(Tin' May 23. 2 0 0 7 IJorthtnh (Dhseruer CAREER s p e c ia l e d iti o n Education Page AS F ood The m ission o f the ‘Food S ectio n ’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland O bserver respectful ly requests all com m ents and/or family recipes you would like to share w ith us. Address em ai Is to foods @ portlandobserver.com Smart Camping Tips • Buy block ice, instead o f cubes, it lasts a lot longer • Make one large cube at hom e (old milk container or plastic container) • Purchase propane on sale and bring extras, average one canister per day • Pre-chop veggies at hom e (night before trip) and store them in zip lock bags • Grate cheese ahead o f time or buy pre-grated packages • Pre-cook any sauces and meat mixes, but don’t try this with pasta noodles • Make stove top casseroles and freeze in containers; thaw & re-heat at cam psite • Buy p a p e r p la te s and cups (not plastic) that can be burned in cam pfire • G et Pringles canned po­ tato chips - so the bag w on’t get crushed • Pack your bread in a b o x - so it w on’t get sm ooshed • Prepackaged bag ’o salad is a great w ay to get your fresh leafy greens • Buy pancake batter that mixes with w ater only (no eggs or milk needed) • Only stock beverages in cooler that will be consum ed on the first day • W rap corn on cob in heavy foil 4-plus tim es for cooking on fire and rotate often Campfire T he very first step before building your cam pfire should alw ays be to confirm that cam p­ fires are allow ed in the current conditions. This avoids any po­ tential fire hazard. To begin building a fire, gather the materials and organize them before ever striking the first match. Stack your firewood upwind and about five feet from w here you plan your fire. C lear the area o f ex ­ c e s s p in e n e e d le s , dried grasses or leaves an d sp la s h w a te r around the area but not in the planned fire pit. C reate a good founda- Ingredients for life. tion by placing rocks in a circle. Then m ake a bed o f fine tinder, such as shavings from dried twigs or pine needles, but do not use leaves. The sim plest and most effective approach is to use fire starter. A b o v e th e tin d e r bed. place a few larger dry twigs. Have largerpieces o f wood at hand. Lay your tinder beside a short length of stick (three to six inches in diam ­ eter), lean the larger twigs over the tinder and against the large stick. Add the stick of wood. Then add larger pieces o f wood and you soon will have a good blaze. As the fire subsides, you will have a fine bed of red hot coals and this is the time to really get to some serious cooking! SAFEWAY 0 Bacon & Egg in a Paper Bag • 3 thick slices o f bacon • 1 egg • • 1 paper lunch bag 1 stick Place bacon in the bottom o f the bag, covering the bottom. Crack egg and put in bag on top o f the bacon. Fold top o f bag down securely. Poke a hole through the top o f the bag for the stick. Hold over the hot coals till cooked. S erves 1 I -199 I Strawberry S'more • I roasted m arshm allow • 2 graham cracker halves Hanchers Heserve Angus Beef Chuck Pol Roast Boneless. SAVE up to $2 301b. lb CLUB PRICE 6°9 CLUB PRICE W ild Alaskan Sockeye Salm on Fillets !ts trim Stabscewoaçe F49» Or UtOS« State SS 99t SAVE up IO S3 00 lb • I piece o f milk chocolate • I straw berry, sliced D IRECTIO N S: Roast m arshm allow until golden brown. Place chocolate on one graham cracker half. Add roasted m arshm allow, straw berry slices and other graham cracker. Push together and enjoy. BUYONE.GEIONE FREE iquu oi l u m i vai it n» Campy Garlic Fry Bread CLUB PRICE “A real crowd-pleaser fo r kids and adults alike. Perfect with a dinnertime howl o f chili or as breakfast paired with fresh fruit. ” Ingredients • • • • • • I 3/4-cups all-purpose flour 1/2- teaspoon baking pow der 1/2- teaspoon salt 7-Tbs. butter 1-cup milk I -cup grated sharp cheddar 2 ounces ham, diced 3-4 green onions, chopped, in eluding green parts I clove garlic, finely chopped on fuel this Memorial Day Tkîî»-iTÎÏ«| PER GALLON OF GASOLINE This Holiday Lay’s or Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips 13.25 lo 1375-02 Selected varieties SAVE up to $3 47 on 2 II 69e Kraft BBQ Sauce or Bush s Best Baked Beans 18-oz. BBQ Sauce or 16-02. Beans. Selected varieties SAVE up to S1 00 CLUB PRICE > 750 ml Selected varietals. SAVE up to $7 12 10.87 I liitu enei DS I D re y e r’s Grand Ice C ream 30-Pack Budweiser or Miller Lite IJ-oa. am Ot 24pack Coors or MGD Seipded wnet*-, Plus deposit in Oiegon. J99 1 75-qt Selected varieties SAVE up to $5 99 on 2 S ig n a tu re 8 -P ie c e F ried C h icken A rrowhead W ater 24-pack. 16.9-02 SAVE up to $2 00 2 each Breasts Thighs Drumsticks, and Wings SAVE up to $2 50 ea ea CLUB PRICE 14.99 Y ie ld s : 1 2 ONE WEEK ONLY! Offer valid Wednesday, May 23 thru Tuesday May 29. Minimum $10 Purchase. 