ï l, Page A 6 ‘ fflb serW r______________ lu n e 6 , 2 0 0 7 Shakespeare Festival Spotlights Diversity con tin u ed fro n t Front T hese are big questions that have been seriously addressed by festival staff, w hich in the past sev­ eral years has steadily built pro­ gram s to attract audiences o f color from nearby urban areas and co n ­ duct outreach into the grow ing L atino com m unities that dot the region. A shland - a postcard scene sur­ rounded by rural farming com m uni­ ties and population from statew ide and C alifornia - could be ju st an­ other sleepy stop along 1-5, but since 1935 their love o f theater has set it apart from their neighbors. Now, in a world where attracting ju st one type o f audience do esn ’t quite cut it. the festival seeks other w ays to set A shland apart by ex­ panding their playbill, cast and au­ dience. In the w ords o f Diane Holt, director o f audience developm ent, O SF understands that to represent the world you m ust understand the w orld’s diverse cultures. Holt explained the beginnings of theirdi versity program, dating back to the late 1990s, when they began to place greater em phasis on hiring actors o f color and launched cam ­ paigns to find new audiences. H istorically, the w ord diversity h a s n ’t been sy n o n y m o u s w ith southern Oregon - but O SF has worked hard to build a com pany o f world-class actors, directors and artists that m irror the array o f clas­ s ic , c o n te m p o r a r y an d Shakespearean plays. A ttracting theatergoers from Portland, the San Francisco Bay area and beyond, they’ve em bodied the idea that the­ ater knows no race or gender, only the integral lesso n so f love, fam ily, tragedy and com edy. Eventually, actors o f colorcam e to represent at least 25 percent o f the com pany com prised o f around 80 members. But at the sam e tim e things were slightly one-sided: “Now that we had m ore than a third o f the staff with actors o f color, we looked out into the audi­ ence. which was mostly white,” Holt recalled. Holt began to hear, through feed­ back from actors and staff, a per­ ception in the African A m erican com m unity that southern O regon w asn’t a safe place to stop. Not long after the revelation. Holt said a white man from My rtle Creek, a small com munity outside Ashland, paid her a visit after seeing an A u­ gust W ilson play. He said it broke his heart to see such w onderful African Am erican plays, but no A frican A m ericans in the audience. T he man gave the festival a small grant, their first funding to attract people o f color, and in 1999 they received another larger grant for outreach in the local Latino co m ­ m unity. In 2(X) 1 another cam paign broadened their audience, moving right along in expanding beyond their rural boundaries. This past year, festival officials joined Portland’s Partners in D iver­ sity to recruit new board mem bers and sent an actor to the quarterly Say Hey, NW netw orking event. A couple tim es this year, actors have led com m unity discussions about the plays, held most recently at a church in northeast Portland. With full momentum, OSF recently hired a new artistic director, Bridget B. Sullivan, whose job, which starts next month, will be tocontinue reach­ ing out into surrounding com m uni­ ties and Portland as well as into California, Seattle and Vancouver, W ash. Originally from upstate New York piioto by S arah B i . ount /T he P ortland O bserver and a longtime A tlanta resident, Sullivan has the dual perspective of Representatives o f the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland are known for introducing theater and Shakespeare to low-income being a minority in a rural and white high schools. Pictured from left are OSF Development Director Diane Holt and company actors Nancy Rodríguez, René Millán and setting and having lived in one o f the Armando Duran. most diverse cities in the country. Now, as a relatively new Oregonian from Portland, she is recei ving a crash course in southern Oregon culture after visiting for the job interv iew. “M y short time in Ashland al­ lowed me to see there was a certain energy,” she said. “It could be the creative energy but I also got the sense that A shland w as serious about accepting diversity in their community.” And from what her new colleagues have told her. the tim ing couldn't be better. “Everyone has made reference to The audience development director with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Diane Holt (left) meets with actress Greta Oglesby, who appears in this season's “Gem o f the Ocean" and “The Tempest.” P o r t l a n d O b s e r v e r T k u to R e v i e w 2007 ‘the tim e is now , ” she said. “The tim e is perfectly aligned to m ake diverse changes across the board. O S F is c o m m itte d to m a k in g changes that will benefit A shland and region as a w hole.” S ullivan is already busy g ener­ ating enough ideas to m ake your head buzz, including plans to jazz up w eekend getaw ay tours that already originate from Portland and O akland. Calif. S h e'd like to see brochure’s printed in Spanish, part­ nerships with local theaters and radio show s, and she plans to build a relationship betw een the festival and inner city kids in