Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 02, 2007, Page 8, Image 8

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e Jlnrtlanh ffîbseruer
May 2. 2007
H ealth
C hildren Need D iagnosis, Treatm ent
ADHLÌ research
pays off for
local families
' l l took 8 years to get my son
diagnosed. He had had grades,
referrals fo r had behaviors, de­
tention, distraction, couldn t
stay on task, they kept passing
him over ... finally a teacher
suggested he get evaluated fo r
ADHD. That made all the dif­
ference. I used to pray before
we started working on his home­
work at night... Now Z give him
his medication and just pray
when I need it. ”
by A nn K. B eckett
T he A frican-A m erican com ­
m unity is grow ing in its reco g ­
nition o f the value of m ental
health care. Statem ents like the
one above illustrate how e sse n ­
tial it is for us to get the ap p ro ­
priate interventions for our c h il­
dren so that they may receive
help that allow s them to func­
tion at their highest capacity.
W e are losing too m any of
our children, and ap propriate
m easures need to be identified
and utilized for them to be su c­
cessful in this com p etitiv e so ­
ciety. I am by no m eans, su p ­
porting the b e lie f that all c h il­
dren w ho get into trouble have
diagnosable m ental health prob-
Erika Jones finds time to support two kids with a reading lesson. Support for mothers is an important part of an OHSU study.
lem s, but w hat I w ant to em ­
p h asize is that m any o f our
children have problem s that can
be helped w ith the proper d ia g ­
nosis and treatm ent.
All treatm ent for A ttention
D eficit H yperactivity D isorder
d o e sn ’t have to be w ith m edi­
c a tio n . O u r r e s e a r c h te a m
learned from the previous study
that w hat is m ost n eed ed is
support- support for m others
w ho have the m ain re sp o n sib il­
ity o f caring fo r ch ildren on a
d a y -to -d a y b a sis. W hen this
support is av ailab le, we can be
assured the fam ily has a better
chance to im prove the c h ild 's
As a m other, gran d m o th er
and clin ician , I recognize the
challenges that exist in trying
to understand and help our c h il­
M any readers o f the P o rt­
land O b serv er p articipated in
th e p re v io u s stu d y : A D H D ,
E thnicity and E nvironm ent. I
am pleased to say th at as a
result o f w hat we learned from
th o se p a rtic ip a n ts , we w ere
able to get funding for a fo l­
low -up in tervention study that
provides a case m anagem ent-
style o f in tervention that gives
fam ilies support in helping c h il­
dren w ho are d iagnosed w ith
W e need yo u r participation
in this new study to d em o n ­
strate how this type o f in te r­
vention is o f value. If you are
the parent o f a child w ho has
been diag n o sed w ith A D H D , I
invite you to jo in our study and
help us learn m ore about w hat
fam ilies need.
Please call me at 503 494-
5057 or our P roject D irector,
John H orvick at 503 418-3603.
Ann K. Beckett, PhD, RN, is
an assistant professor in the
Mental Health Nursing Divi­
sion at Oregon Health Sciences
Pharmacies Stock Emergency Contraception
Plan B now available over-the-counter
Oregon pharmacies are chang­
ing the way emergency contracep­
tion is dispensed as a result of a
U.S. Food and Drug and Adminis­
Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­
tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of
tration decision last August.
"Ifyou’reover age 18,emergency
contraception can now be pur­
chased as an over-the counter phar-
Emergency contraception is now
available for over-the-counter
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____________ THE____________
macy item," said Katherine Brad­
ley, administrator of family health
programs in the Oregon Depart­
ment of Human Services Public-
Health Division. "This improved
access will help prevent unintended
T here is extensive research
showing that intended pregnan­
cies produce healthier babies and
mothers and stronger families. The
Public Health Division's family plan­
ning program encourages women
and men to plan healthy, well-timed
and intended pregnancies.
The FDA decision is that women
and men age 18 and older can now
obtain emergency contraception,
also known by its brand name. Plan
B, without a prescription. Women
under age 18 will still need a pre­
Most Oregon retail pharmacies
currently stock Plan B and the
cost is approximately $40 for one
dose of two pills.
Previously, a prescription was
needed to purchase emergency
contraception, no matter what
yourage. Obtaining prescriptions
and getting them filled created
delays in getting the medication,
particularly if it was on the week­
end. Plan B is most effective when
taken 24 to 72 hours after unpro­
tected intercourse, so timely acqui­
sition is critical to its effectiveness.
Emergency contraception con­
tains the hormones found in regu­
lar birth control pills and has been
available since the early 1970s. It is
not an abortion pill, but works like
other birth control to prevent preg­
nancy, primarily by suppressing
the release of an egg from the ovary.
Although it is a safe and effec­
tive back-up birth control method
that can prevent pregnancy after
unprotected intercourse or if con­
traception fails, it is not a substitute
for regular contraception.
"It is important that women have
information and access to contra­
ception," Bradley said. "Almost
half of all Oregon pregnancies are
unintended and about 40 percent
of those pregnancies end in abor­
tion. They can be prevented."
Health Fair
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 4. Stress: H ow Chiropractic can
help ease life's day-to-day pressures.
o 1 hear a lot
* about stress
these days. Just
how serious is it?
S tre s s
h ig h
• blood pressure, w h ic h
in tu rn is a m a jo r cause o f
strokes and heart disease. It
can lead to asthma, a rth ritis ,
in s o m n ia
and m ig ra in e s . It
e Ihaveaverystress-
• fu ll job. How can
Chiropractic help me?
M o d e rn
C h ir o p r a c t ic
• care can h e lp de-stress
W h a t s m ore, to d a y s C h iro -
practorscan also h e lp y o u w ith
natural relaxation techniques
is estim ated to cost the n a tio n
lost p n x lu c tiv ity , absenteeism
and h e a lth care costs. T h a t s
pre tty serious.
N u tritio n , Diabetes, Dental H ygiene, W om en’s H ealth. Exercise, B ike Safety, Organ D ona­
tio n, M ental H ealth, A d d ic tio n Treatm ent. Insurance, S m o kin g Prevention and Cessation
Saturday, May 5,2007
such as yoga, message and v i­
sualization. For less stress, o r
y o u r body. By h e lp in g y o u r ner­
m ore answers to any questions
vous system w o rk m ore sm oothly,
you m ig h t have about y o u r
C h iro p ra c tic helps assure th a t
h e a lth , you 11 fin d th a t C h i­
all yo u r Ix x ly tiin c io n s (in c lu d ­
ropractic is o fte n the answer.
ing the ones negatively affected
C a ll us fo r an a p p o in tm e n t
by stress) are w o rk in g properly.
i m pa i rs th e i m m tine sy stem a nd
o ve r $100 b illio n each year in
B lo od Pressure, B lo od Lead Leve l. V isio n . B ody Mass Index
Kandis Brewer Nunn Community Education Center
4625 N. Trenton Street. Portland, Oregon 97203
10:00AM to 2:00PM
Sponsored by the students o f Oregon Health and Science University:
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Flowers' Chiropractic Office
OHSU Physicians will be assisting with health screenings and education.
2124 NE Hancock,
Portland Oregon 97212
Funding provided by: OHSU Student Council: MediealSociety i f Metropolitan Portlaml: Oregon Medical Association:
OHSU Center for Ethics: Oregon Association ofEamily Physicians: Student Nursing Association of Portland
Phone: (503) 287-5504