il!l ^Jnrtlanò © bscrüer May 9. 2007 el O bservador ---------------------------------------------------- r State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Latin Dance Masters Set to Thrill A flamenco tango fusion Michael E Harper Tge/iZ We moved to our new location at: 97 13 SAV. Capitol Portland,OK 503-221-3050 Viva Baile! creates a fla- m enco/tango fusion, with the sensuous moves and passionate music o f both Spanish art forms. In M ay, P o rtlan d ’s prem ier L atin dance m asters will thrill M ilagro T heatre audiences with V iv a B aile! - th e se n su o u s m oves and passionate m usic o f tango and flam enco, T hursday, M ay 10 through Sunday, M ay 27 at M ilagro T heatre, 525 S.E. S tark St. T he first w eekend features international teacher and m u si­ c a l d ir e c to r A le x K reb s o f P o rtla n d ’s T an g o B erretin. T o ­ g e th e r , w ith w o r ld - r e n o w n B uen o s A ires d a n c e r/te a c h e r L uciana V alle, g u itarist D aniel G o m e z an d p ia n ist C la u d io M éndez. K rebs w ill show case the social, im provised form o f tang o old and new — focusing on the foreign language of body m ovem ent, w here every' slight, subtle m o vem ent p rovokes a resp o n se. D uring the second w eekend, a w a r d - w in n in g F la m e n c o d an c e r L aurena M arrone, d i­ recto r o f P o rtlan d ’s Flam enco A rts A cadem y, w ill o ffer a tra­ ditional flam en co perform ance featu rin g the dance o f M itsue “ L a P u ra,’’ one o f the re g io n 's finest em erging artists. T he fla­ m en co co n cert in clu d es four dancers, song, g u itar and p er­ cussion influenced by the style o f Jerez de la F rontera, “T he C ity o f F lam enco." Page B3 Fax 503-227-8757 Big City Produce Small store ~ Big on diversity 722 N. Sumner Ave. 503.460.3830 Open M-F 7:30am -7pm Sat 9am-7pm Sun 9am-6pm F o r th e f in a le w e e k e n d y o u 'll be tre a te d to a u n iq u e m e ld in g o f the fo rm s w hen K rebs, M arro n e and special g u e s t s , in c lu d in g V ic e n te G rie g o an d R e b e c c a S m ith , m eet to e x p lo re the ro o ts o f th e ir d a n c e s, th e ir m usical d ia ­ le c ts an d the fu sio n o f raw e n e rg y th at th riv e s in n o s ta l­ g ia , m e la n c h o ly and hope. P e r f o r m a n c e tim e s a re T hursdays at 7:30 p.m ., Fridays and S aturdays at 8 p.m . and S undays at 2 p.m. A dm ission isS 2 ()e a c h o rS 1 5 each for students and seniors. T ickets can be purchased online at m or by calling 503- 236-7253. Viva Baile! brings a new dance production to Portland's Milagro Theatre, Thursday, May 10 through May 27. See us at our new Peninsula Store 4632 N. Trenton 503.286.1259 Open M-F 8am-6pm • Sat-Sun 9am-6pm Come to our 1 st FREE Cooking Class Friday. May 11 th at 6:30 pm Peninsula Store (after hours), 4632 N. Trenton INVESTING IN YOU HAKIM JONES FIN A N C IA L ADVISOR FIN A N C IA L PLANNING ASSOCIATE Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­ tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of your portfolio. As a Financial Advisor for Smith Barney, I take great care in working closely with you, learning your objectives and helping you achieve your goals. Artifacts Linked to Ancient Civilization (A P) — A rchaeologists have uncovered the 1,300- year-old skeleton of a ruler or priest of the ancient Tiwanaku civilization, together with pre­ cious jewels inside a much- looted pyramid in western Bolivia. The tomb — containing a diadem and a list-sized carved pendant of solid gold — sur­ vived centuries of looting by Spanish invaders and unscru­ pulous raiders who depleted Tiwanaku of many precious treasures. The corpse was found in Archaeologists unearth a 1,300-year-old skeleton believed to be a ruler or priest. a niche carv ed inside the 15-yard-high A kapana pyra­ m id, w hich was built around 1200 B.C. and is d escrib ed by ex p erts as one o f the b ig ­ g est p re -C o lu m b ia n c o n ­ s tru c tio n s in S o u th America. • At its peak, the city o f T iw a n a k u stre tc h e d o v e r 1,480 acres and had a popula­ tion o f more than I (X).(MX), ac­ cording to chief archaeolo­ gist Javier Escalante, who presented the findings at a new s co n feren ce n ear the pyramid. Call me to learn more about stocks, bonds, lending and a host of financial planning services. 805 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 (503) 221-7600 or (800) 547-1526 citigroupj S m ith B arney © 2006 Citigroup Global Markets Inc Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its a ffili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world Migration to Tops Deaths in Mexico (AP) - M exico has lost more people to migration to the United States than death since 2000, according to a governm ent re­ port. M e x ic o 's d e m o g ra p h ic s agency found that an average o f 577,0(M) people m oved to the U.S. each year between 2(MM)- 2 0 0 5 , c o m p a re d to 4 9 5 ,0 0 0 deaths a year in the same period. In 2006, 559,(MM) migrated and there were 5 0 1.(MM) deaths. M exico had 104.9 mi Ilion resi­ dents as of last year, an increase o f 6.4 million since 2000. Im m igration to the U.S. has in c r e a s e d d r a s tic a lly sin c e 1970. w hen 800.000 M exicans lived north o f the border. To- T o p 2°/o KELLER WILLIAMS in Portland Metro Portland Prendere day, there are about 11 m illion M exicans who traveled to the M exicans living in the U .S., United States entered the coun­ both legally and illegally, the try illegally. T hat percentage jum ped to 68 percent between report found. The study also showed more 1998-2001 and to 78 percent and more Mexicans traveling ille­ from 2001-2005, mostly because of stricter security measures tied gally to the United States. In 1993-1997, 48 percent of to the Sept. 11 attacks. Les Whitworth C.P.A. ,i»if ¡wldtee/’infi services 5421 XI 33rd V enue I’nrtlaiul. »»It 97211 I'ltotie 503-295-1939 Tony and Libby Kelly Cell 971- 344-6414 I ns 5(13-295-1005 M B A M.Ed.. Brokers, CRS, ADR. SRES /cien ./esn New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas nr more $3().(M) Each Area Pre-Sprav Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Serviees) Heavily Soiled Area: hiliiorlhiini.iiini email: lesftl !<■•< itli i I i