('rin |Jnrtlaiiò (©bseruer M ay 9. 2 0 0 7 PageA 5 F ood The mission of the ‘Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observerrespectfully requests all comments and/or family recipes you would like to share with us. Address emails to foods@portlandobserver.com Breakfast Coolers The Little Things Say So Much Peaches ‘n Cream Cooler • • • • 2-cups frozen peach slices I-eup half & half 2 -12oz.cans peach nectar,chilled * l-tsp. vanilla Pineapple-Banana Cooler • 2-small bananas • I-cup half & half • 3-cups pineapple juice, chilled * Orange-Banana- Strawberry Cooler • 2-bananas • 2-cups orange juice • I-eup frozen w hole unsw eetened straw berries • I-eup half & half * May substitute orange juice. Serve Mont a creamy fru it smoothie with her special breakfast. D o n ’t fo rg et M o th e r’s D ay is S u n d ay , M ay 13th. Y ou d o n ’t h av e to spend a lot o f m oney to let M om know how m uch you care. Show her that you ap p re cia te all the big and little things she d o es each and ev e ry d ay becau se she loves you. S p rin g is ev e ry w h e re ; pick M om a nice bunch o f fresh flo w ­ ers and serv e her b rea k fa st in bed. “T o all the M oms everywhere our wish to you on this your special day. Happy M other’s Day!” Banana preparation: 1. C u tb an an asin to larg ech u n k s; wrap in alum inum foil. Freeze at least 2 hours or overnight. 2. Place all ingredients into blender container; cover, blend until smooth. Pour into glasses. Tip: G arnish glasses with fresh fruit, such as straw berries, citrus fruit slices, pineapple w edges or m araschino cherries, Ingredients for life.. SAFEWAY Ö Cinnamon Rhubarb Muffins This delicious rhubarb recipe reminds me o f Momma: a touch o f tartness and sweet­ ness blended to­ gether to create a one-of-a-kind-good- for-you-treat. Rancher’s Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak Directions Topping Ingredients • I-Tbs. sugar • 1/2-tsp. ground cinnam on Muffin Ingredients • l/2-cup firmly packed brown sugar • 1/4-cup butter, softened 1 -cup sour cream 2 eggs 1 1/2 -c u p s all-purpose flour 3/4-tsp. baking soda 1 /2 -tsp . ground cinnam on 1 1/2-cups sliced 1/4-inch fresh o r frozen rhubarb brow n sugar and butter in large bowl. Beat at m edium speed until m ixture is cream y. A dd sour cream and eggs; continue beating until well mixed. 2. Stir together flour, baking soda and 1/2-tsp. cinnam on in m edium bowl. Stir flour mixture into sourcream m ix­ ture just until moistened. Gently stir in rhubarb. Spoon into greased or pa­ per-lined 12-cup m uffin pan. 3. Stir together 1 Tbs. sugar and 1/2 -tsp . cinnamon in small bowl. Sprinkle about 'A-tsp. m ixture on each muffin. Bake for 25 to 30 m inutes or until lightly browned. Let stand 5 m inutes; rem ove from pans. EXTREME Grade A. Fresh Bone-in. CLUB PRICE 1. Preheat oven to 375F. C om bine Safeway Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast VA LU E SAVE up to $1.50 lb. SAVE up tu $5.50 lb. Pork Backribs Extra Jum bo C ooked S hrim p 21 to 25-ct Tail-on. Frozen/thawed Frozen Bone-in Imported SAVE up to $1.00 lb. CLUB PRICE 4-lb. Box Fresh California Strawberries SAVE up to $4.00 lb SAVE up to S4.11 ea. Ham & Cheese Toast Cups Pin eapp les F re s h B ro c c o li C ro w n s SAVE up to $2.00 ea. SAVE up to 91c lb D el M o n te Gold These are a unique and fu n w ay to show M om how special she is! 'SWEETEST OF THE CLUB PRICE Toast Cup Ingredients • 12 slices sandwich bread • I/4-cup butter, melted Filling Ingredients: • • • • 4-oz. cheddar cheese l/4-cup w ater 10 eggs I/4-cup chopped hell pepper, if desired • 2-Tbs. butter • I/4-lb. chopped deli ham , may substitute bacon or sausage, cooked & crum bled • Salt & pepper to taste 3. Beat w ater and eggs in large bowl with wire whisk until well mixed. 