^ ’ ÌLlort latti* (©becrttcr C A R E E R Page B4 s p e c ia l Print diversity Participate in Democracy Zoie Return your ballot by m ail or drop ors to meet the needs o f our readers and advertisers by going online. With the capa­ bility o f the Internet, the Portland Observer now reaches a broader audience, and thus sets your business in front o f a new generation. 12 Î Call ib at. ft« i « G»* m C m mo O C**a 1«.«^ M M ., W 25SF Education e d itio n Publisher’s Legacy Helps College Dreamers Portland Observer offers three scholarships > ' |.tortlani> (©bsertter ..Wcekm "’'■Review May 23, 2007 503-288-0033 w w w .p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m The Portland Observer wants to help you make your college dream a reality. Paying for college is ex­ pensive and even commu­ nity college has m ajor costs. Since 1998. The Portland Observer has given thousands of dol­ lars to local students who wish to attend com­ munity college. There are three schol­ arships to be given this year: Joyce Washington Scholarship, Cory Neal W ashington Scholarship and P ortland O b serv er Scholarship with a minimum of $500 for each. The grants from the Joyce Washington Scholarship Fund are named after Joyce Wash­ ington, the late publisher of the Portland Observer who passed in 1996. She was a single mother of seven children who worked to support her family. But she Joyce Washington also attended college as they grew older. The scholarships exist to serve local high school students. W ashington's son Cory, who also passed, has a scholarship in his name. Fundraising is through Saturday’s Cory Neal Wash­ ington Basketball Classic at Self Enhancement. Ine. as well as a Joyce Washington Golf Clas­ sic and a Diversity Festival. Criteria to consider for the scholarships are listed on an application which can be picked up at the Portland Observer of­ fices, located at 4747 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. Blvd.,orviathe website starting in June at portlandobserver.com. Local o rg a n iz a tio n s looking to sponsor a schol- arshipeventoreitizens look­ ing to donate towards the scholarship fund, please con­ tact Charles or Mark Wash­ ington at 503-288-1897 or jwsf@ portlandobserver.com. To make a tax deductible donation, make cheeks to Joyce Washington Scholarship Fund (JWSF) at PO Box 3993 Port­ land, OR 97208 Hard Work, Education Help Hispanics Advance w eekends. Labor force participation rates of Hispanic men have been Since coming to Oregon, E lizarraga has never been higher than those of the popula­ without a job. He once held tion as a whole. Education is one o f the most three at the same time - two important predictors of female factory jobs during the week, and a lawn-care job on the la b o r fo rc e p a rtic ip a tio n . continued from B3 B achelor’s degrees earned by Hispanic women rose 430 per­ cent from 1976 to 2000, while the number of bachelor’s de­ grees earned by U.S. residents increased 35 percent during th a t tim e , a c c o rd in g to HispanicBusiness magazine. Summer Fastpass to your college degree! I go through my day with enthusiasm—learning new things in a supportive environment. At Kaiser Permanente, my pride and confidence translates into determination to be my best Supporteo by the latest technologies, talented colleagues, and managers who trust my abilities, I am enhancing my skills every day. It's a great feeling to know I am making a difference. I am proud of the role I play at Kaiser Permanente Along with a smile, this is something I pass on to my colleagues, and those in my care. If you believe professional satisfaction comes from personal empowerment, this is the place to put your beliefs into practice. Get the classes you need at the times you need to take them at Mt. Hood Community College this summer! Complete general education classes or program classes that go toward your degree through the Summer Fastpass program. You’ll enjoy affordable tuition and get the credits you need. Be Your Dream and sign up for your Summer Fastpass. Classes start June 25. '/Sty?? II I W TY C O LLE G E II I III Ä * ’ I I I III I I I I -------- -------- WWW.illHCC.EDU/FHSTPHSS / z I * I - A GREAT CAREER W ITH A FAMOUS NAM E. —1 COME JOIN THE TEAM THAT MAKES THE #1 COOKIE IN THE WORLD - OREO • One of the nation's largest nonprofit health plan, Kaiser Permanente Northwest serves approximately 450,000 members in the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington areas Offering excellent benefits and career opportunities, Kaiser Permanente was voted #5 on Oregon Business Magazine's list of Top 100 Companies to work for Our health care professionals en|oy working in an environment where they have the support and resources they need to build rewarding careers Join us and put your beliefs into practice Professional and support opportunities are available in the following departments ACCOUNTING/fINANCE INSURANCE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT MATERIALS NURSING PATIENT CARE SERVICES FACILITIES SERVICES MEDICAL RECORDS DENTAL Kraft Foods/Nabisco Portland Bakery currently has openings for Industrial Electricians. Electricians are responsible for the maintenance and repair of all production related machinery and equipment. Qualified applicants will have an Oregon Journey-Level Electrician License, an Oregon Limited Journeyman Manufacturing Plant License, or the ability to obtain either license. Additional qualifications include a High School diploma, or GED, and 5 years' experience with PLCs, instrumentation, and troubleshooting. Kaiser Permanente offers a competitive salary and benefits package Por consideration, please call Treva McCready at (503) 813-4715, or visit our Web site Individuals who are bilingual or have multicultural or Kraft offers a generous wage and benefits package, in excess of $45.00 per hour. Benefits include company paid medical, dental, vision, and Rx for employees and eligible dependents. Only individuals meeting minimum requirements will be considered. Apply online at www.kraftfoods.com/careers, Job Search, Current Job Openings, M anufacturing, Oregon, Search Jobs. Kraft Foods is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative diverse patient population experience are encouraged to apply Action Employer, M/F/D/V. " kraft J KAISER PERMANENTE (Q U A I 0 » F O » H 41TV EM PLOYE* O»UO F*FE WORKPLACE t h r iv e Best People Best Brands Brightest Future.