12-Pack Corona or Pacifico 12-02. bottles. Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. “IJ - fic io u s SMOKEHOUSES^« 12.99 SAFEWAY » COUPON SAFEWAY 1 E«P»« 5/29/07 ONE WEEK ONLY! 4" up 24 Rick Coca-Cola or RepY U« 'tn s»WwJ v*»wc flu ftirvi m Owqwt UM ■ vflw n* W -P M inimum $10 Purriwn* SAFEWAY A ONE W EEK ONLY! May 23 thru May 29 May 23 thru May 29 May 23 thru May 29 Mui i*3 99* card and coupon with card and coupon Doritos Tortilla Chips Kraft Cheese Singles l l- o i Settled varieties l«nrt 1 purchase n f } Acth Minimum $10 Purchase CapriSun Drinks 12 or American only limn 1 offer Wdh Minimum $10 Purchase Selected varieties S M « COUPONS» $UPtR COUPONS? 000000089883 H V b /5 07 pouches i W 000000089869 000000089036 6 Blues MAY WED THUR FRI SAT SUN M O N TUES 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4057 N. Interstate Ave. Mnwnte V 3 P im w SUFBR COUPONS? Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Fridays COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! May 21 thru May » Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, C hicken, Ox Tails & More Beer and Wine Available COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! «nth a/d "cd coupon SAFEWAY ♦ COUPON B eef • Pork • Lam b • Poultry • Seafood hatch $5.95. 'Pinner $995 GASOLINE Kendall-Jackson, Firesteed or Chateau Ste. Michelle C am p Tip: If you're car cam ping with a cooler, make the dough and garlic butter before leaving hom e and transport in plastic containers. 5pcchdizinp in 5me>lud /M c/ti.s ó 'Ö 'Ö Q Stuferai SAFEWAY % ‘ Eligible purchases at participating locations only. See store for details. Relax & Refresh Directions # 5 to 12-oz. package Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 29 on 2 Exclusively For Safeway Club Members. Every time you spend ‘50 at your Safeway store with your Club Card in a single transaction.* cheese 1. Coat a large skillet with cooking spray and preheat over medium fire or heat. 2. In a large bowl, com bine flour, baking pow der and salt. Mix well. Cut in 5-T bs.of butter a bit at a tim e, until m ixture looks coarse and crum bly. Add milk, cheese, ham and green onions. Stir together until thick dough forms. 3. Melt rem aining 2-Tbs. butter in a metal measuring cup and add garlic. 4. Drop golfball-size spoonfuls o f dough into the hot skillet and prom ptly flatten with a spatula to about 1/4-inch thick. Cook, turning regularly and basting lightly with m elted butter, until onions darken and bread is a deep golden brown. Eat im m ediately. F re s h E x p re s s S a la d B le n d s Pricite good thru May ?9 wltti your Satoway Club Gerd Gift Card Mall LOP*4 fo r the 'circle d prices in this ad and in-store. G reat gifts m ade simple. Shop all your favorite retailers here net Ue « «ten . r rf sM>n (Wkeeeei jft tan* pN^Wt and iMNNl vak* <■« 1 tww(NHwent terms (Mm Mm «nd ndH i * f»im ' * e m it« * vadyRt MslMnyp teneyn ahdFBBd Ny Imr) SW , arm and U M i »M r t Twite M rruMmarts am arayeit» «• «*"’ i wmws and are med mte pammuon «m*m an («rets h i m * Mwa» Al l I IMÎTS ART PER H O l’SFHOID. PE R DAY. 503-493-9414 Items & prices in this ad are available at your local Safeway »tores No sales to dealers, restaurant» or institutions. Sales in retail quantities only. Ouantities of some items may be limned and subiest to availability. Not responsible for typograph­ ical or pictorial errors. Wr reserve the right to correct all printed error» On Bus (3ne. Get One I rre CBOGO*) often, customer must purchase the first item to receive the second item free B (X ,() offers are not 1-2 price sales If only a single item purchased, the regular price applws.Manufacturen coupons may be used on purchased items only - not on free items. < 2007 Safeway Stores. Inc. * / i