Page A3 lune 6. 2007 Four Black Queens - Thenand Now continued from Front A fter high school, M arks at­ tended the University o f Arizona. She has lived in Texas, W est Vir­ ginia and Georgia. She has more than 10 years o f high school volley ball and basketball coaching expe­ rience. WHERE ISSHE NOW? Robin M arks, 45 currently lives in Tucson, Ariz. and w orks as a middle school math teacher. Her ad v ice to a sp irin g Q u ee n s o f Rosaria is to listen to your friends if they urge you to try out. Marks says without follow ing that advise for her, she would have never be­ com e involved with Rose Festival. RAIN A BEAVERS Fast forw ard five years and the Rose Festival crow ned Raina Bea­ vers from Franklin High School, the only person o f color on the court in 1985. "R ose Festival w asjust the thing to do if you w ere a senior in high school,” said Beavers, “ But 1 didn’t think 1 had a chance o f w inning.” W hen she was nam ed queen, all she could rem em ber is crying and applause. “ I rem em ber Emily Perry from Grant High School hugging me from behind,” she said. “1 was so excited and 1 couldn’t believe it happened.” B e a v e rs sa id p e o p le o fte n w rongly assum ed that because s h e ’s b la ck th a t she atte n d e d Jefferson High School. She went on the graduate from Portland State University with a degree in speech com munications. It then took 13 years before an ­ other black queen was crowned. “I started to think about are we ever going to have another queen o f color. And then we had it two years in a row ,” said Beavers. WHERE IS SHE NOW? Portland. T he4.0student also knew she was going places. “ No one else w as g o in g to Stanford. I had a full scholarship,” she said. M oreland went on to graduate from Stanford University and then to G eorge W ashington U niversity School o f M edicine in W ashing­ ton, D.C. portunity for college. W hen Rose Festival time cam e around, she th ought about the w ords o f w isdom from her former vice-principal. But Starks was also doubtful because she d id n ’t con­ sider herself popular. But Mr. G allati’s “You are going to be Q ueen som eday” kept re­ m inding her to try out. Starks says the Rose Festival process is very long and she d id n ’t think she was going to m ake it. “ It was really kind o f scary and intim idating," she said. Starks rem em bers being treated like royalty during the Rose Festi­ val process. Her advice to som eone wanting to do Rose Festival or any­ thing is to go for it and not listen to negativity. There were five black w omen on the court in 1999,the m ostever. But Starks holds the title as the last A frican-A m erican Rose Festival Queen. Raina B eavers-Evans, 40, re­ cently rem arried and is enjoying m arried life WHERE ISSHE NOW? while living in Dr. A lisha M oreland-Capuia re­ B e a v e r to n . She ow ns her c e n tly m o v e d own consult­ back to Portland. ing com pany She is the m other and hosts a o f one-year-old Q ueen’s Tea D an iel Jr. H er each year for m essage to stu­ past R o se dents attending Festival royalty. She has had a stint Jefferso n today as an actress in the Portland area is not to give up. “You can achieve and learn any­ and hosted Portland Cable Access show NE Spectrum for 10 years. where despite the circum stances,” She has a daughter, 13 and a step­ she said. AMBERSTARKS son and stepdaughter. A m ber Starks d idn’t think she ALISHA MORELAND WHERE ISSHE NOW? In 1998, Jefferson High School had a chance o f being crow ned in Starks, 26, graduated from Uni­ senior A lisha M oreland decided 1999, considering it was the year that she needed to run for Rose after Alisha Moreland won the title. versity o f O regon in 2003 with a Festival to bring some positive news But Starks rem em bers her assistant bachelor’s degree in general sci­ ence. S he vice principal at H arriet Tubm an, about her school. w orked at the M oreland said she was in an Joseph Gallati, tell ing her she would u n iv e rs ity ’s aw kw ard position, because people be Q ueen o f Rosaria someday. n e u r o s c ie n c e “ Every time he would see me in w ere n o t v ery e x c ite d a b o u t la b fo r th re e Jefferson as an institution or a place the hall he would address me as years studying Q ueen