t page C4 ! ^ o rtla n h ( f i b s e r u e r IAISH(sl “ What I heard about Iraq" - The Readers Theatre Repertory is putting on this show on June8at8pm attheFirstU nitarianC hurch, 1211 S.W. Main St. Tickets start at $5. The show is being staged again at the request o f the Portland’s Peace Com munity. The multi-media show uses direct quotes from politicians, mili­ tary chiefs, soldiers and Iraqi citizens to tel 1 their June 6, 2007 story about the U.S.-led invasion. Portland R oseF estiv a l- T h e C en­ te n n ia l c e le b r a tio n c o n tin u e s W ednesday June 6 with the Junior Parade and C oncert at the Park on Friday, June 8. A ttend the Dragon Boat Races, G rand Floral Parade and Q u een ’s Coronation, Saturday, June 9. V isit rosefestival.org for a com plete schedule. L isa L am p an elli — Portland, brace yourselves for the racially charged insult com ic L isa Lam panelli, who, in the likes o f Lenny B r u c e , is b e s t know n for telling a jo k e at anyone and everyone’s expense. Saturday, June 9 at the N ew m ark Theater. V isit insultcom ic.com . K u k ato n o n a t S E I — Kukatonon, an African Dance Troupe at Woodlawn Elementary, perform fora fundraiser perform ance Thursday, June 7 at 7 p.m. at Self Enhancement, Inc., 3920 N. Kerby Ave. $5 for children under 12 and $10 for adults, available through the W oodlawn Schtxtl of­ fice. 503-916-6282. K in g o f M a r i a c h i V ic e n te F e rn a n d e z —T he undisputed king o f M exico’s traditional m ariachi music, Vicente F em an d ez-“E1 Idolo de M exico” - one o f the co u n try 's m ost recognizable and influential cultural icons, com es to Portland with special guest Paquita La Del Barrioon Saturday, June 30 at 8 p.m. at th e R o se Q u a r te r. V is it rosequarter.com . C a n n o n B each C e le b ra tio n — O r­ nate sculptures m ade o f sand will be the center o f celebration at C an­ non Beach, with the 43rd Annual Sandcastle Day Festival, Saturday, June 16. Amateurs, families, profes­ sionals and people o f all ages are w elcome. Visit cannonbeach.org or call 503-436-2623 ext. 3. G rease, T h e R eu n io n — A fter a sold-out run, the G eezers and Old Ladies, um. G reasers and Pink La­ dies are back. T he Stum ptow n Stages production o f G rease, fea­ turing M argie Boule and C orey Brunish, returns to the stage, at the W o rld T ra d e C e n te r T h e a tre through June 30. Tickets are $27 for general adm ission and are available online at stum ptow nstages.com .