May 9. 2007 JJortlanh © hsrruer Page A2 HT Drinks Flow on Alberta con tin u ed fro m Front the beer and w ine flow s more freely than is usual or legal. Last m o n th 's alco h o l-related m ob scene has prom pted neigh­ borhood residents, business o w n ­ ers, police and the O regon Liquor C ontrol C om m ission to find a way to curb future trouble. The art w alks are in their I Oth year, but som e long-tim e business ow ners say not all visitors are there to view art. "It’s a love/hate kind o f thing, said Allan O liver o f O nda/A rte L atinaG allery and a m em ber o f the non-profit Art on Alberta. "It has obviously created a great consciousness, but it really doesn’t do me in good in terms of my busi­ ness. People are so dazzled by the stimulation that they rarely concen­ trate on the art," Oliver said. OLCC spokesman Ken Palke said there are 38 businesses along the main 21 blocks o f the Alberta district that serveorsell alcohol. Many long­ time residents o f the neighborhood remember when just a very tew busi­ nesses served alcohol on Alberta. “In the past, because o f the neigh- ài I M borhood. it was hard to get a liquor I ícense on Alberta,” said J ames Dixon *7 of D ixon's Rib Pit on 24th Avenue. Dixon just opened his barbecue shop on the street but had lived off Alberta for several years. Many business owners believe the pubs or com plimentary wine served inside galleries shouldn't be blamed for last m onth’s disturbance. They observed several revelers bring­ ing their own alcohol to the event and drinking illegally on the street. "People think it’s Mardi Gras,” said Bianca Youngers, who owns Binks on 27th Avenue with her hus­ band, Justin. "They have the idea that it's okay to walk around with photo by S arah B loint /T he P ortland O bserver bags or backpacks full of beer." Palke agrees, saying the agency Bianca Youngers owns Binks, a bar at Northeast 27th and Alberta. She and her employees keep close tabs on revelers during the doesn't think the bars are part of the monthly Last Thursday art event that spun out of control last month. "It's not ok to see people walking by with beers," she said. problem, and added that none ot the “It's a major inconvenience and it hold conversations with the OLCC missioner Sam Adams and Tri Met ’ s liquor licensees have recently vio­ staff eight or nine," she said. affects the entire line,” she said. traffic control. But as crowds spill out into the and Art on Alberta this week. lated O LCC rules. Block said that on more than one TriM et has to reroute the No. 72 Kriss Parnell of Keystone Mort­ Youngers says her Binks’ staff is street, both the bars' and the OLCC ’ s occasion in the past, people on bus for safety reasons during the gage on 22nd Avenue has helped among the toughest in the neighbor- jurisdiction reaches adead-end. Deal­ Alberta have staggered in front of m o n th ly e v e n t, sta y in g on hixxl, placing wristbands on all drink­ ing with those who bring their own form an Alberta Street Safety Project. buses and have thrown beer bottles ers and strictly monitoring the side­ alcohol is a matter for the police. at bus drivers, prompting some op­ Officers said they issued 40 to 60 walk to keep patrons from w ander­ erators to say they don’t want to warnings to individuals with open ing off with drinks in hand. drive that route. containers on April 26, and that side­ "W e usually staff one or two Last m onth' s event indicated that people, but on Last Thursday we walk vendors caused pedestrians to changes must com e soon. walk in the street. The OLCC, neighborhixxl and al I Lt. Bill W alker o f the Northeast other parties involved have a dead­ Precinct saidheandCmdr. BretSmith line o f Saturday, May 19 to find a are set to strategize how best to better way to celebrate - that's the -B la n c a Youngers, owner of Binks handle future art walks while main­ date o f the annual art hop running taining a festive atmosphere. from early morning to midnight. Killingsworth and missing a total of “This is not really acrackdow n on The group has addressed among O liver o f Art on Alberta said the 28 stops. Shirley Block.afieldopera- w hat's going on there, it’s just going other issues the impact of closing com m unity is invited to weigh in ato tions coordinator for the transit to be a necessary enforcement," he the street and allowing only bikes their next meeting at 6:30 p.m. M on­ agency, says rerouting the bus af­ and pedestrians during the upcom­ -4 ’ said. day. May 14 at the Acadian Ball­ Police haven't come up with any ing Art Walk. T hey've met with the fects several people who rely on the room, 1829N.E. Alberta. system. police, representatives o f City Com- firm plans. W alker said, but hope to i People think it's Mardi Gras. They have the idea that it's ok to walk around with bags or backpacks full o f beer. ,w < "3^ ‘Ä A lì v Secret Service to Protect Obama African American. Lawyer. Civil Rights Pioneer. rv Ï. In 1920s Portland, Beatrice Morrow Cannady defied racial injustice, refused limitations and challenged expectations. «k ta n w n m iiR iiiii Tune in to Oregon Experience on OPB TV Monday .1^=1 TV RADIO