May 30.2007 'jJortlauh (ßbseruer ____ Rude, Crude and Hilarious continued A d v e rtis e C a ll with d iv e rs ity in 5()3-288-(X)3l ( O lis e r u e r ads@ p o rtla n d o h se i\ e r.c o m from Metro In the likes o f Lenny Bruce, Comedian Lisa Lampanelli is best known for telling a joke at anyone and everyone's expense. N icole: You went on B E T ’ s C om ic V ie w , w hich has a predom i­ nately black audience. H ow were you received? Lam panelli: It went on the show to prove a point but their pay is crap. You o nly get paid $1,000 it used to be $300, that's ridiculous. The C om ic V ie w people think you should be honored to be on the show, but instead it ’ s like they want to keep their ow n people down. But, I got a standing ovation. N icole: H ow do you think your com edy helps race relations in America? Lam panelli: I t ’ s not m y respon­ s ib ility to help anyone except my ow n w a lle t. I'm ju s t m aking you laugh fo r the price o f the tic k e t. M y com edy is a great equalizer. I f racial harm ony happens, i t ’ s fine w ith me. N icole: Portland isn’ t that d i­ verse. Is having an all w hite audi­ ence going to change your routine since you like to pick on people in the front rows? Lampanelli: I went up to Portland once fo r a booty call and it was the most boring day o f my life , since I like to bang black guys. I thought Seattle was going to be all white, they don’ t even take their coffee black. Yet there were black people in the audience. N icole: What made you refer to comedian Paul Mooney as a pussy in a recent interview after he said he w ould not longer use the N-bom b in his comedy act? • Lampanelli: He’ sgotevery right not to use it. Mooney probably has a great reason fo r not doing it but I hope he’ s not cutting it out o f his vocabulary out o f pressure by white June 18-September 4 Ages 5-12 ^ O I L T 0 0/|¿, Contact Lynnelle 503-280-0534 ¡ft ' f t Providing quality, affordable childcare since 1970 Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your m ortgage payments? club owners. He is one o f the best comics out there and he should do what ever he wants. N icole: Do you think i t ’ s easier fo r a pi us-sized w hite woman to get w ith a black man than it is fo r a black woman? Lam panelli: Yes, o f course it is. These black guys love our check­ ing account and good credit but they also like o u rb ig booties. Some black guys th in k it s a badge o f honor. This is retarded. W ho cares i f you have a white woman i f she's ugly and fat. Stop thinking about race, no body cares. Nicole: So when race humor isn't funny anymore how are you going to keep things fresh? Lam panelli: Race humor is al­ ways funny. Good jo b fo r the blacks otherwise we w o uldn’ t have com ­ edy or the 6 o ’ clock news. Nicole: New Y ork C ity is the first c ity to prohibit the use o f the N- word. Do you think negative speech like that should be outlawed be­ cause it may hurt people? Lam panelli: It’ s obviously not w o rkin g because I hear it in the streets and in music. I really don’ t think people should call someone racial slurs and i f they do they should be prepared to get a gun up their butt. I don’ t use the N-bomb indiscriminately. N icole: What w ould people be surprised to know about you? Lam panelli: Someone who is harsh on stage could be a super nice person in real life. People shouldn't be surprised by it. but they really are. Catch Lisa Lam panelli live on Saturday June 9 at 8 p.m. at the Newmark Theater. For more in fo r­ m a tio n v is it her w e b s ite at The A lb in a -K illin g s w o rth Safe N e ig h b o rh o o d C o m m is s io n - named fo r the intersection o f the tw o thoroughfares, the center o f Cascade Campus' "neighborhood" - counts among its invited mem­ bers Cascade Campus, Jefferson H igh School, the Portland Police B u re a u 's N o rth e a s t P re c in c t, im m ediately after it appears on neighborhood walls. The Portland Police Bureau has been immensely helpful in this regard, inform ing the com m ission about the d iffe re n t kinds o f g ra ffiti, their significance, and the a ffilia tio n s and habits o f their creators. The Police Bureau has also been * Our aim is quite simple - to work cooperatively to address issues o f safety and livability in the area that sustains us. But today, in an age when it T ri M et, the North Portland Branch seems com m unities are as often o f the M ultnom ah County Library, virtual as they are real, it can take a the PCC Public Safely Department, little extra e ffo rt to ensure that ev­ the Piedmont and Humboldt Neigh­ eryone has a stake, that we are all borhood Associations, and local active agents in our collective de­ businesses. O u ra im is q u ite s im p le -to w o rk velopment. T h a t’ s w hy, this past w inter, we at Portland C om m unity cooperatively to address issues o f C ollege's Cascade Campus joined safety and liv a b ility in the area that forces w ith our neighbors - resi­ sustains us. In other words, to be dents, businesses, o ffic ia l agen­ active agents in our com m unity. The commission has begun sim ­ cies, and com m unity groups - to take steps to make sure our com ­ ply, w ith the form ation o f a neigh­ mon neighborhood remains a vital, borhood g ra ffiti response team dedicated to eradicating g ra