¿Tir l>|Jorthuih ©bserucr May 2, 2 0 0 7 Page B3 H ealth yo u » #i^ o u n c f n ! Magazine on Black Health BELLY DANCE YOUR WAY TO SEXYABSi ■ WAT3.\ T fJ Ê D A V IT IS BOTTLED REALLY BETTER? T FO K Y : PSE-JS'/ERIi'IG AGAIH'JT ALL ODD'j BffEîr.';& •. ¿<-• .'¿T c îx $ 4 .5 0 US Iti 0«77-273» The official release o f the nationally distributed Black Health Magazine hit store shelves this month. Black Health will be published monthly as a source for health awareness. It will address the holistic health concerns within the African American community as well as the com­ munity at large. The magazine's goal is to provide the answers to vital questions about health and serve as an empower­ ment tool of new generational health within the African American community and to other readers. • 0 F»709’’ 7r ?7’30¡ Top 2°/o in Portland M etro The Partnership fo r Prescription Assistance has passed its tw o year anniversary o f focusing attention on patient assistance programs that provide free o r nearly free medicine to struggling Americans who are uninsured or undcrinsured. Sponsored by A m e rica ’ s phar­ maceutical research companies, the PPA says it has already helped more than 3.6 m illio n people nation­ wide, w ith m illio n s o f additional people that could potential ly qual ify fo r assistance. “ We are 100 percent com m itted to fin d in g ways to help Americans live longer, healthierand more pro­ ductive lives," said B illy Tauzin, President and CEO o f the Pharma­ ceutical Research and M anufac­ turers o f America. Through a toll-free number (1- 888-4P P A -N O W ) and the Web site w w w .pparx.org, the PPA provides a single point o f access to more than 475 public and private patient assistance programs that could offer help on more than 2.5(M) prescrip­ tion medicines, including a wide range o f generics. Portland P ie n u n r Tony and Libby Kelly 3 M B A M.Ed., Brokers, CRS, ADR. SRES V SellmgPortlandReal Estate. < 5 0 3 -3 3 0 -5 4 8 8 17^00 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland. OR Featured Agents on HGI V’s “House Hunters" State Farm* Providing Insui chick .md Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 9/217 503 ?8K 1103 (ax 903 286 1146 eime hili hiknlraJsiatetanu cum c 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Herbs Asian Bodywork/Massage Carrie A. Klein, MAcOM, LAc Davina Leong Program Offers Free Prescriptions for Poor KELLER WILLIAMS licensed massage therapist 503-367-0844 Alberta St. Acupuncture Clinic 1829 NE Alberta St., Ste A Portland. OR 97211 (503) 249-9300 Have you seen me? Missing and Exploited Children ___ 1-80Ö-THE-LOST Endangered Missing Local Vets Cautious on Pet Food Supply continued from Metro northeast P ortland, spokesman D avid L y tle said he was surprised the shelter has not been o v e r­ whelmed w ith inquiries. Instead, he said, the public relies on retailers to get the bad foods o ff the shelf. Healthy Pets Northwest, w hich has three Portland locations, has long since dealt w ith higher-end pet fo o d s, so the q u e stio n o f “ w hat’ s in m y pet’ s food?” is noth­ in g new to fo u n d e r J u lie Cantonwine. But C antonw ine’ s partner and ow ner o f the A lberta Street store, Laura A m ito n , said the brands re­ cently recalled only reflect a small percentage o f the overall market. “ There are s till so many compa­ nies w ith high standards, in terms o f what types o f ingredients they use and where their food is pro­ duced,” she said. A m ito n said Healthy Pets only sells food that contains protein, vegetables and/or grain considered fo r human consumption. But she warns against buying foods con­ taining grain. “ Pets really don’ t need a lot o f grain in their diets unless i t ’ s a whole grain,” she said. “ A nything outside that tends to be fille r." So how do consumers know which foods are healthiest fo r their pet? A n easy way is to choose foods w ith simple ingredient lists that start out w ith whole foods like chicken or sweet potatoes. I f there are lots o f chemicals or the list begins w ith water, by-prod­ uct meat o r grain, you know i t ’ s a bad food, she said. She says the price o f high-end and organic foods isn’ t as p ro h ib i­ tive as people assume. “ Yes, you w ill pay a little more upfront fo r human-grade food, but they need less volum e o f food per day,” she said. “ I hear from custom­ ers co n siste n tly ‘ thank you so much, I don’ t have to buy as much food anymore.” ’ Pet food retailers and medical experts all agree that i f you decide to change your pet’ s food, it ’ s best to go about it slo w ly - over three or four days - by blending the old and new foods together. C hiropractic Physician 5121 \ F 3 3 r < l Xveinir We are located at P o rtla n d . O H 97211 Phone 5113-295-1 <»39 Cell 971-344-6414 l u \ 503-295-1005 i i i c i i . /i-.v I'liiuil: leshi IrsitiiilH iirllirpii.iinii Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? I t’s never too soon to think about refinancing. then you think. Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 Charlotte M artin 3 6 0 -8 2 3 -1 4 4 1 t=J 1 -8 8 8 -8 4 9 -0 5 8 8 HOMELOAN SOCR( I e m a n in e homeloansourec.com !) yo u have any inform ation please contact: The National C enter for M issing and Exploited Children 1-M0-1 HE-LOST ( 1-800-843-5678 > This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. New Prices Effective May 1 ,2 0 0 7 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG Dentures Worth Smiling About! D enturist 5O3-23O-O2O7 % $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Pre-Spray Traffic Areas Each Area I Includes: / small H allway) $40.00 I Cleaning Area (only) (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • H allway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (W ith O th er S erviees) Heavily Soiled Area: Melanie Block, L.D. Save hundreds o f $$$$$ p e r 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver, W A 98684 • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries • Professional Services • A ffordable Prices Paym ent Plans: O A C • O ver 20 years experience • Full & Partial D entures • Natural A ppearance Full Service Lab • A ccepting Oregon Health Plan You may have more options month and C a ll 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 ( Between Broadway and Sandv Bird.) uh tin nil In /in . n u l l The EHI believe that the children may he with their non­ custodial Mother in tin Seattle, tV',1 or Portland, OR area. •"> Dr. Marcelitte Failla uni IwiklteeiHiifi service f Donovan Roy Revander Current Age: 6 Date Missing: Mareh 24. 2007 Missing from: Kalispell. M T For updates on pet food recalls, v is it the U.S. Food and Drug A d ­ m in is tra tio n w e b s ite at w w w .fda.gov. Your Care Our First Priority Lea Whitworth C.P.A. Indigo Viola Kevandcr Current Age: 11 Additional $ I O.(M) A D D IT IO N A L S E R V IC E S Area & ( )riental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet O dor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotehguard Protection UPHOLS TER Y C I E Sofa Loveseat Sectional ( ’hair or Recliner Throw Pillows (W ith O ther Serv ices) A Y/YG $79.00 $59.00 $109 - $139 $35 - $49 $5.00 1020 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 205 Off M LK on NE Multnomah See Flyers for Additional Priees Call For Appointment Free p a rk in g (503) 281-3949