ONLINE NAACP Vancouver Banquet Saturday Grand Opening at The Streets of Tanasbourne! Portrait Package Special K 2 ÍR Package Includes: O ne-10 x 13 O nly Two-8 x 1 0’s ... * Four-5 x 7’s Four-3 x 5’s And 32 Wallets ■Lrÿ - PLUS 6 Free Personalized Portrait Cards 40 Card Designs! \ Bring on extra change of clothes for you ond your family No sitting fees or charges W e v e innovated every p art of the portrait experience. THE PHOTOGRAPHY SESSION' YOUR PORTRAITS ARE READY ALREADY CREATE O N E O f-A K IN D PORTRAITS V IE W A N D SELECT YOUR FAVORITES 7 J T he V an co u v er B ranch o f the th o u g h ts on "C o m m u n ity P artici­ b e h a lf o f d iv e rsity and fair and N A A C P w ill hold its annual b a n ­ pation in the E d u catio n o f O ur equal treatm ent fo rali com m unity q u et on S atu rd ay , M ay 12, from C h ild re n ." B ranch has spent his m em bers. M o e lle r's c o n trib u tio n s in ­ ca re e r fo cu sin g on 5:3O-8:3Op.m. inGaiser c lu d e b eing the first local le g isla ­ im p ro v in g the lives Hall on the cam p u s o f to r to ac tiv e ly so lic it A frican o f u n d e r s e r v e d C lark C o lleg e, 1933 A m erican y o u th to serv e as le g ­ y outh an d ad u lts in Fort V an co u v er W ay. islativ e pag es, h elp in g to b rin g a the areas o f h ig h er T h e first h o u r is r e ­ W ash in g to n S tate H um an R ights e d u c a t io n , v o c a ­ serv ed for so cializin g C o m m is s io n o f f ic e to C la rk tional and technical an d v isitin g ex h ib its, C o u n ty , and w o rk in g su c c e ss­ train in g , and h ealth fo llo w e d by d in n e r fully to pass leg islatio n p ro h ib it­ care. and the program . T ick ­ ing d iscrim in atio n ag ain st people T h e g ro u p will ets are $25 and can be b ased on th eir sexual o rien tatio n . p resen t a D iversity p u rch ased o n lin e via A c a d e m ic A c h ie v e m e n t L ead ersh ip A w ard the N A A C P w ebsite to W a s h in g to n A w ard s will be p resen ted to high n a a c p v a n c .o rg . R. Wayne Branch S ta te R e p . Jim school sen io rs w ho have m ain ­ T h e b an q u et k ey ­ note sp eak er is Dr. R. W ayne M oeller, a V an co u v er D em ocrat tain ed a 3.0 grad e p o in t av erag e B r a n c h w h o w ill s h a r e h is know n for his o n g o in g w ork on or above. Minority Entrepreneurs Trade Show T h e O re g o n A sso c ia tio n o f M in o rity E n tre p re n e u rs h o ld s th e n o r th w e s t's la rg e s t tra d e sh o w fo r m in o rity , w o m en an d e m e rg in g sm all b u s in e sse s on T h u rs d a y , fro m 10 a.m . to 3 p.m . at th e O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r. W alter B ond, a m o tivational s p e a k e r fro m C h ic a g o an d a fo rm er p ro fe ssio n a l b ask etb a ll p la y er, w ill se rv e as k e y n o te ana w «MB Photographer» who can move moke portrait! that are moving Choo»« from 3 6 greo t po»«» N o t |u»f 6 Spoetai «ffocf», tono» and prop» create one-ofoiund portrait» Portroit» in 15 minut«», not 15 day» The Streets o f Tanasbourne Innovations We’ve totally re-invented the studio experience. Vp.,.,,,™™.. M t ta, hm m,. h, k.w it was based on any threat." Obama's rival. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, has a Secret Service detail that is provided to all former first ladies. In a Feb. 12 interview with The Associated Press, Obama dismissed concerns about his own security, but would not an­ swer directly when asked if he had received death threats. The Rev. Jesse Jackson drew early Secret Service protection be­ cause of violent threats during his campaigns for president in the 1980s. (AP) - The Secret Service says Democratic Sen. Barack Obama is being placed under its protection, the earliest ever for a presidential candidate. Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren said Department of Homeland Security Secre­ tary Michael C hertoff autho­ rized Obam a's protection af­ ter consultations with the con­ gressional advisory com m it­ tee. Zahren would not provide de­ Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-lll. tails of what led to the extra addresses the First AME Church congregation Sunday in Los security, but said, Tm not aware Angeles, Calif. (AP Photo) 2219 NW Allif Avenue, Suite 1460 Hillsboro, OR 97124 • 503.645.9900 a lM m . S,. « h m i fcr n> «HairotJ -twin« O U v <*«■ S'l J Renan l‘«L>®- SpniJ of w non»»»' ululi stthwtn • * nnaix iwnp.niu >1 muron BMB B^B ' | U O U LI U USCn D V i i u 0 / 0 w. I noon and 1:3() p.m . F or reg istratio n and luncheon in fo rm atio n , call O A M E at 503- 2 4 9 -7 7 4 4 o r visit o a m e .o rg . «■■ B^B BH BIM •' c '"” k ZZL u ^ 1503-288-0033 ■■ ■■ BBB ■■■ HMi w i Dorila«!» b«r»rr Fj|1 Qut & Send To. portlandOR97208 c ii r v » p c IT A/m: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, subscriptions are (usi $60 per year (please include check with this subscription torni) ! N ame : Studio Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. ■■» BBB ^BB BIM sp e a k e r w h en th e trad e show b reak s for its lunch eo n betw een T elephone :__________________ A ddress : 1 «^ Tth-tnrb^t ro.hunpr .eany i I