50£ .37 yc&vs Rude, Crude and Hilarious Portland braces fo r racially charged comic o •scommunity servie ’O m È i ï See Metro <¡T ISnrtíanh C it v of nt Rncpc’ ‘City Roses inside See M etro, inside Sum m er com es a bit early this year as tem ps inch tow ard 90 W ednesday, and the rest o f the w eek looks just as warm with no clouds. T he w eather is then ex­ pected to cool back into the low 80s as the w eekend approaches. Anti-War Mom Quits Role C in d y Sheehan, the soldier’s m other who g a lv a n iz e d an anti-w ar m ovem ent w ith her m onth long protest o u t­ sid e P re s i­ dent B ush’s ranch, says sh e’s done with the movement after an exhausting two years. Sheehan becam e a national voice against the Iraq W ar after her son, Casey, was ki I led in com ­ bat in 2004. Pressure on Sudan Drug Regulator Sentenced Z heng X iaoyu, C h in a 's fo rm e r to p drug reg u la to r, w as se n ­ ten ced to d eath T uesd ay in an u n u su a lly h arsh p u n ish m e n t fo r taking bribes to approve su b standard m edicines, in c lu d ­ ing an an tib io tic b lam ed fo r at le a st 10 d e a th s. A d d re ssin g food co n c ern s, the g o v ern m en t has also an n o u n ced p lans for its first recall system for u nsafe p ro d u c ts. Antibodies Fight Bird Hu A n tib o d ies from hum an su rv i­ vors o f the avian flu ap p e ar to o ffe r m ice p ro tec tio n w hen im ­ m unized before being ex p o sed to the virus, and som e o f the a n tib o d ie s o ffe re d c o m p le te p ro tectio n from d eath , a c c o rd ­ ing to do cto rs from S w itzerland and the U .S. R e search ers are o p tim istic the an tib o d ies co u ld also provide a clin ic al b enefit to hum ans. 9 g li so u O' O' ci ’o ’ c c_ La D Q. « Cc £ 0 (fl u Z The Portland Rose Festival kicks o ff its 100th year on Thursday, May 31, when visitors pour downtown to the Waterfront Village for carnival rides and games of chance. The festival continues at nightfall the next evening with a fireworks display over the Waterfront Village, followed by a week o f parades and events and ending with the Queen's Coronation and Grand Floral Parade on Saturday, June 9. For a schedule o f events visit www.rosefestival.org. Meals on Wheels Keeps Rolling by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver M eals on W heels coordinator M onique H edm ann m akes one last go around the M artin Luther King Jr. Loaves and Fishes C enter in northeast Portland, preparing her m orning delivery route and making sure volunteers are ready, too. This particular Friday is busier than usual because the three-day M em orial Day w eekend, but as H edm ann loads the m eals for her fam iliar route she faces her biggest challenge o f the day: fitting two large coolers and several sm aller bags into her father’s sporty, purple hatchback instead o f the truck she usually drives. From that point on her day goes fairly smoothly, with m any rew ard­ ing m om ents that com e from ensur­ ing people are well fed and get to see a friendly face. H edm ann’s few m inutes spent with each senior can save them the often im possible task o f preparing their ow n lunch. But just as im portantly, when she drops by she is often the only person they’ll see that day. H edm ann first jo in ed the senior center a few m onths ago as a volun­ teer driver. Having already nurtured an interest in senior health. M eals on W heels further exposed her to thedaily struggle im m obile seniors must face when managing various ailments. Soon she was offered the volun- teercoordinator position, where.she ~ photo by S arah £ S £ > ,o B lount ZT he P ortland O bserver Meals on Wheels the hot meal prog tor Monique Hedmann visits John Houpt at his home in northeast Portland. Houpt. 