^ J J o rth m h ©bseruer Page A6 May 9, 2007 |Jnrtl¿tnh (©hserliBr K r presents The 2nd Annual Joyce Washington Classic High School All-Star Basketball Games * 2007 M en's H om e T eam H ead C oach: Paul Kelly 2007 W om en's H om e Team H ead Coach: Floyd Hall H iuh School: Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Wilson Grant Lincoln Franklin Franklin Marshall Marshall P ia vers: Janita Bodan N yeshaSim s Laquay Kennedy CaitlinGrimm Jessica M usgrave Aliyah Green M ichaelaPin Kara Kasch A m anda Anderson Shawndez Santiago Plavers: A ntwon W ooten RichardTow nsend-G rant C onnor Kavanaugh X avierTaylor Kevin Reynolds Sean Brownhill David M cNair Sean Taylor Malcolm Sinkhoof M ichael H arper Jr. 2007 W om en's V isiting Team H ead Coach: M ichael H arper 2007 M en's V isiting T eam H ead C oach: M ichael Holton Hiuh School: Grant Grant Jefferson Benson Benson Benson St. M ary's Cleveland Cleveland Wilson Plavers: Tara C ook Josephine Young Tryisha Blake Nam -Phuong Hoang Shardai Smith M ay Bates-Patten M ariah Ladd Claire Groth Lissie Parr Jessica Gilmore II ¡uh School: Jefferson Jefferson Lincoln Roosevelt Lincoln Franklin Franklin Riverdale Riverdale Wilsonville Plavers: Herschal Slaughter Dominick Dixon Johnathan Scott O tho Lesure Isiah Johnson Sean G aines Devin Boss Henry Williams Davari Harrison Jesse Rusham In memory o f Cory Neal Washington, 1965-1991 G irls Coach o f the Year: M ichael B ontem ps Hiuh School: Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Roosevelt Roosevelt Madison Madison Jefferson Cleveland Cleveland Boys C oach o f th e Year: R obert Key Come see the best of high school basketball players! Includes members of Portland public high schools' men's and women's teams! Be there to support your school! Saturday, May 26, at SEI 3920 N. Kerby, Portland Tickets available at The Portland Observer (4747 NE MLK Blvd.) Friday, May 18th $4 for Adults, $2 for Kids (age 12 and under) Doors open at 3 p.m. Men’s Game at 4 p.m. Women's Game at 5:30 p.m. Proceeds raised go to the Joyce Washington Memorial Scholarship Fund For information call Mark Washington at 503-288-0033 or email at markw@portlandobserver.com s GUNDERSON Sponsored by BURGER VILLE ë /a lb e rta Street M ark et usschwhb ! C A N N O N 'S N eil K elly RIB EXPRESS H O M E REM O D ELLIN G r B ashor's * Soctl929 MOONSTAR WINTERCREEK i I