III M ay 30. 2 0 0 7 F ood 1 JJnrthtnh ©hsertter P age A S T h e m is s io n o t th e 'F o o d S e c tio n ’ is to p r o v id e o u r re a d e rs w it h g re a t la s tin g h e a lth y re c ip e s a n d u s e fu l h o u s e h o ld in fo r m a tio n . T h e P o rtla n d O b s e r v e r re s p e c tfu lly re q u e s ts a lle o m t n e n ts a n d / o r fu m ily re c ip e s y o u w o u ld lik e to sh a re w it h us. A d d re s s e m a ils to fo o d s @ p o rtla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m ‘Grill Master’ Salute: Snhcprihe! 503-288-°°33 I O U U S C I 1 UC I • Once again, the summertime rituals o f backyard barbeques and family gatherings are upon us. Let us raise our tongs in salute to the 'Masters of the Grill'; the long glorious days o f summer and the succulent grilled foods awaiting us. | r . u u u ia is e n a subscriptions ore just $60 per year io : A,in. Subscript ions. PO Box 3 137. P,>nla„ d (1 K , „ 2,w ( p le a se in c lu d e c h e c k w it h th is s u b s c r ip tio n f o r m ) I N ame : __________________________ T elephone :___________________ ! A ddress : _____________________________________________________ I or email suhscriptions@ portlandobserver.com Down Home Smoked Pork Spare Ribs F in O u t & S e n d T o: nth (Obseruer Ingredients for life SAFEWAY Ö “This is a family favorite. Slightly sweet and spicy with a light non-tomato based baste, that doesn 't overpower the delicious falling- off' the bone meat. ” Ingredients • 6-pounds pork spareribs • 2-cups w ood chips, soaking in water • Hickory or M esquite wood chips D R Y R U B IN G R E D IE N T S • 1/2-cup packed brown sugar • 2-Tbs. chili pow der • I-Tbs. paprika • I -Tbs. freshly ground black pep­ per • 2-Tbs. garlic pow der • 2-tsp. onion pow der • 2-tsp. kosher salt • 2-tsp. ground cum in • I -tsp. ground cinnam on • 1 -tsp. jalapeno seasoning salt, optional • I-tsp. cayenne pepper Great M O P S A U C E IN G R E D IE N T S • 1-cup apple cider • 3/4-cup apple eider vinegar • 1 -Tbs. onion pow der • I-Tbs. garlic pow der • 2-Tbs. lemon juice • I - ja la p e n o p e p p e r, fin e ly chopped • 3-Tbs. hot pepper sauce • K osher salt and ground black pepper to taste Lean Ground Beef Pork Sirloin Chops Boneless. 80% Lean 20% Fat SAVE up to $2.00 lb. SAVE up to $1.50 lb Directions 1. In a m edium bow l, mix dry rub ingredients together. Rub generously Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Bottom Round Roast onto the pork spareribs. Cover, and refrigerated for at least 4 hour, or overnight. 2. Prepare and outdoor grill for indirect heat, or preheat a sm oker to 250F ( 120C). W hile the grill heats up, prepare the mop sauce. In a medium bowl, stir together m op sauce ingredients. 3. W hen the coals are gray and ashing over, place 2 handfuls o f soaked w oodehips directly on them. Place the ribs on the grill grate, bone side dow n. Cover, and cook for 3 Vi to 4 hours. Add m ore coals as needed. Baste with the mop sauce, and throw handfuls o f soaked w oodehips onto the coals every hour. Keep the tem perature o f the grill or sm oker from going below 225F ( I IOC). Ribs are done when the rub has created a w onderful crispy blackened ‘bark', and the meat has pulled aw ay from the bone. D iscard any leftover mop sauce. N ote: T his taste so yum m y, that you never need to use barbeque sauce. Sfub O f Frasn Halite Filets SI 0 99 lb