(The 1 |Jo rtla n ò ffîbseruer lune 6. 2007 F ood PageA5 The mission of the “Food Section' is to provide ourreaders with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments and/or family recipesyou would like to share w ith us. Address emai I s to foods @ portlandobserver.com Delicious Apple Strawberry Spinach Salad This original creation is a delicious blend o f spring flavors! Salad Ingredients Dressing Ingredients Directions • • • • • • • • • • • 1. In a large salad bowl, com bine the first five ingredients. 2. Inasm all bowl, whisk together all dressing ingredients. 3. Just before serving, pour dressing over salad and toss. 1 -pound fresh spinach, cleaned and torn 2-cups chopped unpeeled Granny Smith apples 3/4-cup fresh bean sprouts 1/2-cup sliced fresh strawberries 1/4-cup crum bled cooked bacon Ingredients for life. 3/4-cup vegetable oil 1/3-cup white w ine vinegar I-sm all onion, grated 1/2-cup sugar 2-tsp. W orcestershire sauce 2-tsp. salt SAFEWAY O Foil W rapped A pricot C hicken • • • • • • • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (or thighs) 1 teaspoon paprika Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons apricot preserves 1 tablespoon Dijon m ustard or horseradish Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. H ave ready 4 ( 12-inch square) pieces o f alum inum foil. DIRECTIONS: Place 1 piece o f chicken on each piece of fo il Sprinkle each piece o f chicken with paprika, salt and pepper. D ivide apricot preserves and m ustard am ong the breasts and spread the preserves and mustard around to mix them up on top o f the breasts. Fold foil to tightly enclose the chicken. Place in oven and bake for 20 m inutes or until chicken is cooked through. S erves 4 Lean Ground Beef SAVE up to $2.00 lb. RANCHERS 4 green G ranny Sm ith apples 1/2 c sultanas (not golden raisins) 1/3 c sugar 1 tsp ground cinnam on Rancher's Reserve Angus Beet Bottom Round Roast DIR ECT1ONS: Rem ove the cores o f apples such that the apples are intact with a tube-like hole right through the center. K eep the skins o f the apples. Mix the sugar, raisins & cinnam on together. Stuff this raisin mixture into the cored apples in the tube-like hole. C om pact well and wrap each w hole apple in alum inum foil paper. Throw into em bers at cam pfire. W ait 8 to 10 m inutes, then rem ove foil and serve. Red Seedless Grapes 1 Box fudge brow nie mix 1 1/2 c Shredded Coconut 1 1/2 c C andied cherries, chopped 2 tb C herry flavoring oil 1 c C hopped w alnuts pow dered Sugar shortening • • • • • • • 1/2 cup orange ju ice 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon lem on-pepper seasoning 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon garlic pow der 2 boneless skinless chicken breast halves 0 Freso Hakbut Mels J10 99» Aeamei penntng SAVE up ,0 $4 00 lb Cantaloupe or Organic Cantaloupe 0 Organics Salads 5-oz packages Selected vaneties SAVE up to $3.79 on 2 Club Price: $1.00 lb. SAVE up to $1.99 on 1 lb D IRECTIO N S: F ollow brow niem ixdirections/recipeonbox.A ddc(X .o- nut, 3 /4 C w alnuts, flavoring oil andcherries. Blend well. Pour batter into greased D utch O ven or covered baking pan. Add coals five on top, seven under (350) Bake until knife com es out clean. Top with rem aining w alnuts and sprinkle with the pow dered sugar. Let cool. Cut into squares. Oriental Chicken Grill Fresh Halibut Steaks Boneless SAVE up to $1 80 lb. Cherry Fudge Goodies • • • • • • • Boneless. SAVE up to $1.50 lb Baked Apples Stuffed with Raisins • • • • Pork Sirloin Chops . Look, Iniw naliy 80% Lean 20% Fat. Club Pnce: 50c lb SAVE up to $2 18 on 2 lbs Summer at Safeway. fcu'údACombo Kellogg's C ereals 12 to 25.5-oz. Selected varieties Club Price: $2.50 ea SAVE up 10 $3 38 0«12 D IRECTIO N S: In a small bowl, com bine and mix first six ingredients. Set aside 1/4 cup for basting. Put chicken and the rest o f mixture into a re- sealable plastic bag. Put in fridge overnight. Next day drain & discard the mixture. Grill chicken over medium heat. Baste several times with reserved m arinade. Serve on rolls with your favorites - lettuce, tom ato, etc Roasted Potato Salad • • • • • • • 4 cups small red potatoes, unpeeled and quartered 1 cup M iracle W hip 4 slices crisp bacon, crum bled 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 1/4 cup green onions, sliced 1/4 cup red onions, sliced salt and pepper, to taste D IRECTIO N S: Preheat oven to425 degrees F. Place potatoes on a baking pan coated with cooking spray. (W hen cam ping, roast potatoes over open fire!) Bake 30-35 m inutes or until tender and golden brown, stirring occasionally. Mix together M iracle W hip, bacon, eggs, onions, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add roasted potatoes and mix lightly. Serve warm or chilled. S ervin g s: 6 Deal-icious! rxemts asm SAFEWAY % 18-Pack Bud. M iller or Coors 16-02 Selected varieties Limit 4 SAVE up to $2 40 Selected sizes and varieties Club Pnce $1 50 ea SAVE up lo 98t on 2 12-oz p n s Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to S3 70 guild a Combo Includes • Powdered Sugar • little bit o f milk D IR ECTIO N S: Cut I /3 o f the orange off and scrape pulp from the insides o f both pieces. T ake I biscuit and mash out. Sprinkle a little pow dered sugar and cinnam on and layer with another biscuit and repeat. Roll up the layered biscuits and put into the hollow ed orange. Add about a tablespoon o f pow dered sugar on top and a teaspoon o f milk. Replace top and w rap in tin foil. Place in coal offire for about 30 minutes. Remove, unw rap, pull top off and out pops a delicious cinnam on roll with a hint o f orange. Safeway Variety Breads coupon Orange Cup Cinnamon Rolls • 4 O ranges • 1 C an o f biscuits • Cinnam on Kraft Salad D ressing ¡Safeway SELECT Softly Bath Tissue Barilla Pasta or Clástico Pasta Sauce ,2 Double. 24 Single or 8 Triple Roll Club Price S4 50 ea. SAVE up ,o $4 i t on 2 12 Io ,6-02 Pasta or ,6 to 26-02. Pasta Sauce Selected vane,tes M n Cli'K W » Honey Maid Graftwn Curten 1010 ,6 -0 2 Selected varieties SAVE up to $3 99 on 2 Gift Card Mall Every »»roe you spend ‘50 at your M A Y -J U N rOKTOR Safeway store with your Club Great gifts made simple. 30 31 1 2 3 4 Puew good Hit.: Jww I with your Satewav Club Card SAFEWAY S Shop all your favorite retailers here G A S O L IN E AU. LIMITS ART PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY Itrn» k prices in thi* id are available i t your local Safcwav store* No sales io dealers, restaurant* or institutions. '»air* in retail quantities only Quantities of some items may be limited and subject to availability Not responsible tor tvpograpb xal or pxtonal errors We reserve the ngbt to correct all printed errors On Buv (b e . Get One Free fB (X X )*) fitters, uisromer must purchase the first item to receive the second item free R(XX) offers are nor 1/2 pnce sales It only a single item purchased, the regular pnce applies Manufacturers’ coupons may be used on purchased items only -- not on tree item* <* 2007 Safeway Stores. Inc 4