Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 06, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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Cl'1 JJortlanh (©bseruer
lune 6, 2007
“ Look at everything as though you were
seeing it either fo r the first or last time. Then
your time on earth will he filled with glory. "
— Betty Smith
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“Gospel Jazz” artist Ben Tankard recently re­
leased his 15th CD “Let's Get Quiet: The
Smooth Jazz Experience, ” featuring smooth jazz
tunes and Gospel interpretations of favorites
from artists like AI Green.
Tankard featured Green's hit “Everything's
Gonna Be Alright" because of its message of
“When you get quiet, when you get in the pres­
ence of God, you find the promises of God in
the Bible,” Tankard said. "Everything's gonna be
all right!”
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Featured Agents on HGTV’s “House Hunters
Mother Remembered For Love of Family, Sports HOM E O W N ERSH IP
Sally M arie Spears, 58, died at provided child care in
hom e May 26,2007. Bom in R ich­ her home.
A s a m em ber o f the
m ond, Calif., Spears was the daugh­
s L o d g e , D a h lia
ter o f Lloyd G. and Sallie Kate
ple #202, S pears
(A lexander) M adden. Raised and
as a trustee at
schooled-in Richm ond, she gradu­
She also en ­
ated from Richm ond High School.
She m arried Floyd Spears Aug. 9, joy ed sports and bow l­
1965, also in Richm ond. They later ing w ith a num ber o f
bow ling leagues, and
T he fam ily m oved to Portland in played softball and even
1969 and for a period o f tim e she coached a g irl’s team.
Rem em bered as a loving m other
worked for the Portland Police D e­
partm ent. For the past 20 years she and aunt, S p e a r s ja is e d her three
n ephew s from to d ­
d le r age. She was
both a L ak ers and a
R aiders fan and e n ­
jo y e d h e r m a n y
friends. She is pre­
ced ed in d ea th by
b r o th e r s ,
M yron and Joseph
M a d d e n an d h e r
nephew , G eorge A.
R e e d . S u r v iv o r s
include son. Floyd S pears o f P ort­
land; d au g h ter, D esiree C arter, o f
V an co u v er, W ash.; sister, B elita
R ich ard so n ; b ro th er, L loyd G.
M ad d en ; sister, D onna M adden;
sister, E leanor R eed; eight g ran d ­
ch ild re n and the n ep h ew s she
raised ; O rlan d o Reed and R obert
F u n eral se rv ic e s w ere held
T hursday, May 31 at NE C om m u­
nity Fellow ship, with a com m ittal
service that followed at Sunset Hills
M em o rial Park. A rran g em en ts
handled by Finley Sunset Hills
M ortuary.
• Sellers, Buyers
• Is'T im e Buyers
• Investm ents
John Paris - Broker
6915 SW Macadam, Suite 145. Portland. OR 97219
(503) 890-1181
going to the senior center, w atch­
ing her favorite television shows
and visiting with her daughter’s
fam ily and grandchildren.
Her leaving us was a day sur­
rounded by family andclose friends.
She passed with her sister Edw ina
by her side. Helen w as preceded in
death by her son Kevin Paxton and
brothers Burford Jack Burton and
Eddie Frank Burton.
Helen is survived by her three
children, Pam ela Barber, Ramon
Paxton and Byron D avis; grand­
children, Shireen W right, Derrick
Haynes 11, D arnell Haynes, C hris­
tin a B arb er, C lin to n (N e lso n )
Paxton, P hyllis Paxton, Ram on
Paxton Jr.; great grandchildren,
Shalyn Haynes, Derrick Haynes III;
sisters. Edw ina G onzalez. Audrey
Burton, G riseldia (M arie, Burton;
brothers, Larry Burton, Edgar Ross
B urton; m any co u sin s, n ieces,
nephew s and loving friends.
Helen w as loved by many and
will be missed. A m em orial service
was held June 1,2007 at Ross H ol­
lyw ood and Little Chapel o f the
Chim es in Portland.
