Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 06, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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lune 6. 2007
Obama: Resentments Building on Gulf Coast
"Those 'quiet riots' that take place ev ­
ery day are bom from the same place as the
fires and the destruction and the police
decked out in riot gear and the deaths,"
O bam a said. "They happen when a sense
o f disconnect settles in and hope dissi­
pates. D esp air takes hold and young
people all across this country look at the
way the world is and believe that things
are never going to get any better."
He argued that once a hurricane hits or
a jury renders a not guilty verdict, "the
frustration is there for all to see."
Obam a, w ho is bidding to becom e the
first black president, took the stage after a
s u c c e s s io n o f m in is te rs re p e a te d ly
brought the crow d to its. feet, singing,
Cites Administration incompetence
(A P )~ Democratic presidential hopeful
Barack O bam a said Tuesday that with
black people from New O rleans and the
G ulf C oast still displaced 20 m onths after
H urricane Katrina, frustration and resent­
m ents are building explosively as they did
before the 1992 Los A ngeles riots.
"This adm inistration was colorblind in
its incom petence," O bam a said at a con­
ference o f black clergy in Ham pton. Va.,
"but the poverty and the hopelessness
was there long before the hurricane.
"All the hurricane did was to pull the
curtain back for all the world to see," he said.
O bam a's criticism o f the Bush Adm inis­
tration prom pted ovation after ovation
from the nearly 8,000 people gathered,
particularly when he denounced the Iraq
war and noted that he had opposed it from
the outset.
Repeatedly, he referred to the riots that
erupted in Los Angeles a fte ra ju fy acquit­
ted four police officers o f assault charges
in the 1991 beating o f Rodney King, a
black m otorist, after a high speed chase.
Fifty-five people died and 2,000 were in­
jured in several days o f riots in the city's
black neighborhoods.
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praying and sw aying to music.
R epeatedly, with evangelical zeal, he
raised issues that roused the crowd: in­
creasing the m inim um w age and teacher
pay, funding for public schools and col­
lege financial aid for the poor, ending
predatory lending and expediting the re­
construction of New O rleans and the M is­
sissippi coast.
He introduced his ow n pastor, the Rev.
Jerem iah W right o f C hicago's Trinity
U n ited as "U n a sh am e d ly B lack and
U napologetically C hristian.” He credited
W right with introducing him to Christ, and
peppered his speech with Scriptural refer­
ences, at one point invoking the opening
lines o f the Lord's Prayer.
Singer Tours in Memory
of Brother Killed in Iraq
by S arah B lount
T he P ortland O bserver
Folk singer Kristy Kruger lost
her brother, Lt. Col. Eric Kruger,
in Iraq last November when a
roadside bomb exploded, killing
him just one day after arriving in
Now the 31 -year-old is in the
middle of a 50-state tour, includ­
ing a month-long stint in Oregon
venues to honor of her brother.
But you won’t find heron stage
espousing the War on Terror or
protesting troop build-up over­
seas. Her tour is about grieving
- and for her, music was the
best way.
The idea came to Kruger two
months after her brother’s death,
after she organized a show for
his birthday in their home state
of Texas.
Kruger realized that taking
her music on the road was how
she would get through her dev­
astating loss. Her plans, were
big: she would play memorial
concerts in all 50 states.
Singer-songwriter Kristy Kruger performs Thursday, June 7 at the
Buffalo Gap in southwest Portland as part other 50-state
memorial tour in honor o f her brother who died in Iraq.
Oregon is K ruger’s ninth
state on her tour. Speaking
with the Portland Observer,
she said she is starting to feel
much stronger and more posi­
tive as she settles into her
new, temporary life.
“This is a pilgrimage for me,”
she said. “I think it’s something
my brother would have loved to
Kruger’s musical style in­
cludes traditional country, jazz
and folk. As a singer-songwriter,
getting up on stage and sharing
stories about her brother comes
She appears in Portland on
Thursday, June 7 at the Buffalo
Gap, 6835 S. W. Macadam Ave.
The show starts at 9 p.m. and is
Congressman Indicted for Bribery
Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., will
temporarily step down from his post
on the House Small Business C om ­
mittee, an announcement that came
one day after he was indicted on 16
corruption-related charges stem ­
ming from a two-year investigation.
The Louisiana D em ocrat T ues­
day said he will step down from the
assignm ent until the ease is re­
Jefferson is charged with brib­
ery, obstruction o f justice, wire
fraud, m oney laundering and rack ­
His lawyer, Robert Trout, calls
the 16-eount indictm ent against his
client “lengthy and creative” and
accuses federal prosecutors o f “try­
ing to create an offense.”
Rep. William
Jefferson, D-La.,
defends himself
against bribery
charges. (AP
If co n v icted on all ch arg es,
Jefferson could face a m axim um
sentence o f 235 years. The charges
cam e alm ost two years after inves­
tigators raided Jefferso n ’s hom e in
W ashington and found $90.000 in
cash stuffed in his freezer.
Federal prosecutors allege that
the nine-term representative used
the pow er o f his office to take more
than $500,000 in bribes— benefit­
ing him self and his fam ily — from
U.S. businesses and to influence
foreign officials.
Bush Aide Sentenced to Prison
(AP) — Former W hite House aide
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby was sen­
tenced to 2(4 years in prison T ues­
day for lying and obstructing the
CIA leak investigation.
Libby, the former chief o f staff to
Vice President Dick Cheney, stood
calm ly before a packed courtroom
as a federal judge said the evidence
overw helm ingly proved his guilt.
“People w ho occupy these types
o f positions, w here they have the
welfare and security o f nation in
their hands, have a special obliga­
tion to not do anything that might
create a problem ,” U.S. District
Judge Reggie W alton saia.
I. Lewis “Scooter" Libby
W alton did not set a date for
Libby to report to prison. Though
he saw no reason to let Libby re­
main free pending appeal. W alton
said he would accept written argu­
ments on the issue and rule later.
The W hite House said that Presi­
dent Bush feels “terrible” for Libby
and his family, but does not intend
to intervene now.
The president, w ho leaves office
on Jan 20,2009, has never ruled out
a pardon for Libby.
Libby was convicted in March
of lying and obstructing an inves­
tigation into the 200.3 leak o f CIA
operative V alerie P lam e's identity.
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Story Clarification
The Portland Observer re­
grets the last two paragraphs
o f last w eek’s story titled
"Production Launches fo r
Globetrotter Story. ”
Billy Moore, the producer
o f an upcoming film about
form er Globetrotter great
Meadowlark Lemon, sees the
Multnomah Athletic Club as a
diverse institution that pro­
vides a welcoming atmo­
sphere for all kinds o f people.
Moore has enjoyed coaching
there, and Lemon is a proud
member of the club.
Billy Moore