A m ber,” said Starks, “ He o f learning. F an co n i A n e ­ “I thought I could change their ju st believed it and I started to * mia and DN A to believe it as well. If it w asn’t for him perception,” she said. prevent cancer. M oreland affirm s that she re­ m aybe I w ouldn't have done it.” Starks attended Jefferson for a Recently, Starks m oved back to c e iv e d a q u a lity ed u c a tio n at Jefferson, both socially and aca­ short t i me duri ng her freshman year Portland and w orks in a lab at O r­ dem ically. At the tim e, she felt she but transferred to Cleveland be­ egon Health Sciences University. was the best person to represent cause she felt there was more o p ­ She is also a model. Contributions Recognized continued from Front increased W ells Fargo’s custom er base by offering financial plan­ ning w orkshops at A lbina Head Start and Rosa Parks Elementary, am ong other locations in north and northeast Portland. Stigler says, “N ine tim es out of 10 these people com e back to me, because som e people are afraid of being part o f a huge financial in­ stitu tio n .” Banking m anagem ent has spot­ ted an opening for m arketing w h ere n e ig h b o rh o o d sc h o o ls have fallen short. “ Because of the schools' chal­ lenges not being able to provide Home Ec and other types o f finan­ cial classes, this gives W ells Fargo the opportunity to com e in there,” Stigler says. The im portance of developing areas with strained public resources is not lost on Andy A nderson, ch ief historian for W ells Fargo, co n sid ­ ering the co m p an y ’s early years mixing with struggling N ative and Spanish-speaking populations “W ells Fargo is not the history o f one com pany, but the history o f over 2,000 com panies across the United States. C anada and Latin America. The vast m ajority o f the com panies were independent co m ­ munity banks," A nderson wrote. Juneteenth celebrations are all in a d a y 's w ork for a com pany that runs nine m useum s and sets aside key public-relations roles to histo­ rians. INVESTING IN YOU HAKIM JONES K irf' FINANCIAL ADVISOR FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATE ! u Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­ tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of your portfolio. As a Financial Advisor for Smith Barney, I take great care in working closely with you, learning your objectives and helping you achieve your goals. Call me to learn more about stocks, bonds, lending and a host of financial planning services. 805 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 (503) 221-7600 or (800) 547-1526 Free Concert at Emmanuel Temple The Portland com munity will be favored with one o f its very ow n — au th o r, sin g e r and songw riter, liturgical worship d a n c e r a n d m o tiv a tio n a l sp e a k e r P ro p h e te ss G lo ria Stidum, as she perform s in a free adm ission concert. “A Praise and W orship Ex- perience to R e m e m b er- Part 2" begins at 6:30p.m . at Emmanuel TempleChurch, 1033 N. Sumner, on Saturday, June 9. Additional perform ing guest artists on that night will be ROT A from Seattle. The Brown Sisters o f Portland and the dy­ n am ic d an c e team G o d -N - Gloria Stidum Charge. G loria’s C D ’T ll Bow Down to W orship Him" and her book “Prophetic Poetry: From the F ather’s Heart to Y ours," will be available. To request free tickets, call Iris Ramiz, at 503-309-967 or Corinne Peters at 503-758-4556. citigroupJ S mith B arney © 2006 C itigroup Global M arkets Inc. Member SIPC. Sm ith Barney is a division and service mark ot Citigroup Global M arkets Inc. and its a ffili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Um brella Device are tradem arks and service m arks of Citigroup Inc. or its a ffilia te s and are used and registered throughout the world. SHOP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6: 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Savings off original prices on selected items. Styles may vary by store. Shop early for best selection. Clackamas Town Center 503.652.1810. Downtown Portland 503.224.6666. Lloyd Center 503.287.2444. Salem Center 503.371.7710. Vancouver 360.256 8666. Washington Sguare 503.620.0555. Go to for selected sale items.