£ l. Page A2 f|J n r th tn b © b se rtw r May 30. 2007 Jefferson Community to Rebuild Field Donations needed for artificial turf The track at Jefferson High School stands a chance to be renewed through the Jefferson Community Field Project. * A group o f teachers, coaches and com m unity mem bers are w ork­ ing to raise aw areness and funds to install an artificial turf field and re­ surface the track at Jefferson High School in north Portland. T he g ro u p in c lu d e s sev eral coaches from the Jefferson football program and joined forces with com m unity organizations, includ­ ing O ur United V illages and PAL, the Police A thletic League. The community at large is invited to attend and offer input on the Jefferson Community Field Project at the next meeting, Thursday, May 31, at 7 p.m. in the Jefferson cafeteria. "W e're working on getting our neighbors focused on a specific 2^^ g«»« photo by N icole H ooper ZT he P ortland O bserver project as a way toconnect the school with the com m unity,” said Murray Todd, a 1972 graduate o f Jefferson and project leader. "The field is an excellent way to accomplish that because o f how many different groups would be using it.” Jefferson is among the schools involved in the 1 OGreat Fields move­ ment being organized by the Port­ land Public Schools. T h e field ju s t o f f N o rth Killingsworth Street would be the first phase o f an overall project that would include resurfacing the track, redeveloping the area behind the football grandstands and even re­ building the school’s gymnasium over the next decade. For more information on the field upgrade, call C liff Pfenning at 503- 307-2562, M urray Todd at 503-765- 3464, Laval Short at 503-539-6895 or Anthony Stoudamire at 503-916- 5180. “My goal is to be a fie ld surveyor. ” Exploring Truths about Homelessness Summer classes start June 25th. continued o make your dreams come true, Take the Next Step at Clark College. (larKCtJlcge TheNextStep 360-699- next | w w . clark . edu Affirm ative Action/Equai Opportunity Institution front Front crim e, the researchers found out, with hom eless people subject to constant harassm ent from the po­ lice and others, and selective en ­ forcem ent o f the law. (The book co n tain s one m an ’s account o f ing so. "W e ’ll never end hom elessness grow n harder and more bureau­ unless the hom eless are honored cratic. Nelson recalled that as a for their know ledge and experience single parent in the ‘70s and ‘80s and given a seat at the table,” she she was eligible for food stamps. said. “ People w ho are afraid o f the "All 1 had to do was bring hom eless c a n ’t be ex clu ­ in my check stubs. They sively the ones to address d id n 't put me through a m il­ it.” lion hoops. A nd not only For M orrell, the process could my kids have day care, o f com piling the book "felt but I could choose the cen­ as if I’d stepped into a paral­ ter. W e used to have pro­ lel universe," so different gram s that d id n 't penalize was the experience from any­ people,” Nelson said. thing sh e’d know n before. M orrell added that with Now those involved want the m oney the U.S. has al­ what th ey ’ve found put to ready spent on the Iraq War, use by every mayor, every "w e could have built $4.2 city and every candidate for million housing units." public office. A n o th e r f a c to r in “ S ev eral m ay o rs have Truths about Homelessness from hom elessness is the large alread y o rd ered the b o o k ,” Sisters Of The Road proportion o f people from N elso n said. C o n g ressm an by unstable childhoods. Peter D eF azio has urged all Jessica P. M o rre i “Som e sim ply had more p u b lic p o lic y m ak ers to Foreword by Genny Nelson bad luck than the rest o f us,” read it. H ow ever, N elson M orrell said. being cited for “interfering with the said, the g en eral p u b lic n eed s to The book tells how the hom eless flight o f a pigeon" w hen he kicked take up arm s for the b o o k ’s m es­ include all walks o f life, from veter­ at a bothersom e bird.) sage. “ S isters alo n e c a n ’t m ake ans and the m entally ill to children, N elso n firm ly b e lie v e s that that h ap p e n ,” she says. w om en, fam ilies and the frail. hom elessness can be eradicated, T he book is available at Powel I' s, Being hom eless is in effect a but there are prerequisites for d o ­ Barnes and N oble, and Borders. V*. tn,C Tri-Met Fare Increase Proposed T ri-M e t ty p ic a lly in c re a se s th e ir fa re e a c h S e p te m b e r and th is y e a r is no d iffe re n t from an y o th e r. T r i- M e t h a s p r o p o s e d a 5 - c e n t fa re in c re a se on m o st b u s an d M A X fa re s to h elp c o v e r th e c o s t o f in fla tio n . ! 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Correction: Opera Singer Photos Photographs subm itted for our story in last w e e k 's issue on C handra Curtis, the Portland C om m unity C ollege student training to becom e a profes­ sional opera singer, were actu­ ally those o f C herisse H arris, a form er PCC student. T he Port­ land O bserver sincerely regrets this error. A IN F O R M A T IO N SESSION FOR Professional development that turns today's class into tomorrow's success + ADVANCED PROJECT M ANAG EM ENT CERTIFICATE + H U M AN RESOURCE M AN AG EM ENT CERTIFICATE + PROJECT M ANAG EM ENT CERTIFICATE May 31, 2007, 5:30-7p.m . Simon Benson House, PSU Campus To reserve your place, or learn more about these programs, visit w w w pdc.pdx.edu/pmhrsession, or call 503-7254853 AMERICAN FAMILY American Famity Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries IN S U R A N C E Home Ofttco WtrHtor W tM T tU All your protection under one roof* <&> Portland State VI/ UNIVERSITY *