Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 2007, Page 8, Image 8

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Page B2
Interstate Farmers
Market Opening
North Portland's Interstate Farm­
ers Mr .'ket opening bell of the sea­
son will ring at 3 p.m. on Wednes­
day. May 16. The mid-week market,
known for its variety of quality fresh
local produce, baked goods, cut
flowers, artisan cheese, meat and
fish, is located on North Fremont
Avenue, just off Interstate Avenue
between Overlook Park and the
Interstate Kaiser PermanenteCam­
"One of the things that I'm really
excited about is our new wireless
debit system." says returning mar­
ket manager Kevin McGovney.
Made possible by a generous
Maj/ 9. 2007
TO A R M S ! TO A R M S !
donation from New Seasons
Market'sown Pacific Village line
of products, this system will make
the market even more accessible,
especially to those folks with
Oregon Trail cards.
W orking behind the scene
is the new Interstate Farmers
Market Com m unity Board. Ini­
tia lly s p o n s o re d and still
hosted by K aiser Permanente,
it was always the intention for
the market to become com m u­
The Interstate Fanners Mar­
ket is held each W ednesday
through Sept. 26 from 3 to 7 p.m.
Three 1 ears’ Service!
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Home Ownership Exec Promoted
n o n p ro fit
paign will capture and
housing group HOST
preserve 2,000 chil­
D e v e lo p m e n t has
dren for Portland Pub­
prom oted Ted Salter
lic Schools.
to th e p o sitio n o f
“The grow th and
deputy director.
success of HOST is
Salter joined HOST
directly linked to the
in 2003, helping the
quality and d edica­
organizatio n secure
tion o f our em ploy­
financial backing to
ees and p a rtn e rs ,”
e s ta b lis h its e lf as Ted Salter
said Ted Gilbert, chair­
Portland’s leading af­
man of HOST'S board o f direc­
fordable hom eow nership pro­ tors.
As deputy director, Salter will
Last month. HOST unveiled continue to fundraise in addi­
its Building Blocks cam paign, tion to his new areas o f respon­
an unprecedented program to sibility, including m arketing,
create 1,000 new hom eow ners community relations, com m uni­
by 2017. In addition, the cam- cations and capacity building.
State Farm■
Providing Insutance and financial Services
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Frederick Douglass adds his name to a Civil War era plea to recruit men
o f color to jo in the U. S. Army.
Frederick Douglass
Vancouver School Hosts Exhibit
“Frederick Douglass from Sla­ Bliss Rd. in V ancouver,
C reated and funded by the
very to Freedom: the Journey to
Lehrman Institute of Ameri­
New York C ity,” an exhibit that
istory, the panel exhibit
traces D ouglass' life under sla­
the role o f literacy in
very and his daring journey to
freedom, takes place this month enabling Douglass to resist bond­
at Alki Middle School, 1800N.W. age and, once free, to cham pion
civil rights for all A m ericans.
U nited States History classes
at the school will be studying the
e x h ib it as a p a rt o f th e ir
coursew ork. The exhibit can be
view ed free-o f-ch arg e by the
public from 9 a.m. to 3:30p.m . on
w eekdays.
All visitors must check in at
the office before gaining access
to the school. For more inform a­
tio n , c o n ta c t E nid A xtell at
3 6 0 -3 1 3 -3 2 0 0 o r E n id .A x tell
@van sd .o rg .
Dear Deanna!
begging me to go out. At first,
my girlfriend was okay, but now
she's forcing me to turn him
away, not take his phone calls
andavoidhim . H e's my favorite
uncle and I don’t want to hurt
him but 1 don’t want to hurt my
girlfriend either. What do I do?
stressful sitting by watching
and feeling that I’m losing my
husband. He claims that he
still loves me but his actions
are extrem ely different from
the words he says. What can
I do to recapture the fire and
energy in my m arriage? —
—N ephew Jo h n ; Pasadena,
C a lif.
O v e rw e ig h t W ife ; T o le d o ,
O h io
Dear Nephew John:
Dear Overweight:
your girlfriend with a few visits
fromacleaning service and hope
she gets the hint. If this doesn't
help then tell her to clean her
house and keep it clean oryou're
gone. If she chooses dirt over
you, say goodbye and keep it
Apparently your uncle doesn't
know much about responsibil­
ity, thus his divorce. Although
you have an obligation to put
family first, you must never sac­
rifice your relationship for non­
sense. Have a talk with your
uncle and tell him that you want
your relationship to work and
you can only go out with him on
a conservative basis. If he
doesn't understand then he’s
selfish and deserves to go out
Dear Deanna!