Louella Victoria Edwards passed
away May 28,2007 in Portland,Ore.
She was bom June 17, 1908 in
M affett, O kla. to Jenny Shephard
Edw ards and A rchie Edwards.
L ouella and tw o stepbrothers,
Artie Tatum and Jessie Perkins,
were reared and schooled in A rkan­
sas. Louella graduated from Lin­
coln High School at Fort Sm ith.
Ark. She moved to O regon in 1941.
w here she settled in Portland and
met and m arried John H. Hollins.
O f this union one child, Archie
H ollins, w as bom.
L ouella was a devoted parent
and hom em aker and a devout m em ­
ber o f Bethel A.M.E. church in Port­
land. She joined under the pastor­
ate o f Rev. C.N. Austin.
Louella is survived by her son,
A rchie E. Hollins. Preceding her in
death were her parents and both
brothers. She will be deeply missed
by a host o f friends. Rem em brances
made to H arvest Home, 6921 N.
Roberts Ave. Funeral services were
held June 5 at Ross H ollyw ood and
LittleC hapel o f the C him es in Port­
Installation Service
For Northwest Voice Christ Community
Pastor, Rev. Dr. H. L. Hodge
Sunday June 3.2007 at 3:00 P.M.
84 NE Killingsworth ST
Denise “ N u ffy ” W illiam s
June 9, 1961-June 16, 1997
Guest Speaker: Dr. Johnny Paek, IV. Pastor Fellowship
Missionary Baptist Chureh
I l ’s been 10 years since God
took you home. We love you
and miss you.
Portland Man
Devoted Parent and Homemaker Remembered Honored
Departed Remembered by Church Members
A funeral w as held S aturday,
M ay 26, 2007, in N ew H ope M is­
sio nary B aptist C hurch in P o rt­
land for Eddy R ichard P erkins,
w ho died M ay 20 o f lung can cer
at age 50.
Perkins was born O ct. 31,1956,
in P ortland, w here he lived all his
life. He grad u ated from Jefferso n
H igh S chool and w as a sales clerk
fo r the S tadium Fred M eyer. He
w as a m em b er o f M orning Star
M issio n ary B aptist C h u rch . In
2 000, he m arried T an y a Jones.
S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e his w ife;
daughter, Ava Casey; son. Aaron
Casey; stepdaughter. X avia Jones;
stepson, X avier Jones; m other,
Alice D.; sisters, Matti Thom pson,
Linda M ayo, Q ueenetta LeFlore
and Stella Brown; and brothers,
Bobby Hines and Glen Perkins.
A rrangem ents handled by Rose
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** June 9, 2007 **
* * 6:30p.m. **
Also Featured:
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OtherGuests include National, State and District
representatives and their churches.
A funeral for Phi 11 Sanders J r. was
held Tuesday. May 29.2007 at St.
Luke Memorial Church of G od in
Sanders was bom May 2 1. 1946,
in Canton. Miss, anddied May 20 at
age 60.
He moved to Portland in the 1960s
and worked in packaging and distri­
bution for Nabisco. He was a long­
time member o f the church.
Survivors: daughter. Phillina M.
Vaughn; son. Michael Tucker; and
four grandchildren. Arrangements
handled by Rose City.
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Dianetics can help you live
a better and happier life.
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Beloved Mother Missed by Family and Friends
Helen J. Burton passed aw ay on
M ay 2 7,2 0 0 7 in Portland, Ore.
Helen w as bom in Paris, Texas
on Dec. 25,1932. In 1942 the Burton
fam ily m oved to Portland, w here
Helen becam e a graduate o f C leve­
land High School. She w orked at a
m edical dental school as a secre­
tary and also at Holiday Park H os­
pital as a n urse’s assistant.
She w as m arried to John Paxton
and together they had three chil­
dren. Later Helen m arried D avid
D avis and together they had one
child. Helen enjoyed good food.
For tra e hekota call C orinno Peters @ 503-758-455.6 or Iris R am iz @ 5 0 3 -3 0 9 -8 9 6 7