Weather oermrttiup SAVE up to $4 00 lb . Boneless SAVE up to $1 SO lb Red Seedless Grapes Cantaloupe or Organic Cantaloupe 0 Organics' Salads 5-02. packages Selected varieties Club Price: $1 00 lb Club Price 50c lb SAVE up to $2.18 on 2 lbs SAVE up to $3 79 OP 2 SAVE up to $1.99 on 1 lb Coffee Marinated Steak “The coffee enhances the natural robust flavor o f the meat, and keeps it juicy. ” Fresh Halibut Steaks It's heeere. Summer at Safeway. * J/ • ". J ^ *** *< > Ingredients • 2-Tbs. Sesam e seeds • 6-Tbs. butter or margarine • • • • • • ftuild a Combo I-m edium onion, chopped k 4-cloves garlic, finely chopped I-cup strong brew ed c o l lee I-cup soy sauce 2-Tbs. w hite vinegar 2-Tbs. W orcestershire sauce 2 Pounds o f your favorite cut of steak SURFTUpj Dairy Glen Milk Gallon Whole 2 * or Fat Free 1%. Directions 1. In a skillet, toast sesam e seeds in butter. Add onion and garlic, saute K e llo g g 's C e re a ls , 2 to 25.5-02. Selected varieties Club Price S2 50 ea SAVE up to $3 31 on 2 until tender. In a bow l, com bine the coffee, soy sauce, vinegar, W orcestershire sauce, and sesame seed mixture. Pour half into a gallon resealable bag; add steak. Seal bag and turn to coat; refrigerated for 8 hours or overnight, turning occasionally. Cover and refrigerate rem ain­ ing marinade. 2. Drain and discard m arinade from steak. Grill steak, covered over m edium -hot heat until desired doneness. Warm the remaining m arinade and serve with steak. Note: Pepper to taste. Avoid using salt for this recipe. Grecian Pork Tenderloin “ This zesty marinade makes ten- FT derloins tender and moist, even more than they already are. ” Deal-icious! (xwnts n m SAFEWAY# Kratt Salad Dressing Safeway Variety Breads 18-Pack Bud, Miller or Coors 16-02. Selected varieties Limit 4 SAVE up Io $2 40 Selected sues ano varieties Club Price St 50 e i SAVE up to 98c on 2 ,2-02 cans Selected varieties Pius deposit m Oregon SAVE up to $3 70 coupon 1 Ingredients • I I/2-cups fresh lim e juice • 3/4-cup olive oil • 6-cloves garlic, sliced • 2-tsp. salt • 6-Tbs. dried oregano • 2 (l-p d .) pork tenderloins • ' ' 'J jfc" V ‘ i '* < ’ . Includes if ' ¡Safeway SELECT Softly Bath Tissue 12 Double, 24 Single or 8 Triple Roll Club Price 54 50 ea. SAVE up to S4 98 on 2 Directions 1. Place lime juice, olive oil, garlic, salt and oregano in a large resealable plastic bag. Shake sealed bag until ingredients are well mixed. Taste the m arinade for tartness. If to tart, add a little more oil. Not enough zing, add more lime. The garlic and salt flavors should also up front, but not overpow ering. Place tenderloins in the bag. seal and turn to coat. Refrigerate, allow ing to m arinate 2-5 hours. 2. Preheat grill for m edium heat. 3. Lightly oil the grill racks. D iscard m arinade and place tenderloins on grill. Grill for 2 0 -3 0 minutes, turning once, or to desired doneness. Note: Pork should alw ays be cooked thoroughly throughout. fvpry Hme you «pm d Ik ) M your M A Y -J U N IH 1 le fy w ty «M R « A h your Club - i r Caed in a ungle rrym K hoo * SAFEWAY % G A S O L IN E ’Elrqibte purthMM •< part* tpwitnç k xattom only $ •« «tor* for itotJMh Nallista Chu» Alwy1 or Honey Maid E r t o Crackers 10 Id 16-02 Selected vanutte; SAVE up to $3 99 on 2 tad varieties Gift Card Mall G re a t g if t s m a d e s im p le . Shop all your favorite retailers here HBI Ml L . r * n I « -1 M M i