanna! My brother is dating a girl that is using him. S he’s pretty and th at’s why my brother runs after her I i ke a sick dog. It really bothers me to see this. He acts as if he has to do everything for her, do w hat she says and c a n 't think for himself. I’ve seen her out with guys and she talks on the phone to several o f my male friends but she claim s it’s in­ nocent. I d o n ’t believe her espe­ cially after seeing her in the club with a guy. How do I expose her and her lies? — Temia; Sacramento, Calif. Dear Temia: If y o u r b ro th er w ants to be a mat th a t’s w alk ed all over, th e re ’s not m uch you can do to ch an g e it. O b v io u sly h e ’s c o n te n t b ein g used and sh arin g his g irlfrien d . T he best you can do is give him ad v ice to be ca u tio u s, pay a tte n ­ tion to th e sig n s and be c lea r o f his ex p e ctatio n s in his relatio n - . ship. If he ch o o ses to ig n o re the w ords o f w isd o m , sit back and be ready to su p p o rt him w hen she tak es him to the clean ers, hurts him and b leed s him dry. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeannal or 264 S. LaCienega Bird. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: www.askdeanna.coni M ental Health Services Work Arrests, school expulsions decline Com munity treatment for mental health disorders has reduced ar­ rests o f adults and school suspen­ sions and expulsions for youths. Data reported by the Oregon D epartm ent o f H um an Services show reductions in arrests o f nearly 70 percent for both youths and adults. In addition, data from treat­ ment providers show a 56 percent reduction in school suspensions and expulsions o f adolescents a year after treatm ent began. C om m unity m ental health treat­ ment is available across Oregon from county governm ents and more than 100 private nonprofit provid­ ers. A nyone interested in learning about mental health treatm ent ser­ v ic e s m ay c o n ta c t th e lo c a l county ' s mental health departm ent, listed in the blue governm ent pages o f the phone book. Bob Nikkei, DHS assistant direc­ tor for addictions and ijiental health, said publicly financed services. needed by m any people with se­ vere mental illnesses, reach ju st 35 percent o f the nearly 108,000 chil­ dren and adolescents and 44 per­ cent o f the nearly 162,000 adults estim ated to ex p erien ce severe em otional disorders or mental ill­ nesses in any given year. In his p ro clam atio n o f M ay as M ental H ealth M onth in O regon, G ov. K ulongoski m adea pledge to rep lace the aging O regon S tate H ospital and stren g th en the c o m ­ m unity m ental h ealth system that su p p o rts it. - ? hi ** r $ www coolbreeze com Hosted by J O E “ BEAN” KELLER Singing front his latest C D “Love makes the world go around June 16th & 17th . Yam Yam's Southern Cooking and Barbecue Parking lot 7339 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 6p m - U n til (b o th d a y s) 21 AND OVER ID REQUIRED-FULL NO HOST RAR WILL RE AVAILABLE Natural Areas Bond Measure TICKET SALES •G EN EV A 'S SHEER PERFECTION •M IC H A E L ’S ITALIAN BEEF A SAUSAGE •O N E STOP RECORDS 5 0 0 1 NE MLN 1 1 1 1 M SANDY l e t s NE KRLINOSWORTM •L V ’S 1 2 2 2 SPORTS BAR Let's get started! •FOR VIP TICKETS: CONTACT YAM YAM'S SOUTHERN CUSINE 503-709-9017 Open House: Wednesday, June 20, 6-8 p.m. 3 5 3 0 N. VANCOUVER St. Johns Community Center, 8427 N. Central St., Portland • Hosted by Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder Featured areas: Columbia Slough, Willamette River Greenway, Forest Park Connections [IN TER STA TE BAR ft (jR IL I. » -• fmàlnutk It Anttainr* ÌII/H I] LNITED SAl.AD CO. I | IMOONSTAR Oregon Convention Center j Also featuring: City of Portland local natural area program priorities w w w .m e t r o - r e g io n .o r g /n a t u r a la r e a s • (503) 797-1741 I 1