Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 30, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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A rts
May 30. 2007
|J n r th tn h (Obserum*
E ntertainment
Live Music Every Night
• Hannah B e a s, 3969 N.E. M L K .p resen tsja//d u rin g its
'S u n d a y Brunch S erenade’ from 11 a.rn.-1 pan.
• L ive ja z z p e r fo r m a n c e s S u n d a y e v e n in g s from 8:30
p a n .-1 l:30p.m .,atC lyde’sPrim eR ib,5474N E Sandy,and
at the Blue M onk ,3341 S.E. Belmont.
Rose Quinn, 8
(center, front),
Lisa Snider and
Paul Knauls Sr.
(right) serve as
Grand Marshals
of the Rose
Centennial Grand
Floral Parade,
Saturday, June 9.
• Participate in a m ix e d -m e d ia o p en m ic n igh t ea ch M on d ay at the
Back-to-Back C a fe .6 14 E. Burnside, and at theC lackam asC om m unity
C olleg e’s O pen M ic Jazz Jam s, from 7 pan. to 10 p.m.
• L ive blues perform ance's T u esd a y at Produce Row Cafe, 204 SE Oak,
from 9 p.m. to M idnight, the Steinhaus, 2366 SE 82nd Ave., Mississippi
Studios, 3939 N. M ississippi Ave., from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and at Jimmy
M ak’s, 221 NW 10th, at 8 p.m. Live blues and jazz performances are
• W ed n esd a y s, the C andlelight Room , 2032 SW 5th, and D u ll’s
G arage, 635 SE 7th, and the Blue D iamond. 2 0 16 NE Sandy BIvd., o tter
up b lu es p erfo rm a n ces. Catch liv e ja z z p erfo rm a n ces at the Blue
M onk, the Portland A rt M useum , Jim m y M ak’s, and Jax, 826 S W 2nd,
from 7:30p.m . to 11 p.m.
• O n T h u rsd a y s the W o m en in B lu es R eview , at T illicum 's, 8585 SW
Beaverton in H illsdale.
• F rid a y s an d S a tu r d a y s offer many venue choices around the metro
area: Halibuts (2525 N E A lberta St.), M ississippi Studios, L V ’s, 3530
N. V ancouver Ave., XV, 15 SW 2nd, Out o f the Blues, 2050 NW
V aughn. M anila Express, 12370 SE Main St. in Tigard. O ne Stop
Records, 615 NE K illingsw orth St., and the U -licious Smokehouse,
4057 N. Interstate Ave
"If our history can challenge the next wave
of musicians to keep moving and changing,
to keep spiritually hungry and horny, that's
what it's all about." Carlos Santana
Rose Festival Honors Community
T h re e o u ts ta n d in g P o rtlan d
re s id e n ts r e p r e s e n tin g y o u th ,
cou rag e and w isdom w ill serve as
the 2007 C en ten n ial G ran d Floral
Parade G ran d M arshals.
Rose Q u in n , 8, o f St. C lare
S chool in so u th w e st P o rtlan d ,
L isa S n ider, w ife o f a w ounded
p olice o fficer, and Paul K nauls
Sr., know n as the “ M ay o ro f N orth­
ea st P o rtlan d " w ere ch o sen for
th e h o n o r a fte r R ose F estiv al
P r e s id e n t L e s lie g o o d lo w -
B aldw in p ored o v er 130 su b m is­
sio n s.
"W e w ere able to narro w it
d ow n to ab o u t 12 good ch o ices,
b ut I really w an ted to look for
som eone w ho rep resen ted d iffe r­
en t g en e ratio n s o f P o rtlan d e rs,"
says G o o d lo w -B ald w in . "S in ce
w e co u ld o nly fit a few peo p le in
the ca r I d ecid ed th ese three best
fit w hat w e w ere looking for.” T he
o th e r n in e se lec tio n s h av e been
in v ite d to rid e o n th e R o se
F e stiv a l’s 100 P erson Float sp o n ­
so red by C o n -w ay
P ortland Rose F estiv al’s G rand
F loral P arad e, one o f the top five
p arad es in the co u n try as ranked
by US A T o d ay , is S atu rd ay , June
9 at 10a.m . I n d o o rtic k e ts a re $30,
o u td o o r p rices are $30 for p re­
m ium ch airs and $25 for b le ach er
seatin g .
