Energy, Talent on the Home Front M etro ¡Eli May 2. 2 0 0 7 Committed to Cultural Diversity The Jefferson Dancers are a ‘must see’ as they take the Newmark Theater stage ' ^lortlauh Q^bseruer See Arts & Entertainment, inside SECTION /n o m m u nity C a le n d a r B Cinco de Mayo Women in Trades Fair D isco v er h ig h -p ay in g ca reers in c o n ­ s tru c tio n -re la te d tra d e s d u rin g th is y ea r's W om en in T ra d es C a re e r F air from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m . on S atu rd ay , M ay 5 at the N EC A /1B EW E lectrical T ra in ­ ing C e n te r, 16021 N .E. A irport W ay. C a ll 5 0 3 - 3 3 5 - 8 2 0 0 x21 o r v is i t tra d e sw o m e n .n e t. Help Loaves & Fishes T he T w o Rivers Loaves & Fishes Center, 9009 N. Foss St., needs volunteer drivers fo r m e a ls-o n -w h e e ls to e n su re that hom ebound seniors in St. Johns receive nutritional m eals and a bit o f com panion­ ship. Call 503-988-4088. “Say Hey, NW!” T hursday, May 10, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.. Partners in Diversity, 224 N. W. 13th, host the quarterly reception to w elcom e new professionals o f color relocating to O regon and Southw est W ashington. For m o re in f o rm a tio n , e m a il nakashim av@ m . African American Council Y o u 're invited on the third T uesd ay o f each m onth from 5 :3 0 p.m . to 6:30 p.m . w hen the A frican A m erican A dvisory C ouncil m eets at the King F acility, 4815 N .E. S eventh A ve. C all 503-823-0000. Free Comic Book Day Saturday, M ay 5, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Bridge City Com ics, 3725 N. M ississippi A ve., w elcom es guest o f all ages to ad­ venture into the w orld o f com ic books with hundreds o f free com ic books, and autograph signings by A dam G allardo and Rick Remender. Healing Revival W ednesday. May 9 through Friday, May 11, at 7 p.m., the Allen T em ple CM E Church, 4236 N.E. 8th Ave., welcomes the com m unity to a 'Spring R evival' for re­ newal and recovery, and rejuvenating of the spirit. For more inform ation, call 503- 287-0261. Amnesty Now! Saturday. May 5, at 7 p.m ., the Freedom S o cialist P arty and R adical W om en present the forum to explore the dem o­ cratic, multi-racial labor movement against legalized indentured servitude at the B re a d an d R o se s C e n te r, 8 1 9 N. K illingsw orth St. At 6 p.m. an interna­ tional buffet will be served for an $8 contribution. The nation's largest Cinco de Mayo fiesta opens Thursday, May 3 and continues all weekend at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, downtown. Latino pop, salsa, traditional Mexican music. South A m erican music, funk and more. This y ear's headliners include San A ntonio b ased h it-m a k e r B obby P u lid o , E 276. La Potranquita, Los Siérrenos, Banda Blanca and Beta Terrazas. T he region's finest restaurants, preparing sa­ vory Latin flavors, will tempt celebrants each day along with a beer garden and tequila tent. Shop­ ping will feature a mix o f local m erchants and a special A rtisano's area featuring G uadalajara- based jew elers and craftspeople. The event also features the Plaza de Niños, or Children's Plaza, where children experience hands- on crafts and art opportunities and entertainm ent by m agicians, balloon artists, clowns, face paint­ ers, and the traditional breaking o f candy-filled piñatas. T he fiesta is open each day from 11 a.m. to 11:30 Annual bash at Waterfront Park T he entire city is invited to celebrate four days o f family fun at the n atio n 's largest C inco celebra­ tion during the 23rd A nnual C in co d e M ayo Fiesta, T hursday, May 3 to Sunday, M ay 6 at Tom M cCall W aterfront Park in dow ntow n Portland. T h e ce le b ra tio n , h osted by the P ortland G uadalajara Sister City A ssociation, will ring in P ortland's sum m er festival season. C inco de M ayo opening day is billed as a “Sneak Peak" with free adm ission all day, as well as offering discounted rides. H ow ever, a sug­ gested donation at the gate will benefit scholar­ ships for regional Latino students. T he fiesta blasts o ff its fam ous Firew orks Spec­ tacular on Friday, May 4 at 10 p.m. The entire festival features tw o stages to show case a d i­ verse musical entertainm ent schedule, including continued ~y^ on page H5 Bobby Pulido Community Support T he African A m erican Health Coalition, a non-profit that touches the lives o f mi I lions o f African A m ericans each year, rem inds you to support your com m unity organization. All donations, grants, and gifts are tax deductible. For more inform a­ tion, visit PIL Basketball Classic S aturday. May 26. at SEI, 3920 N . Kerby, you invited to encourage and support high school athletes com pete in the Port­ land Interscholastic League Basketball Classic. D oors open at 2:30 p.m. with tip- o ff at 3 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the Joyce W ashington