i,!‘'IJnrtlanh ffîbscruer CAREER May 23. 2007 s p e c ia l e d itio n Page B7 E d u c a tio n Peeps This! After School Program Grows Dental Hygiene Grads Follows passion to help kids outside of the classroom by N icole R onal H ooper T he P ortland O bserver M ost o f Jeffrey T aylor’s jobs have been w orking with youth. It was only natural for him to start his own organization to help kids w ho may be over looked within the school system. T h e F ranklin High School graduate attended N orth Port­ land Bible College, but instead of pursuing a degree, he decided to follow his passion outside o f the classroom . “ I saw a vision because there are only so many places to take your kids in Portland,” said T ay­ lor, a father o f Jeffrey Jr., now 12. “It was my son who said, ‘Daddy you should come up with you ro w n thing.' I d id n 't think he was old enough to understand what inspiration it gave m e.” In 2005, Taylor was a substi­ tute teacher at A lbina Head Start and with his dream he decided to leave a steady paycheck and start PEEPS (Preparing Every Envi­ ron m en t for P rep aratio n S e r­ vices). Currently, the program runs M onday through Friday from 3 photo by N icole R onal H ooper /T iie P ortland O bserv er Jeffrey Taylor has founded his own organization to help kids. p.m. to 6 p.m. in the back area o f R e fle c tio n s C o ffe e Shop on N o rth e a st K illin g sw o rth and M artin Luther King Jr. Boule­ vard, but he hopes someday to have his own space and more children — clients as he calls them. But m oney is always an C lassifieds / B IDS N ursing More than you ever expected In a place you never expected issue for any start up business. “My heart is out there to do different kinds o f things for chil­ dren of different ages," said T ay­ lor, 36. “A lot o f fam ilies are on fixed incomes and I just want to help them all.” A balance between giving back and making ends meet has caused Taylor to look for other ways to pay for the program, like hosting a PEEPS fundraiser las, year. Flexibility replaces the 40- h o u r-w o rk w eek T a y lo r w as once accustom ed to. “ I also enjoy w orking for m y­ self because I ge, to meet new people and help new people," he said. “Just like with any occupa­ tion, you have to like your jo b .” T aylor strives to be a good role model for his son. That came from his father, who he said was his mentor. “ You have to raise your chil­ dren right,” said T aylor, who believes that children copy things their parents do, even the nega­ tive things. “ Kids are going to need som eone positive to talk to r e g a r d le s s o f th e ir c ir c u m ­ stances.” But more than som eone to talk to, PEEPS is also about having fun. T aylor is currently recruiting high school and college students to serve as mentors. All inter­ ested applicants will get back­ ground checks. PEEPS offer sports clinics, movie nights, board game night and dance. Once sum m er comes, the hours will be expanded and so will the activities, T aylor said. To find out how to get your child involved, call Taylor at 503- 493-1614. Much of pay disparity remains crim ination.” “Over time, the unexplained portion of the pay gap grow s,” the group said in a news release. C a th e r in e H ill, the o rg a n iz a tio n ’s d ire c to r o f re­ search, said “Part o f the wage difference is a result of people’s c h o ic e s , a n o th e r p a rt is em ployer's assum ptions of what people’s choices will be. .. Em­ p lo y e rs a ssu m e th a t y o u n g women are going to leave the work force when they have chil­ dren, and, therefore, d o n ’t pro­ mote them .” The organization found that w om en's scholastic performance was not reflected in their com ­ pensation. W omen have slightly higher grade point averages than men in every major, including science and math. But women who attend highly selective colleges earn the same as men who attend minimally selec- tivecolleges, according to the study. SEI PARKING FACILITY Operator Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e Fernhill Estates, LLC is a deficiency free skilled nursing facility in a q u a in t n e ig h b o rh o o d in NE P o rtla n d . W e are p re s e n tly searching for a RN/LPN for our Night shift. If you are interested in learning more about us and our wonderful staff, please call Shelly Caliman-Rogers, DNS, RN or Mary Beth at (503) 288-5967. Les Whitworth C.P.A. well groomed, positive Individuals. nni Iw'kkcei’tn/i serVteef 5421 \L 3 3 r .l \veniir Medical & Dental, 40 lk avail. Port land. 011 97211 Drug te s t/ Background check Phone .5113-295-1939 3 : 0 0 - 4:00PM Tues. City Center Parking, 130 SW Stark. Portland. • ravi »a»M State Farm" Providing Insurance and Financial Services Horne Office. Bloomington Illinois 61710 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 972,7 503 286 1103 fa* I>03 286 1146 etme lull h5mb<®state,afit) tom 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Installation Service For Northwest Voice Christ Community & Pastor, Rev. Dr. H. L. Hodge Sunday June 3, 2007 at 3:00 P.M. 84 NE Killingsworth ST Guest Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pack, IV. Pastor Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church OtherGuests include National. State and District representatives and their churches. Your Care Our First Priority Dr. M arceline Pailla Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 HOME OWNERSHIP • Sellers. Buyers • I" Time Buyers Finaneing/Prc-Qual. • Investm ents rg John Paris - Broker 6915 SW Macadam. Suite 145, Portland. OR 97219 (503) 890-1181 Office 503-698-6988 ACHIEVE THE DREAM! Are you curren tly in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your m ortgage paym ents? It s never too soon to think about refinancing. then yon think. Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call $8 .50 + starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Mon, Wed, Thurs & Frl; standing program in the United Slates that can attest to this l(X) percent pass rate,” said Robert K. Knight, college interim presi­ dent. “That's an amaz­ ing accomplishment - one that brings pride to our dental hygiene program, our college and our community." O ver the past 10 years, Clark College students’ standing has ranked from 3rd place to 49th place in the nation among 264 dental hygiene pro­ grams. Y oh may have more options openings. S eekin g d ep en dable, Apply 1 2 :00 -1:00PM, Twenty-three sec­ ond-year Clark Col­ lege dental hygiene stu d e n ts have passed the National Board D ental H y­ giene Examination - c o n tin u in g the Vancouver college’s perfect record. B eg in n in g w ith the first dental hy­ g ie n e g r a d u a tin g class in 1970, every student from Clark C ollege has successfully passed the exam on the first attempt. “Clark College is the only long­ Salaries Carry Gender Gap If your career wish list includes things like real autonomy, true cam araderie, m ore fle xibility, greater clinical environment, less p h ys ic a l d e m a n d s, low er (AP) — Women make only 80 Administrative Specialist II d ia g n o s tic a c u ity, and th e percent of the salaries their male Oregon's fastest-growing County opportunity to work side-by-side peers do one year after college; presents rewarding opportunities with doctors and PAs, you’ve come after 10 years in the work force, fo r skilled in d ivid u a ls to jo in to the right place. And that place the gap between their pay widens energetic work teams committed is at Wexford Health Sources - a further, according to a new study to high standards of public service. nationally recognized leader in by the American A ssociation of These Administrative II positions contracted medical services for U niversity Women. offer the opportunity to apply your correctional facilities. Please join The group's education foun­ dation found that 10 years after best skills in a broad array of our team as: administrative and project-related college, women earn only 69 per­ RNs cent of what men earn. re s p o n s ib ilitie s . S u c c e s sfu l LPNs Even after controlling for hours, candidates will possess 1 to 3 PSYCH NURSE o c c u p a tio n , p a re n th o o d , and ye a rs of c o m p re h e n s iv e PRACTITIONER other factors known to affect earn­ administrative experience/skills, Clark County Jail ings, the study found that one- including working knowledge of Vancouver, WA quarter o f the pay gap rem ains Microsoft Office Suite or related unexplained. s o ftw a re a p p lic a tio n s , and Come to think of it, you’ll also The group said that portion of s u p e rio r c u s to m e r s e rvic e enjoy a very attractive salary, great the gap is “likely due to sex d is­ abilities. $15.95 $ 1 9 .4 0 /hour. benefits, and lots of promotional We o ffe r an e x c e lle n t w ork opportunities. For full consider­ environment and comprehensive ation, Contact Erin Steele Staffing benefits package. Opportunities Consultant SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FOR for bi-lingual (English/Spanish) appointments also available. Phone: 800-903-3616 Oregon State University Nash Hall Seismic Upgrade Fax: 412-937-8874 Bid Due: Thursday, May 3 1 ,2 0 0 7 - 1 : 3 0 p.m. For m ore inform ation on this esteele@wexfordhealth.com Greenberry Construction LLC position and to apply on-line, or to An Equal Opportunity Employer Phone: 5 4 1 .2 3 0 .0 4 5 6 (cell) • 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 3 8 1 x 3 0 2 (office) d o w n lo a d e m p lo ym e n t M/F.D.V. FAX 5 4 1.75 2.04 72 • FAX 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 8 5 4 • CCB# 166612 application materials, please visit Contact: Mike Anderson our Human Resources page at We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all w w w .c o .w a s h in g t o n .o r .u s . interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, Washington County employment emerging small businesses & veteran owned businesses. application and responses to Scope: Excavation, masonry/concrete demo, shotcrete, water Supplemental Questionnaire are proofing, sheet metal, flashing, caulking, painting, minor plumbing re q u ire d . C o ve r le tte r and and electrical. resume encouraged as part of application materials. If you have Self Enhancement Inc Specifications, plans, drawings and requirements for subcon­ questions, please call (503) 846- M iddle School Teacher Openings tractors or material suppliers can be viewed at Greenberry 8606/ TTY (503) 846-4898, or 6th-8th grade/ Math & Construction's office in Corvallis, at The Willamette Valley Bid e-mail to hr@co.washington.or.us. Language Arts Center in Tangent, the Daily Journal of Commerce in Portland, Applications will be accepted until 6-25-2007 to 8-3-2007 Central Oregon Builders Exchange in Bend, Douglas County Plan June 1, 2007. $20 per Hr Center in Roseburg, McGraw-Hill Construction in Portland. Oregon For Inquires call: Contractor in Oregon City, the Salem Contractors Exchange in Salem Washington County Troy Hollis 503-249-1721 and Eugene Builders Exchange in Eugene. Human Resources ext 234 155 N. First Ave., Ste. 270 Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLC to *Must be certified * Hillsboro, OR 97124 obtain information on bonding, line of credit, and insurance requirements by OUS. Equal opportunity employer with