50¡¿ Interim Principal years Mother’s Day With Dudley gone, Jefferson's Harris seeks democracy o¡ •'com munity service Sharing words of wisdom, with love See page B5 See story, Metro section, inside tv n f R nepc’ ‘City of Roses’ ^^**1 r ..................... — Established in 1970 Volume XXXVII. Number 18 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • May 9, 2007 .Week in The Review Drinks Flow on Alberta Six Charged in Plot Six foreign-born M uslims were ar rested and accused T uesday of plotting to attack Fort Dix in New York and slaughter scores o f U.S soldiers — a schem e the FBI says w as foiled when the men asked a store clerk to copy a video o f them firing assault weapons and scream ­ ing about jihad. Kansas Town Destroyed R esidents o f G reensburg, Kan. w ere allow ed to visit their homes M onday — the first tim e since Fri­ day w hen a tornado destroyed an estim ated 95 percent o f the town as it cleared a path 1.7 m iles wide and 22 miles long. At least 10people were killed. Art gives way to beer and wine Bush Rating Lowest Yet P resident G eorge W. B ush's ap ­ proval rating has fallen to 28 p e r­ cent in a N ew sw eek Poll released S atu rd ay , an all-tim e low for Bush in that survey. N early tw o o ut o f three A m erican s — 62 p e r­ ce n t — b eliev e B ush's recent a c ­ tions in Iraq show he is "stu b ­ born and u nw illing to adm it his m istakes," N ew sw eek reported. photo by S arah B lount /T he P ortland O bserver Allan Oliver is one o f the earliest gallery owners to set up shop along Northeast Alberta Street, with Onda/Arte Latina at 22nd Avenue. Oliver enjoys the recognition he gets on the monthly Last Thursday art event, but believes most people are too distracted by the street scene to notice his collections. by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver As with many gentrified neigh­ borhoods, plans in the 1990s called for m aking a large swath o f N orth­ east A lberta Street into funky bou­ tiques, artists' galleries and stu­ dios. But now more than ever. A lhena is ju st as well know n as a place to enjoy a drink. T his is especially trueduring the monthly Last Thurs­ day art w alk when the avenue be­ com es a crow d-choked party where continued on page A2 Imus to Sue CBS D isgraced radio host Don Imus will sue CBS Radio for the huge portion o fh is $40 million contract that was left unpaid after he was fired for rac­ ist and sexist com m ents, his attor­ ney said Thursday. LAPD Brass Reassigned The highest ranking Los A ngeles police official at the scene o f a violent clash between officers and people at an im m igration rally was dem oted M onday, and his sec­ ond-in-com m and was transferred. Police w ere videotaped using ba­ tons and firing rubber bullets at dem onstrators and journalists in a park after an otherw ise peaceful march for im m igration reform on May 1. Spider-Man Sets Record Spider-M an caught ju st about ev eryone in his web. The superhero's latest adventure, "Spider-M an 3," sm ashed box-office records over the weekend with $ 148 million in its first three days, according to stu­ dio estim ates. Hilton Gets Jail Term P a r is H ilto n f m u st se rv e 45 d ays in ja il for v io l a t i n g h e r p r o b a ti o n by d riv in g w ithout a valid license. L o s A n g e le s S u p e rio r C o u rt Ju d g e M ichael S auer ruled F ri­ d ay the 2 6 -y e a r-o ld c e le b rity h eiress m ust turn h e rse lf in by Ju n e 5. A visibly shocked and tearful H ilton called the d ecision "cruel and u n w a rra n te d .” Saw s h Grannies Take Action to Stop War Iraq disaster laid on leadership, media by R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver In planning an invasion o f Iraq, the Bush A d m in is tr a tio n w a s n ’t c o u n tin g on P ortland’s Seriously Pissed-off G rannies. T he anti-w ar group is getting a reputation for its w eekly protests and acts o f civil disobedience. The latest occurred during the early m orning hours o f May I when these senior citizens used m ore than $ 100 in coins to open O regonian boxes throughout the Portland area and blanket the boxes with theirow n "O regon Extra" section criticizing the m edia’s role in suppressing negative stories on the w a r . “ It was technically a theft o f service,’’ said Pat Schw eibert, as she and her com pa­ triots rem inisced the follow ing Thursday in the 8,000-sqaure-foot N ortheast 18th A v­ enue Peace House, w here several o f the group's 15-20 active members live with other activist leaders. “ We were looking forward to aci vil suit,” said DeEtte Beghtol, “but I guess the O rego­ photo by C hris L eck nian realized how m any law yers w ould rush Sara Graham, 66. is arrested for blocking the army recruiting center at Northeast 13th and Broadway. The April 20 protest to defend us.” was one o f many she and her so-called Seriously Pissed-off Grannies have organized in opposition to the Iraq War. W ith the general reluctance to prosecute, the grannies have been m ore daring in g et­ “W e’ll keep that in mind for our next Rhododendron G arden organized through am ple, they reg u larly d isru p t ac tiv itie s ting its antiw ar m essage across. The guer­ caper," said Beghtol. S tandingW om en.org. o u tsid e the A rm y R ecruiting C en ter on rilla paper generated another regret: M any For the next protest, they are willing to M ost o f the g ra n n ie s’ actio n s tend to N o rth east B roadw ay. readers passed o ver it to find their favorite announce, the group will participate in a push the line fu rth er than five m inutes o f continued 'y f on page A 2 O regonian sections. M o th er's Day action at Crystal Springs silen c e o u tsid e o f a busy park. F or ex- Targeting Gun Violence H igh estin the Nation Gas prices in Oregon are among the highest in the nation, accord­ ing to Oregon AAA, eclipsing the national average o f $3.07. Gas prices have risen sharply in recent weeks on concerns that refiners aren't making enough to meet peak summer demand. Ceasefire gun turn-in Saturday Régulai EHE Plus CJCMKa ;• “ 0E3 V-Power S 5* T he Earn Turn-tn Nerg Sat, urday 220. I Food Mart PHOTO BY M ark W ashington / P ortland O bserver by L ee P erlman Till P ortland O bserver Ceasefire O regon has an offer for you: Turn in an unneeded and potentially dangerous hunk o f iron G z //j and get som ething useful back. The foundation's annual gun turn-in takes place on Saturday, M ay 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Redeem er Lutheran Church, Northeast 20th and K illingsw orth Street. A nyone turning in all or part of a firearm that they no longer want will have the choice o f receiving a gift certificate worth $50 at Fred photo by M ark W asiiington /T iie P ortland O bsery e r Meyer, New Seasons Market, I 'nion Julie Sterling of Ceasefire Oregon helps prepare Redeemer 76or Nike. A limited num berofTrail P er Gallon continued on page .43 Lutheran Church at 5431 N.E. 20th Ave. and Killingsworth Street for Saturday's annual gun turn-in. Anyone giving up all or part of a firearm will get a $50 gift certificate.