com m unities w ith schools that may not have art program s. It’s unclear how exactly Sullivan will affect the festival, but as our state adapts to cultural changes in altitudes and acceptance, it’s good to know A shland can look to its g reatest strength, the festival, to nurture this ideal. C atch “G em o f the O cean’’ or one o f 10 oth er perform ances, in ­ cluding S h ak esp eare's “A s You L ike It” and “T he T em pest” during th e 2 0 0 6 -0 7 s e a s o n r u n n in g through O ctober at OSF. KELIS. R&B star, genre buster Shattered » ra / In f in it i G 3 5 by K athleen C arr The Infiniti G35 sedan has been reconfigured for 2007. The body o f the four-door sedan is updated, giving it a tight, more buff look but without forfeiting its signature styl­ ing cues. Inside, there's a richer, w arm er look and feel, with perfor­ mance-oriented enhancem ents that add to the driving experience. The substantially reworked 2007 engine may entice a driver to have a heavy right foot, delivering its added power smoothly and strongly right up to the borderline m otor­ cycle-level, 7500-rpm red line. The b en e fit is th a t e s tim a te d fuel econom y for the 2007 m odel is up over the 06, by one mile per gallon, at least for those w ho can resist the implicit urge. T he G35 buyercan choose from four versions: a nicely equipped entry-level model with leather trim and autom atic clim ate control; the Journey model with dual-zone air conditioning, a navigation system, a prem ium audio system , and a self- adjusting cruise control; the G 35x with all-wheel drive; and a revised Sport model with upgraded front seats, active four-w heel steering with variable ratio pow er steering and a firm er suspension that turns the G 35 into a serious sports sedan. The new, 2(X)7 Infiniti G35 sedan com es in four m odels, all pow ered by the sam e 3.5-liter V 6 engine making 306 horsepower. Tw o trans­ m issions are available, a five-speed autom atic with m anual-shift m ode and a six-speed. Ride and handling stay consis­ tent in the G 35 with the notable and com mendable exception o f the Sport m odels with four-w heel steer. The autom atic model changes gears the qu ick est and, interestin g ly , the glass ceilings and plastic expectations. Coloring inside the lines is so not hot. Leave th a t fo r the conform ists w I* ) A •-». - * r ’ ♦* v Jr ' 7 - 4 « » \ » ’• Specifications: 3.5 Liter 24-valve V6 Engine: Five speed auto­ matic transmission with manual shift mode; 19 mpg city, 26 highway mpg, $33,450 MSRP, price tested $36,800. sm oothest with cither the shift le­ ver or the colum n-m ounted paddles and under full throttle; it's like a pow er shift but w ithout the clutch. The transm ission has the ability to handle the powerful engine. Infiniti has m ade changes to 80 percent o f the en g in e’s m ajor com ponents w hich were redesigned. Variable ex h au st valve tim ing has been added, for exam ple. A beefier en ­ gine block, m odified pistons and, o f course, new coding in the engine m anagem ent com puter have en ­ dow ed the engine with a higher rev lim it, now 7500 revolutions per m inute versus last year's 66(X) rpm. S tandard across the m odel line up are le ath e r-a p p o in ted u p h o l­ stery ; au to m atic c lim a te co n tro l; po w er d riv er and front p assen g er se at; p o w er w in d o w s, o u tsid e m irrors and central locking; A M / F M /C D /M P 3 stereo w ith au x il­ iary au d io input; m u lti-fu n ctio n trip c o m p u ter; se v en -in ch , co lo r, center-dash, LCD m onitor; tilt and te lesco p in g steerin g w heel; a n a ­ log gau g e clu ste r that tilts w ith the steering co lu m n : alum inum in te rio r trim ; R F ID -b ased , k ey ­ le ss ig n itio n ; H ID , b i-x e n o n h ead lam p s; fo ld -d o w n , rea r c e n ­ ter arm rest w ith lo ck ab le, trunk p ass-th ro u g h ; and p ain ted , a lu ­ m inum -alloy w heels. The N avigation Package co n ­ sists o f a G PS-based system em ­ ploying a 30GB hard disc drive (which displaces the in-dash, six- C D changer to the trunk and co n ­ tains a 9.5GB partition for user- recorded audio tracks); M P3-ca- pablecom pact flash m edia slot ( also used to copy audio to the H DD and update the m ap database); lane guidance, w hich preps a driver for a left or right exit ram p from a free­ w ay; voice recognition for clim ate control, audio and navigation; and a three-m onth trial subscription to Sirius or XM satellite radio, the latter including real-tim e traffic in­ form ation w here available. The 2007 Infiniti G 35 offers a highly com petitive sports sedan class. And it’s definitely com peti­ tive, w ith its slick sty ling, co m fo rt­ able interior, pow er and handling on par with any o f its peers. For people w anting a sports sedan that’s as accom m odating o f its pas­ sengers as it is rew arding for its driver, the new G 35 is hard to beat. Break the rules. The all-new crossover from Ford. 265 horsepower with impressive fuel economy/ BOLD Audio input jack for MP3 players. www.fordbolilmovesurban.com/edg8 Class-exclusive Panoramic Vista Roof.™” THE ALL-NEW EDGE • f PA estimated fuel economy is city/hwy 18Z26 fWD ’ • Class is Medium Crossover Vehicles with 6-cylinder engines standard