T ick ets are av ailab le o n -lin e at
ro se fe stiv a l.o rg , the R ose Q u a r­
ter Box O ffice or charge buy phone
at l-877-789-R O S E (7673).
Kukatonon Troupe
to Perform at SEI
Woodlawn Elementary School's Kukatonon Children's African
Dance Troupe will perform Thursday, June 7 under the direc­
tion o f Liberia native and Woodlawn teacher Rolia Manyongai-
Jones. Kukatonon, an African Dance Troupe with students in
grades two through five at Woodlawn Elementary, travels
around Portland and southwest Washington to teach African
culture through dance and storytelling. A fundraiser perfor­
mance for their 2007-08 dance program takes place Thurs­
day, June 7 at 7 p.m. at Self Enhancement, Inc., 3920 N.
Kerby Ave. Cost is $5 for children under 12 and $10 for
adults, available through the Woodlawn School office, 503-
As a public radio station, KMHD 89.1 FM
strives to maintain genuine open and
non-bureaucratic access fo r the listening public.
'Ll- J-icious
D a rrell G ra n t
in C o n cert -- On
Sunday, June 3, Darrell
G rant has his CD release
concert at the M cM enam ins Bagdad T h e­
atre. The CD , "T ruth and R econciliation,”
ju st cam e out and has been getting great
review s as a top new Jazz CD. The concert
starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance
and $25 at the door.
in ômokeï LAAcats c7 'Ö 'Ö Q
Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood
Clinch $5.95. ‘Ouincr $9.95 itnl up
Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More
Beer and Wine Available
Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday
< * •
S a ffi
N. Interstate Ave.
“ W hat I heard ab ou t Iraq” - T h e Readers
Theatre Repertory is putting on this show
on June 8 at 8 pm at the First Unitarian
Church, 1211 S.W. M ain St. Tickets start at
Darrell Grant
$5. The show is being staged again at the
request o f the P ortland's Peace C om m unity. The m ulti-m edia show uses
direct quotes from politicians, m ilitary chiefs, soldiers and Iraqi citizens
to tell their story about the U .S.-led invasion.
G r e a s e , T h e R eu n io n - A fteraso ld -o u l run,
the G eezers and Old Ladies, urn. G reasers and
Pink Ladies are back. The Stum ptow n Stages pro-
duction o f G rease, featuring M argie Boule and Corey
Brunish, returns to the stage, at the W orld Trade C enter Theatre
through June 30. Tickets are $27 for general adm ission and are available
online at stum ptow nstages.com .
C om ed y O p en
M ic
N ig h t — M t. T a b o r
Legacy is having co m ­
edy open mic on S un­
day, June 3. Stage tim e
is free and you get 10
m inutes to show how
funny you are. C ontact
if you are interested.
S eco n d A n n u al D ay o f
A frican entertainm ent
p r e s e n te d
th e
H arm abee C enter from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat­
urday, June 16 at the
W orld Forestry C enter
in W ash in g to n Park.
Free adm ission to 18
years and under.
A frica C h ild -
JUNE 10th
at 6 p.m.
Lee Williams
The Spiritual OC’s
Performing live at
The Double Tree Hotel
Ballroom in Portland
Grease, The Reunion
‘H u rrica n e on th e B a y o u ’ --
OM SI takes the audience deep
into the soul-stirring heart of
Louisiana with "H urricane on
the B ayou," now playing at the
m useum ’s O M N IM A X Dome
Theater. T he film carries audi­
en ces behind to d a y 's new s
headlines on a journey before,
during and after the unprec­
edented devastation o f Hurri­
cane Katrina.
H ip -h o p D a n ce C la ss e s -
For more information call
Or visit: www.iiprootedentertainment.com
Tickets available at the following outlets (To charge by phone call),
T ickets W est 1-800-992-8499 • O ne S top R ecords 503-284-2435
Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop
dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm , technique,
coordination, agility, com binations and team w ork through urban dance
moves. For more information, call 360-696-8236.
B enefit C o n c e rt - T he Cem etary Love Club will perf orm as part o f an
annual benefit for the Independent Publishing Resource C enter. The
IPRC facilitates creative expression and identity by providing individual
access to the resources and tools for the creation o f independently
published m edia and art. O ther acts include Sexy Pants, M asters of the
T universe and DJ T igerstripcs and w ill be held on Saturday June 2nd, at
the Tow ne Lounge located at 714 SW 20th Place.