Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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May 9. 2007
Happy Mother 's Day
Sharing thoughts on mom, with love
‘Being a full-time mother is one o f the
highest salaried jobs... since the pay­
ment is pure love. — Mildred B. Ver­
‘Biology is the least o f what makes
someone a mother. ’—Oprah Winfrey
‘Mama was my greatest teacher, a
teacher o f compassion, love and fea r­
lessness. I f love is sweet as a flower,
then my mother is that sweet flow er o f
love. ’ — Stevie Wonder
‘Life is nothing but a series o f crosses
fo r us mothers. ’ — Colette (French
‘Mama exhorted her children at every
opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We
might not land on the sun, but at least
we would get o ff the ground. ’ — Zora
‘The heart o f a mother is a deep abyss
Neale Hurston
at the bottom o f which you will always
‘A mother is a person who seeing that fin d forgiveness. ’ -- Honoré de Balzac
there are only four pieces o f pie forfive
people, promptly announces she never ‘The real religion o f the world conies
from women much more than from
did care fo r pie. ’ -- Tenneva Jordan
men - from mothers most o f all, who
carry' the key o f our souls in their
bosoms. ’ — Oliver Wendell Holmes
‘God could not be everywhere and
therefore he made m others.' -- Jewish
R eligion _________
American Idols
of Gospel
Think of it as the American
Idol for Gospel music. Local
gospel singers and rappers are
invited to audition as the open­
ing act for national recording
artist Lee Williams during a
special concert on June 10.
Uprooted Entertainment is
hosting the auditions on Thurs­
day, May 17 at 6 p.m. at Bam­
boo L ife sty le s, 3321 S.E
Hawthorne. A second round
of auditions will take place
Thursday, May 24 at Comfort
Interiors, 901 Main Street in
For more information, visit
Spring Revival at Allen Temple
A llen T em p le C M E C hurch
is p resen tin g “ A H ealing for
the S o u l” S prin g R evival, at 7
p .m . o n th r e e c o n s e c u tiv e
n ig h ts b e g in n in g T h u rs d a y ,
M ay 9 th ro u g h F riday, M ay 11.
G uest S p eak e r is ev a n g elist
Dr. Jam es E. M cN eil, Jr., the
sen io r p asto r at C h ristian C e n ­
tral C M E C h u rch in D allas,
T ex as, a co n g re g atio n o f 4,000
m em bers.
Dr. M cN eil has a special focus
o f p rep a rin g ch u rch es for 21st
cen tu ry m in istries th ro u g h the
w o rsh ip ex p erien ce, lead ersh ip
train in g , team b u ild in g , and the
ce n trality o f prayer.
“ R evival is renew al and reco v ­
ery. W e invite in d iv id u als w ho
are tired o f stru g g lin g , w ounded
from past relatio n sh ip s, feeling
d ep ressed and lonely to attend.
Revival is the an sw er," says M in­
ister A rrian n a M oody, c h a irp e r­
son o f A llen T e m p le ’s E v an g e­
lism M inistry.
For inform ation, call the church
at 503-287-0261 o r contact senior
p asto r Dr. L eR oy H aynes Jr.
Wheeler Responds
to Racial Disparities
m itm ent to SUN preceded his
elected position, said his prefer­
im b a la n c e d , sin c e th e re are ence would be that SUN schools,
plenty o f co o rd in a to rs in the to the degree th ey ’re able, co n ­
P ortland Public S ch o o ls D is­ tinue to seek alternative funding,
trict but not in E ast C ounty.
and in the case o f som e sites,
“Frankly, that’s where we need charge parents w ho can afford to
more anti-poverty services,” he pay for the program.
W h e eler’s budget does in­
W h eeler has asked an o v e r­ clude funding for a specific Health
s ig h t c o u n c il m a d e u p o f D epartm ent initiative to reduce
M u ltn o m a h C o u n t y ,
th e racial disparities and he said he
will challenge other
C h ild r e n 's I n v e s t­
m ent Fund, school
com m unities to do
the same.
d is tric ts an d n o n ­
The public is in­
p ro fit se rv ic e p ro ­
vited to weigh in on
v id e rs to c re a te a
the budget propos­
more effective model
als during a forum
to re p la c e T o u c h ­
hosted by the C om ­
s to n e - o n e th a t
m unities o f Color
w o u ld
in te g ra te
c o u n ty
s e rv ic e s
Coalition on M on­
w ith S ch o o ls U n it­
day, May 14 ,begin­
in g
N e ig h b o r s
ning at 6 p.m. at the
sch o o l sites,
Im m ig ra n t an d
SUN , a popular af­
Refugee C om m u­
te r-sc h o o l p rogram Ted Wheeler
nity Organization at
that serv es lo w -in ­
10301 N.E.Glisan St.
c o m e an d m in o rity ch ild ren
A nother county budget hear­
through educational and co m ­ ing will take place at 6 p. in. T ues­
m unity resources, is no longer in day, May 22 at the M ultnomah
dire straits after the program found Building, 501 S.E. Hawthorne.
alternative funding following a The public is invited to attend the
$ 1.7 m illion cut from the county final budget vote at 10:45 a.m.
budget last year.
Thursday, June 7 at the county
T he county chair, whose com - building.
con tin u ed
< y f\
fro m M etro
T íí/Z ú v n i
Leon's Barber Sbop
1319 NE Freemont St.
Portland, OR 97212
8 am - 6 pm Tues.-Sat
Shop 503-288-4268
Cell 503-308-4488
Unity in Praise Presents a flight o f high praise
Saturday, M ay 19 at 6 p.m.
