il’1' n rt Et nb tOhsvruer CAREER May 23, 2007 4 p e c ia l e d i t i o n Page B5 E d u c a tio n Keepinglhe Faith Pacific Power, a MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, is part o f the Berkshire Hathaway family and the largest utility in the Pacific Northwest. photo by J erky H art /C oi rtesy P ortland C ommunity C ollege When Chandra Curtis first heard opera, she thought that must be what angels sound like. Today, the Portland Community College student is an accomplished opera singer. She is preparing audition material to enter the voice program at Yale University. continued from Hl vocal training. She pursued voice work with the diligence of a monk, practicing daily in a quiet space where she could isolate the disparate elements of her body that produce extraordinary sound and then concentrate on combining them to ecstatic ef­ fect. For her exceptional aca- coach who would prepare me for vocal studies at Yale." She'd planned long-term to secure a Certificate of Voice from Yale University. "Right then, I knew I wanted to study with someone who was doing what I would be doing or had been where I am going." Curtis got onto the Internet, found and contacted renowned o p e ra sin g e r E lizabeth one-on-one with Saunders. She'll be honing her vocal and breathing technique and pre­ paring audition material to en­ ter the voice program at Yale. Fine-tuning the beautiful in­ strum ent that is her voice, she is p rep a rin g to m eet still greater opportunities in this limitless world. "It's all about combustion," Curtis says. "Two notes com- Work harder than anyone else. Learn everything about your craft and then return to square one and re-learn what you learned so you know it intellectually and experientially. Love what you do. Then love it more. Keep the faith, in fact let exhaustion strengthen your faith. Such is Chandra Curtis' method fo r success; a method that has opened door after door to her dream of singing opera professionally. demic work, Curtis landed on the PCC Dean's list winter term. She planned to continue studying science and acting with a focus on voice, continu­ ing intense supplem entary voice lessons, and perhaps per­ form ing with The Portland O pera. But plans change. "One night," she says, "I sat straight up in my bed and the idea came to move to New Haven and study with an opera Saunders, then sent her an e- mail citing her qualifications and inquiring if Saunders might work with her. A few days passed. "I prayed to God to send me a sign," Curtis says. Saunders, then in Japan singing in a pre­ sentation of M adame Butter­ fly, responded to her e-mail. She'd be pleased to take Curtis on as a student. Curtis will travel to C on­ necticut this month to work ing together to create some­ thing different and beautiful." Curtis, huff as an athlete, races from Starbucks to re­ turn to her studies and her plans. "I truly love to study," she says, "but the solitude can be a dangerous thing." Still, every time she leaves solitude for the public arena she rises to the top. Her secret is her own in can d escen ce com busting with hard work. We bring people together in a workplace that sets standards for excellence and enables us to provide enriching career experiences. It is our goal to be a magnet to energetic professionals looking for a place to grow. We currently seek energetic professionals for the following opportunities: Entry-Level up through Senior-Level Engineers Main Grid Planning • Protection & Control • Electrical Substation/Civil • Transmission • Mechanical Our commitment to developing individuals to their full potential includes competitive salaries, progressive technology, ongoing training, excellent benefits and professional advancement. 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