ffiti engaged com m unity. instrumental helping Io establish and clearly mark school zones in a 1 ,0 0 0 -fo o t p e rim e te r a ro u n d Jefferson H igh School, O ckle y Green M iddle School, and the other public school campuses in the v i­ cin ity , so that knowledge o f the school zones - and the increased severity o f punishment fo r crimes com m itted w ith in th e m -w ill serve as a deterrent to illegal activity. A nd fin a lly , the comm ission is investigating the installation o f "sm art’’ surveillance cameras along North K illin g sw o rth Street where it MMM choice. i Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Cal! Charlotte Martin 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver. WA 98684 emanine«’ Have you seen me? En da tigered Miss ine runs past Cascade Campus. The cameras get their"intelligence" from the software that controls them: They are able to flag instances when groups o f people congregate at times when such congregation is noteworthy - the m iddle o f the night, forexam ple. A ll o f these measures, and those still to come, w ill hopefully make the environs around Cascade Cam­ pus safer and more secure fo r ev­ eryone who uses them - be they a resident, a student, o r an employee. Everyone who has a stake in the community. W ill the com m ission be suc­ cessful? That rem ains to be seen, but at the very least, it has show n that w ith a little e ffo rt, people fro m all w a lks o f life can come together to be active agents in th e ir neighborhood. Such a th in g has a value that in m any ways c a n 't be measured. When neighbors collaborate to w ork toward a common goal, to make their neighborhood a better place, they become more than the sum o f their parts - they are a co m ­ munity. A lg ie C. Gatewood, Ed.D., is President o f Portland C om m unity C ollege's Cascade Campus. A LY S S A A N N FRAZIER C u rre n t Age: 13 Date M issing: March 26,2007 M issin g F ro m : P aris.TX C O L E 'L IN D S E Y EM ERY C u rre n t Age: 14 Date Missing: February 2,2(X)7 M issing F ro m : Coweta. O K If you have any information please contact: The National Center lor Missing and Exploited Children 1-860-11 IE-LOST (1-866-843-5678) this public service announcement provided by I lie Portland Observer Newspaper. G UARD I N O G ALLER Y NEXT SHOW In the Main Gallery: Andy Paiko blown glass sculptures Niketown 5K to Get Kids Active, Help Schools Begun in H onolulu in 2000. the Families can decide which schools receive 100 percent of their success o f this com m unity event race entry fees at the benefit Niketown 5K and NikeGo 1 Mile expanded to I .as Vegas, Atlanta and Kids Run/Walk on Sunday. June 3. downtown. Yon may have more options then yon think. 1-80Ö-THE-LOST MMMMM The N iketow n 5K and NikeG o I M ile Kids R un/W alk comes to Port­ land Sunday, June 3 to encourage activity among youth and raise funds for individual schools in the metro area. The race is a part o f N ike's overall national initiative dedicated to local com m unities and school physical education, play and ath­ letic programs. Runners and walkers take o ff on the inaugural run/w alk event from N iketow n Portland. 920 S.W. 6th Ave. U n like other fundraising runs, 100 percent o f the entry fees w ill be donated Io the school PE. play and athletic program o f each entrant's It's never too soon to think about refinancing. Missing and Exploited Children Reaching Out for Safer Streets A lg ie C . G atewood C om m unities w ork best when everyone has a stake. It is not enough sim ply to live someplace or w ork someplace - in order to be a true member o f a com m unity, you have to be an active agent in its growth and development. And most o f a ll, yo u have w a tc h y o u r neighbor’ s back. Not so very long ago — before our lives became so compartmen­ talized. before electronic media were able to keep us on the couch in ­ stead o f on the stoop o r the side­ w alk - this notion o f com m unity was accepted in s tin c tiv e ly . O f course everyone had everyone else's back, no question about it. Peninsula C h ild re n 's C enter SUMMER PROGRAMS 2007 Science, Music. Field Trips and Sports. PCC C ascade C onnection by Page B3 Denver in 2006 and this year held inaugural runs in Boston. M iam i and Seattle. In all, these events have raised nearly $737,(XX) for schools across the United States. "The success o f the N IK E T O W N 5K really validates N ik e ’ s efforts to keep kids healthy by pros idingequip­ ment and resources that keep them active," says N iketow n store man­ ager Tracy O'Hagan. “ We look fo r­ ward to bringing the race to the Port­ land area and extending our co m m it­ ment to this co m m u n ity." The registration fee is $20. includ­ ing the $15 entry fee w hich is do­ nated to schools, plus an additional $.5 fo ra N iketow n 5K t-shirt. Entry forms are available at N iketown. Online entries and more inform ation are available at niketow . Smith Eliot Photo-based acrylic lifts In the Feature Area: Craig Leaper kiln formed glass Darlene Pucillo oil paintings April 2ó-May 29 10 Year A nniversary! • Changing M o n th ly Exhibitions •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop •Frameshop OPEN six days a week Convenient Northeast location: 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 • w w