Dear Deanna!
My uncle is newly divorced and
he’s driving me crazy. He al­
ways wants to go to the club,
hang out and drink. I don’t mind
going out with him every now
and then but he comes over
every day, eating dinner and
I have gained a lot of weight
and I feel that my husband is
falling out o f love with me.
H e’s not intimate with me, we
don’t cuddle and he always
acts as if I’m annoying him. I
am trying to diet but it is so
If yo u 're having these feel­
ings there’s no sense denying
there’s some truth to w hat’s
going on. The best way to tell
if your husband is slipping is
for you to lose weight. You
need to be happy with good
self-esteem . O nce you get
back into your zone, measure
your husband’s activity and
behavior towards you. Ifthings
don’t change, you have a prob­
lem that goes beyond weight.
Be prepared for a discussion
and seek honest answers re­
garding your relationship.
Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
I'm having a challenge with my
new girlfriend. She is adorable,
niee and sweet but her hygiene
and housekeeping habits are
horrible. She can eook, but she
leaves dishes in the kitchen for
a week, never vacuums and her
eat walks around the house. I
always thought 1 could handle
most things in this relationship
but this is a bit much. We make
love in a dirty bed, cat hair is
everywhere and there’s never
any clean dishes. How do I
gently handle this issue? -C lean
4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. f)R 972,7
503 286 1103 fax 503 286 1146
ernie lull h5mb@s,a,etarra com
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service®
Are you currently in an
adjustable rate mortgage?
Is your rate increasing?
Are you behind in your
mortgage payments?
M an; O n-Line Reader
Dear Clean Man:
Your girl friend is a slob and it’ll
take an infection or food poison­
ing to get her to see the light. If
you want to drink out of a dirty
class and have cat hair in your
throat hang in there with it. If
this cramps your style, surprise
It's never too soon to think
about refinancing.
You may have more options
then you think.
Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per
month and Call
C h a rlo tte M a rtin
222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115
Vancouver. WA 98684
O l'R t
c m a rtin @ h o m e lo a n s o u rc e .c o m
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@
Real People, Real Advice
A h advice column known fo r
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
Ask Deahna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Bird. Suite 128J
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
h u ’ iv . askdeanna, com
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
JU N E 10th at 6 p.m.
L ee W illiam s
T he Spiritu al O C ’s
An ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession
Part 4. Stress: H ow Chiropractic can
help ease life's day-to-day pressures.
. I hear a lot
* about stress
these days. Just
h ow serious is it?
S tr e s s c a u s e s h ig h
• blood pressure, w hich
in tu rn is a m ajor cause of
strokes an d heart disease. It
can lead to asthm a, arthritis,
in so m n ia an d m igraines. It
im pairsthe im m une system and
is estim ated to cost th e nation
over $100 billion each year in
lost productivity, absenteeism
and h ealth care costs. T h a t s
pretty serious.
o I have a very stress-
• full job. H ow can
Chiropractic help me?
M o d e rn C h ir o p r a c tic
• i are can help de-stress
your body. By helping your ner­
vous system work more smoothly,
C hiropractic helps assure th a t
all your body htncions (includ­
ing the ones negatively affected
by stress) are w orking properly.
W h a t s m ore, today s C h iro ­
practors can also help you w ith
natural relaxation technigues
such as yoga, message and vi­
sualization. For less stress, or
more answers to any questions
you m ight have about your
health, you II find th a t C h i­
ropractic is often the answer.
Call us for an appointm ent
Performing live at
The Double Tree Hotel
J Ballroom in Portland
OPEN AUDITIONS: Looking fo r an opening Gospel act
Auditions will he held:
May 17th a t Bamboo Lifestyles • 3325 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR
May 24th a t Comfort Interiors • 901 Main St., Vancouver, WA
Or visit: www.uprootedentertainment.com
F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n c a ll
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock,
Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
Tickets available at the following outlets I To charge by p h o n e call)'.
T ickets W est 1-800-992-8499 • O ne S top R ecords 503-284-2435