» « pageC2 lune 6. 2007 "•ÿortlani, w re Fat and All That Fat Girl Speaks this weekend by N icole R onal H ooper /T he P ortland O bserver S inger/actress Q ueen Latifah, comedian M o’Nique and the new American Idol Jordin Sparks all have Sahara Dunes: nurse by day, burlesque dancer by night. Dunes will something in com mon with most perform at this weekend’s Fat Girl Speaks at Portland State University. women: they are plus-sized. These women have put their stamp on pop culture and a positive image without being rail thin. Yet society often turns an ugly face to the obese. In Portland there’s Fat Girl Speaks, acelebration o f size, self and sexuality. 3/reciidiziiht in $ w eltei 2 Meni $ í ’ 'Ô 'Ô Q “It is a life changing for a lot of people,” said Olivia McClelland, 31. Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood "N o matter as me being a w oman in -Lunch $5.95. 'D inner $ 9 .9 5 anb u/> this society you are constantly be­ Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More ing told to hate your body. It’s a constant mirage o f messages and Beer and Wine Available that’s the bottom line with Fat Girl Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Speaks.” In 2004, Stacy Bias, a local entre­ preneur and ow ner o f the web site Technodyke.com , decided to start Fridays Fat Girl Speaks because she saw die need for an event that deals with 4057 body image in a positive way. The N. Interstate Ave. event was sold out. 503-493-9414 “We had not idea there would be so many people,” said McClelland, ¿Sf 'U -Í.ÍC ÍO 1 4 S I # SMOKEHOUSE -A ^ ,( nil Blues photo B y M ark W ashin <; ton /T hk P ortland O bserver Fat Girls in Planning: Jenny Bruso, Amithyst Fist, Shawn Mathis and Olivia McClelland meet for the upcoming evening of fashion and performances that celebrate positive body images. head organizer for this years FGS. The following year, the event was held at Roseland Theater. More than I,(XX) people came but McClelland says that some o f the Roseland staff was rude and ridiculed performers. McClelland wants the world to know that fat jokes aren’t funny, especially in an environment that is supposed to provide a safe space. Fat G irl S peaks is also an event to en tertain . In p rev io u s years, M cC lellan d says there w ere som e co m p lain ts ab o u t the lack o f d i­ v ersity . A t a sexy size 16, b u r­ lesque p erfo rm er S ah ara D unes w ill jo in the roster. D u n es, 30, says w o m en sh o u ld be busy em ­ b racin g th e ir bodies. As an African-American she has heard stereotypes that black women carry their weight better, yet she had body image demons. Dunes will join various local and national performers at Fat Girl Speaks, includingavendorfair, fashion show and performances on Saturday, June 9,2007at PSU'sSmith Memorial Stu­ dent Union Ballroom. For more infor­ mation visit www.fatgirlspeaks.org. JUNE 10th at 6 p.m. Lee Williams The Spiritual OC’s Performing live at The Double Tree Hotel Ballroom in Portland For more information call UPROOTED ENTERTAIN­ MENT 503-875-1425 Or visit: www.uprootedentertainment.com Tickets available at the following outlets (To charge by p hone call): T ickets W est 1-800-992-8499 • O ne S top R ecords 503-284-2435 ___________________________________________________________________________________