4. M elt 2-Tbs. butter in 10-ineh skil­ let; add bell pepper. Cook over m edium heat until crispy-tender: add eggs and m eat choice. C on­ tinue cooking, gently lifting por­ tions with spatula so uncooked portion flow s underneath, until Directions: 1. Preheat oven: to 400 F. Flatten eggs are set (4 to6 minutes (.Sprinkle each bread slice with a rolling pin. with shredded cheese; sprinkle with M ake a I -inch lengthw ise cut into salt and pepper, if desired. C o n ­ each com er o f bread slice with sharp tinue cooking, gently stirring, ju st knife. Lightly brush both sides o f until cheese is melted. bread slices with m elted butter. 5. Heat broiler. Place muffin pan G ently press flattened bread slices with toast cups onto ungreased into cups o f ungreased 12-cup baking sheet. Fill each toast cup m uffin pan. overlapping crust to with about l/3 cup egg mixture. form cup. Bake for 8 to IO m inutes Place 2 strips cheese on each toast cup. Broil 4 to 6-inehes from the o r until lightly browned. 2. M ean w h ile , d iv id e c h e d d a r heat until cheese ju st begins to melt cheese: cut 2-oz. into 12 slices; shred (l to 2 minutes), be sure to keep a the rem aining cheese to m ake I/2- very close eye on them in the broi 1er or they will burn. eup shredded cheese. 1 2 - P a c k P epsi F rid g e m a te s 12-oz cans SeieciKianftes d o t t a S3 50ea SAVE up to $3 98 on 2 j ñ í' . -fz . ñ n iiv iñ J IM d FREE R e d B a ro n ' ZI /I 2> 1 ■ ■■ 1 1 0- I fnr ™ I WQftffiOK 1 fc C la s s ic P iz z a 41 ’ Un Crust 15 8910 28 54-02 Sewer varetes dub Pnce $2 50 ea 9f I I jg * w ' Doritos Tortilla Chips Ocean Spray Cranberry 13-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to $3.49 on 2 Cocktail Drink 64-02 Selected varieties Out Price $2 00 ea SAVE up to $3 38 on 2 m L e a n C u is in e 4 4 I ’ ll M e a ls ■ f 6 to 12 5-02 Selected varieties Club Price $2 0 0 ea 1 ■ I M u m m C uvee N a p a , L a C re m a o r C o p p o la 750-m l Selected varietals CLUB PRICE Mother There is no love, like a mother's love. No stronger bond on Earth... A mother's love is forever strong. Never changing for all tim e... And when her children need her most A mother's love w ill shine. <•» WOK. SUM 18-et Grade AA Thank you for being there when I needed you. For believing in me, even when I doubted myself For being honest and true. For being the one person I could always trust r -« a Kellogg's Cereal Kraft Mayonnaise 12(0 255-02 Selected vaneo« C U Pnce $2 50 ea SAVE up to $5 38 on 2 or Miracle Whip 32-oz Selected varieties Limit 2 SAVE up to St 71 Gift Card Mall Great gifts made simple. God bless these special mothers, Gtxl bless them everyone... For all the tears and heartache. And for the special work they've done. by Sharon Sperry Lu ce rn e La rg e Eggs ’ S G A S O L IN E SAFEWAY Shop all your favorite retailers here. W V» twvm wutwn mn nan. , Utah *r uApo fetwngr nu* Al l I IMirS ARF PFR HOUSEHOLD, PFR DAY Items At pnees in this ad are available at your local Safeway »torn No sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions Sales m retail quantities onlv Quantities ot some items may be limited and subject to .ivailability Not responsible for tvpograph Kai ot ptetonal errors We reserve the right to iorrect all printed enors.On Buy One, Get One Free f BOGO’ l otters, customer must purchase the first item to receive rhe second item free BOGO otters ate not I 2 pnee sales It only a single item purchased, the regular pnie applies Manufacturers’ coupons mav be used on purchased items onlv - not on free items £2007 \alewav Stores. Ins I