84. found out about 2? s past year. Meals on Wheels allows him to eat a greater variety o f foods, he said. h elp s e n s u re th a hom ebound senior northeast Portland weekday (another viduals who eat thi center). “The m ission ol tion is no senior v hunger o r social ~ 200 -c~ and eacb indi­ ~ = it the niza- ence she said. land State University. However, Hedmann says she becam e pas­ she'll be leaving Loaves and Fishes sionate about senior health as a and Portland soon to attend g radu­ child, growing up around many older ate sehool at Colum bia University family members. Now, having just in New York, w here this fall she’ll turned 24, she describes herself as pursue a M asters in Public Health an old soul. Most recently in Los with a concentration in aging. A ngeles, H edm ann moved north H edm ann will learn to address and began taking classes at Port- some o f the central challenges faced by to d ay 's elderly population. But her education isn 't only about the seniors o f today; baby boom ers are approaching retirem ent age. and Hedm ann wants to address that transition as well. “T he num ber o f hom ebound continued on page A6 Exploring Truths about Homelessness Voices from P o rtla n d ’s Sisters of the Road by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver o Q Wednesday • May 30, 2007 Rose Festival Kicks off Thursday Summer Heat Arrives! P resident B ush T u esd ay b arred 30 S u d an ese c o m p a n ie s and on e suspected o f tran sp o rtin g w eapons to g o v ern m en t forces in D arfu r from d oing b u sin ess in the U .S., p ressu rin g S u d a n ’s g o v e rn m e n t to sto p p o lic ie s th a t h av e k ille d m o re th an 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 people and disp laced 2.5 million. www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity .Week in The Review T en A m erican so ld iers d ied in ro ad sid e b o m bings and a h e li­ co p te r crash on M em orial D ay, the m ilitary rep o rted T uesd ay , m aking M ay the deadliest m onth o f the y ear fo r U .S. tro o p s in Iraq . T h e d e a th s ra ise d the n u m b e ro f U.S. forces killed this m onth to at least 112, a c c o rd ­ ing to an A s s o c ia te d P re ss co u n t. Local producer pitches movie about Meadowlark Lemon r- . i i Established in 1970 Volume XXXVII, Number 21 Soldiers’ Deaths Mark Holiday Globetrotter Story Rawtruths from Portland’shome- less have turned into a dram atic profile on life in Am erica in “Voices from the S treet: T ru th s ab o u t H om elessness from Sisters o f the Road." Jessica P. M orrell, her many as­ sistants. and the m anagem ent and staff o f P ortland's Sisters o f the Road Cafe com piled and published the book on why so many people become homeless, what keeps th er there, and what the experience o. hom elessness is like. Bolstered by som e 600 in-depth interviews, the project was made possible by a grant from the Port- mny Nelson ,u b ureau o f Housing and C om - nunity Developm ent at the urging o f City Commissioner Erik Sten. The rcsultsare divided into topics: “C ir­ c u m s ta n c e s th a t le a d to h o m e le s sn e ss." "F am ily b a c k ­ ground and childhood,” “ Interac­ tions with the crim inal justice sys­ tem ," "H om eless veterans," D an­ gers and violence in street life,” “ Barriers to finding work," “ Recov­ ery issues." As with many poverty issues, one o f the reasons for the explosion in hom elessness is the lack o f fund­ ing on things that could prevent it. G enny Nelson, Sisters o f the Road founder, pointed out at las, w eek's book singing event, that since the Reagan adm inistration, the federal governm ent has steadily decreased funding for the develop­ ment and maintenance o f public housing. A nother writer and form er homeless person, Lisa Gray (AKA “Tiny), added, “Almost sim ulta­ neously, there were sim ilar cuts to mental health services and welfare." Obtaining public services have continued on page A 2 I photo by P ortland S tate : U niv ersity V anguard Various multicultural student groups meet to plan this week's Roots Festival at Portland State University. ‘Roots Festival’ Finds its Groove PSU plans M ulticultural celebration bv R aymond R endi eman T he P ortland O bserver This tim e, the R ixeis Festival d id n ’t bother with a $20.(XM) band. The first ever m ulticultural ce l­ ebration at Portland State U niver­ sity cam e up short w hen it tried to G ram m y-w inning Latin, hip hop continued on page A 6