Many local guests
AMBC • 5935 N. M innesota. Portland
Grace M em orial High Tea
Stephen Kiesling,editorofthejournal Spiri­
tuality and Health, will beguest of honor at a
High Tea on Saturday, May 12 from noon to
1:30 p.m. at Grace Memorial Episcopal
Church. 1535 N.E. 17th Ave.
For $20, participants will be served tea,
cucumber sandwiches, tarts, scones and other
Kiesling was a member of the 1980 U.S.
Olympic rowing team, and for more than 20
years has studied the body-mind-spirit connec­
For reservations, call 287-0418 or visit
P raise for E veryone
F ree E vent
Contact'. M rs. Jam ar Buckley @ 5 0 3 .2 8 9 .3 6 6 5
Have you seen me?
Missing and Exploited Children
© b i t u a r i v i
In Loving Memory
Portland Jazz Great Remembered
seum w ith a band co n ­
s is tin g o f tr u m p e te r
A k b ar D eP riest, a
T h ara M em ory, pianist
P o rtla n d J a z z a rtist
G o rd o n Lee and b ass­
w ho left L os A ngeles
is t P h il B a k e r . H e
in 1955 to p la y th e
o p en ed at the W h aler
“c h itlin ” circ u it and
in L ake O sw ego as the
then played w ith m any
o f the ja z z greats o v er five d e ­ A kbar D ePriest Q uartet w ith pia­
cades, b oth in the U nited States nist Janice Scroggins, saxophon­
ist Bobby Bryant Jr., bassist Tim
and abroad, d ied M ay 2.
s in g e r L e s lie
A m e m o ria l se rv ic e w as h eld G ils o n
F rid a y at th e M u slim C o m m u ­ H enderson.
In 1991. A kbar started a series
nity C e n te r on N o rth e a st M a r­
tin L u th e r K in g Jr. B o u lev a rd . o f Fam ily Jazz concerts w ith a
A trib u te c o n c e rt is b ein g put grant from the M etropolitan Arts
to g e th e r th a t w ill re p la c e th is C om m ission. In 1993, 94, and 95
m o n th 's D e P rie st F a m ily Ja z z he co n tin u ed the F am ily Jazz
seriesb and jo in ed the faculty at
c o n c e rt d ate.
A k b ar m oved to P ortland in U niversity o f Portland as co-di-
1987 and o rg an ized T h e D ePriest rector o f the Jazz ensem ble and
Project. In 1988, he perform ed instructor for jazz history and im ­
tw ice at the P ortland Art Mu- provisation.
He w orked for over 20 years as
a letter carrier for the Postal S er­
Henry Earl Williams
vice and som etim es part time as a
Funeral services were scheduled waiterin the former M eier & frank's
W ednesday at Im m aculate Heart A la d d in R e sta u ra n t. H e a lso
C atholic Church for Henry W ill­ w orked for the Portland A irport as
iams who died May 3,2007. He was a skycap after his retirem ent from
the post office.
He was born Feb. 20, 1914, in
Henry possessed a love o f life
Plaquem ine, La., the
that was contagious
son o f Victor Earl and
to all who knew him.
Rachel Paulin W ill­
His faith, family val­
ia m s. H is fa m ily
u e s , p e r s o n a lity ,
m oved to New O r­
dancing skills, love
leans w hen he was a
o f com m unity, work
young child. He at­
and business skills
te n d ed e le m e n ta ry
will alw ays serve as
s e c o n d a ry
an exam ple to others.
schools in New O r­
He was preceded
leans, a city he grew
in death by his wife,
to love the rest o f his
sister and daughter.
He leaves to mourn
\i ricin sc with divei sity in
He practiced his faith as a young his passing, his beloved son; a
C atholic by attending M ass with niece, Faye(A nn) Penny; neph­
V o r tla n b <0b£ e ru cr
his parents and sister Theresa. He ew s and friends.
('.ill 5 0 3 -288-0 j)33
met Hazel W illiam s and they fell in
love and were married Aug. 19,1939.
Saundra and V ictor were the ch il­
dren that w ere born to this w onder­
ful union.
Northwest Voice For Christ Community Church
Henry later joined the Navy in
I “T he Faithful C hurch" Rev.3: 7 - 12
1943. After his honorable discharge,
“ Keeping It Real Jesus' W ay"
he secured a jo b with the Union
84 NE K illingsworth Street, Portland, Oregon
Pacific Railroail as a porter. He lived
Missing from Fort Fairfield, ME
I f you have any information please contact:
The National Centerfor Missing and Exploited Children
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same.
Available at your local bookstore or from
Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St.
Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116
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• All orders shipped within 24 hours
Date Missing: April 25,2007
Missing from Brooklyn NY
Read the book used by millions to reduce stress,
anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a
better life with fewer problems.
Rev. H. L. H odge, Ph D. — PastorfTeacher/Life Change Specialist
Email: htxlgchspks@ m sn.com • w w w /nw vctrainingm inistry.com
Date Missing: April 16,2007
W orship Service -- Sundays 1:30 P.M.
Prayer/Bihte Study — W ednesdays 6 :00 P.M.
G ilgal: a Training M inistry (2nd Kings 4:38)
All are w elcom e to com e and get a solid foundation on how Jesus
im pacts our lives in the 21st century! W e will keep it real
Alexandria Winship-Wright
Current age: 3
Tyreek Raysheen Lee
Current Age: 10
Dianetics can help you live
a better and happier life
A New Worship Experience In Northeast Portland
in New O rleans. C hicago, Detroit,
and New York. He moved his family
to Portland in 1949.
The Portland com m unity ben­
efited from his presence as a co ­
founder and charter m em ber o f the
Port I and C hapter o f the Jack and J i 11
C lub, a m em ber of the Royal E s­
quires C lub, the Elks C lub, and the
Leisure H ourG olfC lub.
Endangered Missing
Akbar DePriest
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