Memorial Scholarship Fund. Call Mark W ashington at 503-288-0033 for more inform ation. Solidarity for Peace Sunday, May 6, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., at Sellw ood Park, Southeast Seventh A v­ enue and M iller Street, the Selm or Project invites everyone to attend a non-politi­ cal. non-religious solidarity for peace event featuring live m usic, toys for the kids, a Human Peace Sym bol' andcanned food drive to stop hunger. Lent Home Buying Fair S aturday,M ay 12,from 10a.m . to 2 p .m „ at the Kelly Elementary S chool.9030S.E . C ooper St., the Lents H om eow nership partners will provide this inform ative hom e buying o p portunity, and three $5,000 down paym ent assistance grants will be raffled off. For m ore inform ation call 503-788-8052x105or visit: hom eownership.htm l. Strike Against War Saturday, May 26. at 7 p.m . the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical W om en, in­ vites you to the Bread and Roses Center, 8 19 N. K illingsw orth St., fo ra g ra ss roots m ake Portland a "sanctuary city" for sol­ diers refusing to deploy to Iraq. The forum will be preceded by a buffet at 6 p.m. for an $8 donation. Call 503-240-4462 for more information. Local Vets Cautious on Pet Food Supply Recall aftermath spikes interest in origins of food by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver Judging from a decrease in reports of illness and death, the pet food scare may be soon be over, but in the afterm ath consum ers are thinking m ore about w here their pet food com es from . G lenn Kolb, executive director o f O r­ egon V eterinary M edical A ssociation, said hopefully the recalls have reached the critical point, because the organiza­ tion is receiving few er and few er sus­ pect cases from doctors statewide. H ow ever, he added that it takes a long tim e to find out if there are other toxins responsible for the illnesses and deaths. T he best advice for a pe, ow ner, he said, is to keep a close eye on your pet. If they becom e lethargic or begin vom ­ iting or excessively urinating, th ere's a Dr. Deborah Seemann of the Lombard Animal Hospital checks out Zaphyl, a client's cat. Seemann said a series o f pet food recalls raises questions about the safety o f ingredients used in the pet food industry. Letter Carriers Fight Hunger Donations will be picked up May 12 On Saturday. May 12. letter carriers will collect nonper­ ishable fixxl donations left by m ailboxes to feed people w ho are hungry or struggling to survive because o f financial difficulties. » The goal is to collect 1.5-million pounds of fixxl for the Oregon Food Bank during the National Association of .1 x'lterGamers Fixxl I Jrive. I .asl year, more than 1,4-million pounds o f fixxl was collected by the postal workers throughout Oregon and southwest Washington. "The National A ssociation of Letter C arriers Food Drive is particularly im portant this year due Io a drop in the amount o f food we receive from the U.S. Department o f Agriculture." says Rachel Bristol. Oregon Food Bank executive. “ Last year we saw a dram atic 26 percent decline in U SD A product a drop o f 2.3-million pounds o f food," she said. “We continue to look for additional sources of fixxl to make up the loss." 1 good chance they have kidney dys­ function. A veterinarian must then con­ duct a blood test and if necessary flush toxins out o f their system Pet-related organizations across Port­ land say consum ers are relying on retail­ ers to keep the bad food o ff the shelves. Pets on Broadway in northeast Port­ land has beefed up staffing levels in response to a spike in custom er interest. M anager Don Shaw cross said custom ­ ers' main concerns are where the fixxl is made and who ow ns the com panies. He said he keeps in constant contact with the m anufacturers' representatives on the stores 30 brands and believes the safest food bets are brands w ithout wheat gluten, com gluten or rice protein, but he also recom m ends brands that have voluntarily joined the recall list. The recalled food is gone and their other flavors w ere not af fected, he said, so they are safe. At the O regon Humane Society in continued y ^ on page H.1 N utritious, shelf-stable fixxl is particularly important for the growing bodies anil brains of the estim ated 72,(MX) children each month who eat meals from em ergency fixxl boxes. Lixal residents are encouraged to donate nonperishable fixxl such as tuna fish, soups, slews, chili, canned fruits, vegetables, beans, rice and pasta. Do not include glass items, homemade items or pres iously opened containers. Place the filled bag by your mailbox on the m orning of Saturday, May 12. The letter carrier food drive annually takes place on the second Saturday in May. For more inf orm ation or to make a cash donation, call I-8 O O -7 7 7 -7 4 2 7 o r 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -0 5 5 5 or v is it w w w w